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Deep State hijack of the Internet Timeline Summary

Compiled by Americans for Innovation Investigators, Latest rev. Jun. 13, 2024 https://tinyurl.com/y8ul6zj9

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Findings of Fact, Timeline & Database

Pay-to-Play New World Order

People you trusted are now
hijacking the Internet
The Greatest Financial Crime in the History of the World
The Theft of the Social Networking Invention
Clear Evidence of Pay-to-Play Public Corruption
Search the entire Americans for Innovation database of actionable intelligence:
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Detailed citations, by year:
1877 | 1888 | 1891 | 1893 | 1897 | 1899 | 1901 | 1902 | 1909 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913 | 1914 | 1916 | 1917 | 1918 | 1919 | 1920 | 1935 | 1940 | 1943 | 1946 | 1947 | 1952 | 1961 | 1963 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1983 | 1984 | 1986 | 1987 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019

The following 1990-2018 timeline and supporting facts provide unmistakable evidence of dereliction of duty, fraud, public corruption, the appearance of impropriety, racketeering, monopoly and anti-trust by senior United States government officials, Harvard, Yale and Stanford academics and alumni, judges, law firms and their commercial accomplices. American patent law itself has been hijacked by these individuals and their organizations.

Alternatively, go to an interactive database library for a list and links to all the files, listed by date and alphabetically, at https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/

The American economic engine is being dismantled by deep-pocket intellectual property thieves. They have made the U.S. Patent Office their private toy box.

Why patent protection is essential to America.

Constitutional quiz: What are the -only property rights that the Founders considered important enough to actually write into the Constitution?

Answer: patents and copyrights. (U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 8.) President George Washington himself signed the first patent, U.S. Patent No. X0000001, on July 31, 1790.

The Founders knew the importance of innovation and invention and created the patent system to protect the young republic’s inventors.  They believed patents would grow the economy with new ideas that create new jobs and wealth. But without patent protection, inventors and their investors have no incentive to risk their time and treasure to do the hard work of inventing.

Leader Technologies of Columbus, Ohio, risked 145,000 man-hours over five years with an investment of over $10 million to invent the platform that enables social networking. Leader legally filed for patents that they believed would protect their invention.

But a pattern of public-private corruption—as shown in the following timeline—allowed the well-financed vendor of social networking to steal Leader’s invention, reproduce the design, and then use their ill-gotten gains to perpetuate their crime. They excused their theft by falsely asserting that the technology system was "open source" (i.e., "free") software.

What inventor wants to spend years perfecting and patenting an invention that may then be stolen with impunity?  What investor will trust his investment to a government that will not protect the entrepreneurial risk?

When inventors are not rewarded for their inventions, society suffers. China, once known for inventions like paper and fireworks, is now notorious for industrial espionage and intellectual property theft and for copying rather than innovating.

Do we want to risk becoming another China?

To foster the inventive spirit that made America the world’s innovator, we must protect and reward our inventors, and address the corruption that has allowed companies like Leader Technologies, the true inventors of social networking, to be fleeced by the system that was supposed to protect them.

The Greatest Financial Crime in History:
Theft of the social networking invention
Cyber Hijack Timeline Thumbnail

Go directly to the Timeline
Detailed citations, by year:
1877 | 1888 | 1891 | 1893 | 1897 | 1899 | 1901 | 1902 | 1909 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913 | 1914 | 1916 | 1917 | 1918 | 1919 | 1920 | 1935 | 1940 | 1943 | 1946 | 1947 | 1952 | 1961 | 1963 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1983 | 1984 | 1986 | 1987 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |

Brief summary of the MANY smoking guns in this collusion:

Oct. 11, 1996 False Statements Accountability Act—parties can lie to Congress and courts);
Nov. 29, 2001 IBM forms The Eclipse Foundation
Jun. 05, 2002 Chandler takes custody of Leader's invention source code
Aug. 29, 2002 Leader's invention appears in Eclipse version 2.0.1
Aug. 30, 2002 Chandler's notes confirm IBM conspiracy to misappropriate Leader's invention
Feb. 2-5, 2004 IBM EclipseCon 2004, Facebook goes live
Apr. 12, 2004 Anne-Marie Slaughter proposed A New World Order
Dec. 08, 2004 IBM"unable to locate" originator of Eclipse code—Leader Technologies
Sep. 02, 2008 A New World Order to "Fundamentally transform America"
Sep. 09, 2008 Eclipse boasts 191 members); Dec. 12, 2008 (FISA court gives Eric Holder dictatorial powers
Jun. 06, 2009 Facebook starts feeding user data to the NSA illegally
Jul. 09, 2009 Sidney Blumenthal writes Facebook into Hillary CFR speech
Aug. 03, 2009 Fenwick & West LLP disclosed Leader as prior art on Andreessen social patents, but not on Zuckerberg patents they filed
Apr. 2010 Zuckerberg refused to provide discovery in Leader v. Facebook
Jun. 24, 2010 Leonard P. Stark shoehorned into Leader v. Facebook 30 days before trial; and Larry Summers' chief of staff, Marne L. Levine went to work for Facebook on the same day
Aug. 10, 2010 Leonard P. Stark confirmed as judge, just two weeks after the Leader v. Facebook trial
Feb. 17, 2011 Obama dines and toasts with Eclipse members in Silicon Valley
Jun. 26, 2012 State Department promoted Facebook use during public litigation that proved Facebook infringes Leader Technologies' patent on 11 of 11 claims and no prior art
Jul. 18, 2012 28 Zuckerberg hard drives re-discovered!
Jun. 06, 2013 Edward Snowden exposed illegal NSA activity
Feb. 08, 2015 HSBC whistleblower Hervé Falciani exposed Facebook underwriter Deep State
Mar. 02, 2015 Obama met with Technology CEO Council at White House - All "IBM / NSA The Internet of Things" Deep State members
Oct. 10, 2015 Obama made mystery trip to Qualcomm
Oct. 12, 2015 Dell bought EMC - Both Deep State members
Dec. 01, 2015 Zuckerberg announces $45 billion of fraudulent conveyances

The summary above is not exhaustive, but merely representative of the massive fraud and racketeering that has occurred and continues to occur.

Bookmark: #new-world


This is the story and timeline of the theft of the invention called "social networking." The thieves are a group we call the "Cartel." and "Deep State." Their motives are ancient. They yearn for money and power. Their goal is a "New World Order." Theft of Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies' invention enabled them to unify their communications, monitor and control "the masses," and fulfill their rapacious grab for your assets and your liberty.

Bookmark: #Fig-4
Barack Obama onion - lies and more damn lies
Fig. 4—Barack Obama's and George Soros' New World Order is founded on the premise that bold lies are often required to achieve their goal of "fundamental transformation."

The U.S. court-proven facts are that Columbus, Ohio innovator, Michael McKibben, and the company he founded, Leader Technologies, invented social networking in the late 1990’s. Prior to that, McKibben had re-built AT&T’s email system in record time for release with Microsoft’s much ballyhooed Windows 95.

In 6, Leader was awarded its first patent. However, once the Deep State learned about Leader’s invention from an unscrupulous patent attorney and adviser to IBM and the NSA, they wanted it so badly they broke many laws to get it. The invention enabled them to create "The Internet of Things" or "The Internet of Everything" where they could permanently control the digital economy in all its aspects: communications, banking, law, energy, finance, elections, defense, technology, communications, media, healthcare, education, entertainment, politics, guns, food, environment and news.

This sounds like Hollywood fiction, but as you will read in these pages, it is all too real.

The roots of the modern day "One World Order" agenda go back to the 1700’s and philosopher Emmanuel Kant’s essay. In the 20th century, President Woodrow Wilson’s failed effort to form The League of Nations eventually became The United Nations. The disciples of this soulless, mechanistic agenda include George Soros, Bilderberg Group, the 1910 Jekyll Island Club duck-hunt, World Economic Forum (Davos), Council on Foreign Relations, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and a slew of politicians, judges and bureaucrats. They benefit personally through investment gains and insider information.

Bookmark: #Fig-5
Obama’s Fundamental Transformation of America - Saul Alinsky's Playbook for community organizing
Fig. 5—Barack Obama's "Fundamental Transformation of America" has unashamedly attacked, overtly and by stealth, every major set of moral assumptions that have formed the basis of American society and culture since the founding of the United States.

World government is the notion of a common political authority for all of humanity, yielding a global government and a single state. Such a government could come into existence either through violent and compulsory world domination or through peaceful and voluntary supranational union. In such a world, national constitutions must be subservient to the single state.

Bookmark: #george-soros

Proponents of A New World Order are betting against America

Geroge Soros
George Soros

On Jan. 05, 2011, new world order godfather and post-WWII Hungarian immigrant to America, George Soros (György Schwartz), stated that the "new world order" will be a healthy, if painful [violent] adjustment." He continued, "China will be the 'engine driving it forward and the U.S. will be actually a drag that is being pulled along through a gradual decline in the dollar.'"[294]

Education or Propaganda? The minds of our youth are targeted

Nowhere is more telling of the Deep State’s agenda than the uproar over Common Core. Critical to the Deep State agenda is the centralized control of education via Common Core in secondary education and M.O.O.C. (Massive Open Online Course) in higher education. Just like the re-education camps of every totalitarian ideology before them (like Mao, Lenin, Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, Brownshirts, Komsomol), the Deep State works to control the "narratives" that our children learn.

Where the facts do not fit the Deep State narrative, the facts are ignored or altered. They want to grow obedient, docile, faithless worker bees for their factories. Just like George Orwell envisioned in 1984, gone will be free thinking, free will and individuality. Liberty will be replaced by oligarchies, a permanent under-class, doublespeak, political correctness, disrespect, reading between the lines, hate, intolerance, inequality and brutality.

The digital part of this remaking of education is well down the path. Most secondary schools use Google Docs almost exclusively for their document sharing. In universities, M.O.O.C. curricula are rapidly replacing individualized instruction in favor of the allegedly more "rich" (cleansed and censored) content of "Big Data" and "The Cloud."

Universities are being connected using The Ohio State University's IBM / Microsoft / Oracle / SAP / Eclipse data center as an international M.O.O.C. network hub that Presidential candidate John Kasich approved. The supply of Deep State shiny things to lure educators, parents and students into this morally dark world appears unstoppable as the "users" mainline on the digital drugs.

Anne-Marie Slaughter, author of A New World Order (2004).
Anne-Marie Slaughter

This Leader v. Facebook timeline (below) reveals Deep State names, places and illegal acts

Hillary Clinton’s political adviser, Anne-Marie Slaughter (2009-2013) implemented her book—A New World Order (Princeton Press 2004)—when she worked for Hillary at the State Department. She started promoting Facebook at the State Department in 2009, even though Facebook did not have the intellectual property rights. Of note, Slaughter has Hungarian immigrant connections by marriage with Soros, Intel’s Andy Grove and IDG-Accel Partners (China)’s John P. Breyer. Accel is Facebook’s 2nd largest shareholder.

Bookmark: #saul-alinsky

Lying is a Saul D. Alinsky tactic (and also permitted in the Koran when Muslims are dealing with Westerners, Christians and Jews—Qur'an 3:28)

To gain control of the world’s information (and thus its money and power), the Deep State employs the political organizing tactics of Saul D. Alinsky. Hillary Clinton is an expert. She wrote her undergraduate thesis on Alinsky and corresponded with him.[299] Barack Obama employs Alinsky’s bible—12 Rules for Radicals (Random House 1971).


Tellingly, Alinsky dedicated 12 Rules to Lucifer, who he calls the original radical. Lucifer is one of the names for Satan, the Devil, the Evil One and The Dragon (The Book of Revelations 12: 2; 20:2).

The Obamas and Clintons employ Alinksy’s habitual lying technique: Keep the enemy confused and on its heels working to keep up with your lies. Lies also often become truths if repeated incessantly. For example, the lies about Zuckerberg and Facebook in The Social Network movie are accepted as the truth by many.

In the movie and in sworn testimony, Zuckerberg claimed to have invented Facebook in a few weeks, while preparing for finals at Harvard, and drinking. Contrast that with the 145,000 person-hours and over $10 million spent by Leader Technologies. Zuckerberg's assertion is totally illogical, yet it persists.

Obama’s and Hillary’s lies are legion. Their whoppers include: (1) Obama’s oft-repeated promise "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," (2) Obama’s claim to be a Christian to fool voters, (3) Hillary’s fabrication that a video caused the attack on the U. S. Embassy in Benghazi, and (4) Hillary’s ever-changing private email stories which are being investigated by the FBI, with new evidence proving she exposed the highest classifications of intelligence.

They have also brazenly ignored and violated laws. They encourage others to violate U.S. laws themselves, and not respect traditional authority—our borders, the U.S. Constitution and the people responsible for carrying out our laws, such as our police and military personnel. The Justice Department's U.S. Attorneys have become little more than mobsters themselves—A fish rots from the head down.

The Deep State’s corrupt tactics in Leader v. Facebook were purposely confusing in order to discourage the public from learning the truth

The following timeline is complex. That is an Alinsky tactic: Put so many layers of lies on the onion that most people won’t take the time to peel them away.

Americans for Innovation has been peeling away the layers of this Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption onion for years. The Deep State’s onion core is now exposed. Names, places, dates, crimes and motives have been uncovered thanks to the dedicated work of many.

Soros’ New World Order wants to force its will on America and the planet. In their morality, you would be reduced to merely a consuming animal—"a useful idiot" (Alinsky). In their world, faith, hope and love are the antiquated values of weak people. They also have little need for any constitution, law or regulation that stands in their way.

* Alinsky used the phrase "a useful idiot" is sometimes attributed to Vladimir Lenin, although this is in question.

Lure users, young and old, into "The Cloud," then ambush them

Theft of Leader Technologies’ invention of social networking was critical to the Deep State’s plan. With control of the digital essences of our lives ("The Internet of Things" aka "The Cloud"), the Deep State could achieve their new world order more quickly.

Which side are you on?

The moral, philosophical and cultural battle lines are drawn. If we choose the globalist Cartel, the "nanny state" of entitlements will eventually overtake us like it collapsed the Soviet Union. On the other hand, if we choose the timeless values of the U.S. Constitution, we must protect and restore Leader Technologies’ property rights. Then, we empower real, ethical innovators to rebuild our digital networks in a way that takes us to higher ground.

In our increasingly global economy, the U.S. has a major advantage—our inventiveness and entrepreneurial spirit. But we are allowing our advantage to evaporate. If someone had backed up a truck to the "back door" of the U.S. and stolen trillions of dollars worth of property, we would be Carteloutraged and more protective in the future. This is exactly what has happened over the past few years—yet there is no defensive uproar. We cannot allow this thievery to continue.

This restoration of Leader Technologies’ (and others) property rights will expose the decades of corruption that has resulted in this digital takeover. Whether these criminals go to jail, are pardoned or ignored, one thing is for sure-- they must be defunded and disempowered.

Is "the New World Order" too big to fail?

Some ask if social networks are now "too big to fail." The last time Americans thought that was when our too-big-to-fail banks were bailed out in 2008. The taxpayer was stuck with the bill while the bankers continued to pay themselves bonuses. Not a single banker was jailed, fired or even fined. Is this the New World Order we have to look forward to? The answer is yes, unless WE THE PEOPLE put a stop to this profligacy.

These social networks can and will be reconfigured to provide the positive benefits without the abuses of security and privacy. However, they will not be run by the current crop of "public-private" criminals, who must be run out of town, this current President and his cabinet among them.

Read on.

A New World Order is coming. Were you invited to the networking party? (Didn't think so.)
Big Picture: A Deep State of judges, regulators, politicians and corporations have secretly signed on to "A New World Order" where government is "disaggregated"
Anne-Marie Slaughter
Anne-Marie Slaughter
into self-defined networks. From that point on, their pledges of loyalty to the U.S. Constitution became optional.

In the dramatic up tick in White House polemics about Islam, it becomes important to note that unlike Christianity and Judaism where lying is a sin, Muslims are permitted to lie to Westerners, Jews and Christians. Qur'an 3:28.

Bookmark: #Fig-9
A New World Order book cover, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton University Press Apr. 12, 2004
Read synopsis
Fig. 9A New World Order by Anne-Marie Slaughter. Princeton University Press (2004).

Barack Obama's hollow claims of Christian faith, and his embrace of Islam in the White House, would certainly explain why his administration lies without shame to achieve its Slaughter-esque disaggregation goals.

This disaggregation governance philosophy was introduced by Anne-Marie Slaughter to the U.S. State Department on Apr. 12, 2004. She was then a Princeton international law professor and had just published her book, A New World Order (Princeton University Press 2004). In 2009, she served as a chief political advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (2009-2013).[276]

In evident excitement about the coming presidency of Barack Obama, Princeton re-published the book (never mind that the 2008 election was still two months away). Slaughter's ideas have provided a suitably academic rationale for the institutionalization of crony capitalism and the establishment of a permanent power class for those deemed worthy of an invitation to the networking party ("The Cartel" or "Deep State").

New world order, or just another justification for corruption and crony capitalism?
"The state is not disappearing, it's disaggregating, meaning it is simply operating through all its different branches, through regulatory agencies, through judges, through legislators, and they are all networking with one another."
—Anne-Marie Slaughter, U.S. Dept. of State speech introducing "A New World Order" Apr. 12, 2004.

The Deep State needed a global technology platform, so they stole Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies' invention of social networking. Leader's invention overcame inherent "scalability" problems the Deep State was having with legacy IBM, Microsoft and Xerox client-server platforms.

IBM pumped in a $40 million "donation" to The Eclipse Foundation. Leader's patent attorney, James P. Chandler, III (who was also counsel to IBM), secretly fed Leader's invention to Eclipse. Then a Who's Who of companies like SAP, Borland, Cisco, Intel, Oracle, Wind River, Nokia, HP and Microsoft signed up to get Leader's invention at a breathtaking rate.

Leader's invention enabled Eclipse members to unify their "disaggregation" networking efforts around the planet. In his hubris, Harvard Law professor James P. Chandler described his theft of his client's invention for the Deep State as "in the greater good."

A world of interdependent, self-regulating international networks where the U.S. Constitution is in the way

Tellingly, Slaughter never mentions the U.S. Constitution as a guiding principle in her speech introducing A New World Order to the State Department on Apr. 12, 2004. Neither does she mention Leader Technologies on whom she and her cronies rely to pull off their heist.[285]

* * *

"[C]ourts should not make policy or invent rights not stipulated or implied by statutes or the Constitution's text. But courts have no nobler function than that of actively defending property, contracts and other bulwarks of freedom against depredations by government, including by popularly elected, and popular, officials." —George F. Will[001]
"The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy."—Abraham Lincoln (1863)
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."—Benjamin Franklin (1789)
Cyber Hijack Timeline Thumbnail

Go to Timeline
  1. Investigators for Americans for Innovation were invited by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists ("ICIJ") to provide details about Leader Technologies, Inc.’s ("Leader") patent infringement dispute with Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, Inc. (collectively "Facebook" and/or "Zuckerberg"). This document was prepared in response.
  2. Leader is a software development company founded in 1997 by engineer-entrepreneur Michael T. McKibben ("McKibben"). McKibben had previously led the redevelopment of the AT&T Access Plus 3.0’s Microsoft Exchange-compatible Windows email system introduced concurrently with Windows 95 in close collaboration with AT&T Bell Labs.
  3. Bookmark: #Fig-10
    Michael T. McKibben, Founder and Chairman, Leader Technologies, Inc., inventor of social networking.
    Fig. 10Michael T. McKibben, Inventor, Founder & Chairman, Leader Technologies, Inc., Columbus, Ohio.[321]
  4. From inception in 1997 to the present, Leader has developed computer software that has resulted in multiple patents, including U.S. Pat. No. 7,139,761, Dynamic Association of Electronically Stored Information with Iterative Workflow Changes, Nov. 21, 2006—the "secret sauce" technological innovation that is popularly called "social networking."[002]

    McKibben's other patents include U.S. Pat. No. 8,195,714 on Jun. 5, 2012, Context Instantiated Application Protocol (the patent on all mobile and desktop apps), Jun. 05, 2012[283] and U.S. Pat. No. 7,925,246, Radio/Telephony Interoperability System, Apr. 12, 2011.[284]
  5. Bookmark: #leader-petition-for-writ-of-certiorari-overview
    Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Leader Technologies, Inc., v. Facebook, Inc., No. 12-617 (U.S. Supreme Court 2012), filed Nov. 16, 2012.
    Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Leader Technologies, Inc., v. Facebook, Inc., No. 12-617 (U.S. Supreme Court 2012), filed Nov. 16, 2012.
    Leader sued Facebook on Nov. 19, 2008 for willful patent infringement, damages and injunction ("Leader v. Facebook"). A jury trial was held from Jul. 19-28, 2010 resulting in a split verdict.[003] Leader proved that Facebook infringes Leader’s patent on 11 of 11 claims and that there was no prior art. Facebook prevailed on an "on-sale bar" claim—a claim not asserted until Jun. 24, 2010, three weeks before trial.[004] Leader appealed the on-sale bar verdict to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on May 04, 2011,[005] then, when the appeals court failed to apply its own well-settled Pfaff and Group One legal tests, Leader petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court on Nov. 16, 2012, but was denied a hearing on Jan. 7, 2013.[006]
  6. Bookmark: #fidelity-contrafund-danoff-facebook
    Both the Federal Circuit appeal and the U.S. Supreme Court petition were ruled in Facebook’s favor, despite the courts:

    (a) Knowledge of egregious denial of due process to Leader,[007]

    (b) Multiple notices of the emergence of 28 previously concealed Zuckerberg computer hard drives and Harvard emails; Facebook’s attorney Gibson Dunn LLP[008] (who concealed them) was representing Facebook in the case;[009]

    William Danoff, Fidelity Contrafund, FCNTX
    William Danoff, Fidelity Contrafund (Ticker Symbol: FCNTX)
    (c) Substantial financial conflicts of interest by the judges and government officials[010] involved in this case, e.g., holdings in Fidelity[011] Contrafund,[840] Vanguard[013] and T. Rowe Price[014]—who are among the largest and notorious pre-IPO mutual fund investors in Facebook, and

    (d) Substantial relationship conflicts of interest among the judges with Gibson Dunn LLP, various other Facebook attorneys, including Cooley Godward LLP,[015] Facebook investors, Leader potential witnesses, the Patent Office and other U.S. government officials and advisers.[016]
Bookmark: #corruptors
One Hundred and Forty-one (141) from Harvard, Stanford, Yale and Cambridge/Oxford "disaggregator" sycophants redefining the U.S. Constitution as A New World Order of cron,y capitalism (fascism) that they control in secret.

How many Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Oxford and Cambridge graduates does it take to corrupt global technology, commerce and government? At least four years of investigations conclude: Seventy-one (71) from Harvard, twenty (20) from Stanford, twenty (20) from Yale and thirty (30) from Cambridge/Oxford (Oxbridge).

Here is the Gallery in alphabetical order:

Bookmark: #Fig-11
Harvard Corruptors (71)
Lloyd Blankfein
Madeleine J.K. Albright
Donald B. Ayer
Steven A. Balmer
Timothy John Bern-Lee
Preetinder "Preet" Bharara
Lloyd Blankfein
Richard Blumenthal
James K. Bredar
James W. Breyer
William C. Bryson
George W. Bush
Bush, Jr.
Peter Paul Montgomery 'Pete' Buttigeig
James P. Chandler, III
Aneesh Chopra
Theodore D. Chuang
William T. Coleman
Michael F. Cronin
William Danoff
Jamie Dimon
John Doerr
Esther Dyson
Barney Frank
Merrick B. Garland
William H. Gates
David R. Gergen
Albert Arnold 'Al' Gore
Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Chris Hughes
Amy Berman Jackson
Thomas J. Kim, SEC
Robert Kocher, MD
David J. Kramer
Anthony 'Tony' Kirsopp Lake
Marne L. Levine (Deutch)
Ping Li
Gilman Louie
Richard L. Menschel
Sabina Menschel
Dustin Moskovitz
Paul Mogin
Thomas E. Noonan
Todd Y. Park
Diane B. Patrick
Duval L. Patrick
Michael R. Pompeo
William Edward 'Bill' Priestap
Penny S. Pritzker
Edith Ramirez
Janet W. Reno
John G. Roberts, Jr.
Mitt Romney
Rod J. Rosenstein
Sheryl K. Sandberg
Eduardo Saverin
Adam B. Schiff
Nicole Seligman
Clay Shirky
Anne-Marie Slaughter
Donald K. Stern
Thomas F. Steyer
Jay B. Stephens
Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
James Swartz
Christina M. Tchen
Michelle L. R. Obama
Barack H. Obama
Derrick K. Watson
Benjamin Wittes
John C. Yoo
Mark E. Zuckerberg
Fig. 11—Harvard University Corruptors: Madeleine J.K. Albright, Donald B. Ayers, Steven A. Balmer, Timothy John Berners-Lee, Preetinder "Preet" Bharara, Lloyd C. Blankfein, Richard Blumenthal, James K. Bredar, James W. Breyer, William C. Bryson, George W. Bush, Peter Paul Montgomery 'Pete' Buttigeig, James P. Chandler, Aneesh Chopra, Theodore D. Chuang, William T. Coleman, Michael F. Cronin, William Danoff, Jamie Dimon, John Doerr, Esther Dyson, Barney Frank, Merrick B. Garland, William H. Gates, David R. Gergen, Albert A. Gore, John Hagel III, Eric H. Holder, Chris Hughes, Amy Berman Jackson, Thomas J. Kim, Robert Kocher, David J. Kramer, Marne L. Levine (Deutch), Ping Li, Gilman Louie, Richard L. Menschel, Sabina Menschel, Paul Mogin, Dustin Moskovitz, Thomas E. Noonan, Todd Y. Park, Diane B. Patrick, Duval L. Patrick, Michael R. Pompeo, William Edward 'Bill' Priestap, Penny S. Pritzker, Edith Ramirez, Janet W. Reno, John G. Roberts, Jr., Rod J. Rosenstein, Sheryl K. Sandberg, Eduardo Saverin, Adam B. Schiff, Nicole Seligman, Clay Shirky, Ann-Marie Slaughter, Donald K. Stern, Thomas F. Steyer, Jay B. Stephens, Lawrence H. Summers, James Swartz, Christina M. Tchen, Michelle L. R. Obama, Barack H. Obama, Derrick K. Watson, Benjamin Wittes, John C. Yoo, Mark E. Zuckerberg.
Bookmark: #Fig-12
Stanford Corruptors (20)
Eric J. Boswell
Matthew R. Chohler
Gordon K. Davidson
Michelle T. Friedland
Stefan A. Halper
Donald J. Harris
Wilmost Reed Hastings
John L. Hennessey
Reid Hoffman
Valerie J. B. Jarrett
Alexander C. Karp
Ann Huntress Lamont
Joseph Lonsdale
Cheryl D. Mills
Edward R. Reines
Susan E. Rice
Adam B. Schiff
Anthony J. Tether
Peter A. Thiel
Steve Westly
Fig. 12—Stanford University Corruptors: Eric J. Boswell, Matthew R. Cohler, Gordon K. Davidson, Michelle T. Friedland, Donald J. Harris, Wilmont Reed Hastings, Jr., John L. Hennessy, Reid G. Hoffman, Valerie J. B. Jarrett, Alexander C. Karp, Ann Huntress Lamont, Joseph T. Lonsdale, Cheryl D. Mills, Edward R. Reines, Susan E. Rice, Adam B. Schiff, Anthony J. Tether, Peter A. Thiel, Steve Westly.
Bookmark: #Fig-13
Yale Corruptors (19)
Matthew S. Axelrod
R. Hunter Biden
Richard Blumenthal
James E. Boasberg
George H. W. Bush
Bush, Sr.
George W. Bush
Bush, Jr.
Prescott S. Bush
Willaim "Bill" J. Clinton
Hillary R. Clinton
David R. Gergen
Andrew D. Goldstein
John A. Koskinen
Michael B. Mukasey
Jeannie S. Rhee
Daniel C. Richman
Clay Shirky
Leonard P. Stark
Jake Sullivan
R. James Woolsey Jr.
John C. Yoo
Fig. 13—Yale University Corruptors: Matthew S. Axelrod, R. Hunter Biden, Richard Blumenthal, James E. Boasberg, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Prescott S. Bush, William J. Clinton, Hillary R. Clinton, George Nathaniel Curzon, David R. Gergen, Andrew D. Goldstein, John A. Koskinen, Michael B. Mukasey, Jeannie S. Rhea, Daniel C. Richman, Clay Shirky, Leonard P. Stark, Jake Sullivan, R. James Woolsey Jr, John C. Yoo.
Bookmark: #Fig-13a
Cambridge/Oxford (Oxbridge) Corruptors (30)
Richard Beecroft Allan
Bishop Peter John Ball
Richard Blumenthal
Philip Arthur John Broadley
George Mark Malloch-Brown
John Buchan
Peter Paul Montgomery 'Pete' Buttigeig
Sydney Charles Buxton
Nicholas William Peter Clegg
George Nathaniel Curzon
Richard B. Dearlove
David Lloyd George
Keith Gull
Stefan A. Halper
Charles Eric Hambro
Francis Harry Hinsley
Leonard James Hooper
Charles Frederick Gurney ('F.G.') Masterman
Alfred Milner
Geoffry E. Pattie
John Rawlings Rees
Cecil John Rhodes
Nathan Meyer (N.M.) Rothschild
Arvinder K. Sambei aka Arvinda Sambir (2001)
Jan Christian Smuts
Leonard P. Stark
Christopher D. Steele
Richard John Wainwright
David Alan Walker
William Gordon Welchman
Andrew M. Wood
Fig. 13a—Cambridge / Oxford (Oxbridge) University Corruptors: Richard Beecroft Allan, Peter John Ball, Richard Blumenthal, James E. Boasberg, Philip Arthur John Broadley, George Mark Malloch-Brown, John Buchan, Peter Paul Montgomery 'Pete' Buttigeig, Syndey C. Buxton, Nicholas William Peter Clegg, George Nathaniel Curzon, Richard B. Dearlove, David Lloyd George, Stefan A. Halper, Keith Gull, Charles Eric Hambro, Francis Harry Hinsley, Leonard James Hooper, Charles Frederick Gurney ("F.G.") Masterman, Alfred Milner, Geoffrey E. Pattie, John Rawlings ("J.R.") Cecil John Rhodes, Nathan Meyer ("N.M.") Rothschild, Rees, Arvinder K. Sambei aka Arvinda Sambir, Jan Christian Smuts, Leonard P. Stark, Christopher David Steele, Richard John Wainwright, David Alan Walker, William Gordon Welchman, Andrew Marley Wood.
    Bookmark: #1832


  1. Donald J. Harris
    Donald J. Harris
    Kamala Devi Harris
    Kamala Devi Harris
    On Sep. 03, 1832, British Jamaica attorney, assemblyman, slave owner, slave trader and plantation owner Hamilton Brown—U.S. Senator Kamala D. Harris' great great grandfather—fought the abolition of slavery movement that was sweeping the British Carribean colonies saying that he swore by his Maker "that Order [slavery abolishment] should never be adopted in Jamaica; nor would the planters of Jamaica." He said that he would not permit "the interference of the Home Government with their slaves in any shape." He continued to buy, sell and trade more than 5,000 black, white and brown slaves, and those of his legal clients for a decade after it was abolished in 1833.[1757] [1757] [1758] [1759] [1760] [1761] [1763] [1764] [1765] [1767] [1768] [1769] [1770]
  2. Bookmark: #1877


  3. Cecil John Rhodes
    Cecil John Rhodes
    In 1877, Cecil John Rhodes wrote:
    "I contend that we are the finest race [Anglo-Saxon] in the world and the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race... Africa is still lying ready for us, it is our duty to take it." [1519]
  4. Bookmark: #1888


  5. N.M. Rothschild & Sons Limited
    N.M. Rothschild & Sons Limited
    Cecil John Rhodes
    Cecil John Rhodes
    On Mar. 12, 1888, following Cecil John Rhodes' devastating military loss in the First Boer War as Cape Colony's prime minister, the Rothschilds nonetheless funded Rhodes to start De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd. (Mar. 12, 1888) with the aim to control diamond mining in Southern Africa. Rhodes' vision was to control all African mining resources in a "Red Ribbon" stretching from Egypt in north Africa to the Cape of Good Hope on Africa southern-most point.
    De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited is established on March 12, 1888. Cecil Rhodes is named as founding Chairman.
    Rhodes’ British Empire corridor through Africa
    "All that Red" - "That's my dream!"[The "Red Ribbon"] Cecil Rhodes. Source: South Africa History Online.
    Rhodes' control over vast swaths of Africa's resources gave him and his followers great power in London.[1520] [1561]
  6. Bookmark: #1891


  7. Wifi Icon
    Nikola Tesla, the true inventor of wireless telegraphy (not Marconi)
    Nikola Tesla, the true inventor of wireless telegraphy (not Marconi)
    On May 20, 1891, Nikola Tesla first demonstrated wireless transmissions during a scientific lecture at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.[1522] [1561]
  8. Cecil John Rhodes
    Cecil John Rhodes
    Alfred Milner
    Alfred Milner
    In autumn 1891, Cecil John Rhodes hand wrote about a three-fold 200-year plan he called his "manifesto" as his vision for an English-speaking world controlled by Anglo-Saxons to usher in permanent world peace. This vision was closely shared by both Rhodes and his bunk buddy Viscount Alfred Milner:
    "What a scope and what a horizon of work, at any rate, for the next two centuries, the best energies of the best people in the world ; perfectly feasible, but needing an organisation, for it is impossible for one human atom to complete anything, much less such an idea as this requiring the devotion of the best souls of the next 200 years. There are three essentials: (1) The plan duly weighed and agreed to. (2) The first organisation. (3) The seizure of the wealth necessary." W.T. Snead, p. 76 (PDF p. 89).[1519]
    At that time, in addition to being prime minister of Cape Colony, Rhodes had also been consolidating his diamond mining monopoly in Kimberly since his Oxford days.

    History teaches us that Rhodes meant it when he said: "The seizure of the wealth necessary."[1561]
  9. Bookmark: #1893


  10. Wifi Icon
    Nikola Tesla, the true inventor of wireless telegraphy (not Marconi)
    Nikola Tesla, the true inventor of wireless telegraphy (not Marconi)
    On Mar. 1, 1893, Nikola Tesla gave his first public demonstration of radio in St. Louis.[1523] [1561]
  11. Bookmark: #1897


  12. Guglielmo Marconi
    Guglielmo Marconi
    On Jul. 20, 1897, Marconi's "Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company" was formed after the granting of a British patent for wireless in March of that year. This patent and its derivative works were totally invalidated by the U.S. Supreme Court on Jun. 21, 1943 while affirming Nikola Tesla preemptive claims.[1531] [1561]

    Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company (1900-1963) has had a state monopoly since the 1912 contracts cited in this timeline. It was renamed Marconi Company Ltd (1963-1987), combined with GE-RCA as GEC-Marconi Ltd (1987-1998, RCA Photophone Limited, 1929, renamed RCA Great Britain Limited, 1956, renamed RCA Limited, 1969, renamed SERCO LIMITED, 1987), Marconi Electronics Systems Ltd (1998-1999), Marconi Plc (1999-2003) and Marconi Corporation Plc (2003-2006). GEC-Marconi’s subsidiary RCA created NBC (1926).

    New Supreme Court records reveal that RCA acquired all of Marconi's patents on Nov. 20, 1919. Seven years later, RCA incorporated NBC. Jeff Zucker left NBC for CNN on Jan. 01, 2013. This lineage ties NBC and CNN directly to the initial British weaponization of Tesla's wireless telegraphy patents.

    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, the last Marconi Plc CEO before merger with BAE Systems (British Aerospace)
    RCA was renamed as SERCO Limited under Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, a member of the Queen's Privvy Counsel and director of the propaganda firm Strategic Communications Laboratories Ltd (SCL) that owns Cambridge Analytica—the propaganda and "mind bending" company that pushed the "dirty dossier" attempt to frame President Donald J. Trump and get him removed from officev

    From Jun. 1990 to 1999, Privy Counselor Geoffrey E. Pattie was chairman of Marconi before merging it with British Aerospace (BAE).

    On Sep. 22, 1994, Pattie oversaw a War Cabinet-like consolidation of the British Intellectual Property Institute into the hands of five trustees, all peers: Sir David Alan Walker, Sir Stephen Paul Steward, Sir Robin Buchanan and Sir Sir Alfred Joseph Shepperd.

    Evidently the Privy Council and the Rhodes-Milner Round Table, now renamed the Council on Foreign Relations (formed 1921) and, SERCO and the Senior Executive Service (SES)(formed 1978), had all "The Internet of Things" technology that they believed they need to faciliate their takeover.
  13. Bookmark: #1899


  14. Cecil John Rhodes
    Cecil John Rhodes
    In 1899, Cecil John Rhodes wrote in his Will the he chose not to give scholarships to women. This policy regarding the award of Rhodes Scholarships was in force for over seventy years until it was changed by an Act of Parliament in the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975.[1519]
  15. Bookmark: #1901


  16. Alfred Milner
    Alfred Milner
    On Jun. 17, 1901, while Viscount Alfred Milner was High Commissioner of Cape Colony, and fighting the Second Boer War, members of Parliament began exposing tens of thousands of deaths in Milner’s concentration camps. For example, on Jun. 17, 1901, M.P. C.P. Scott from Lancashire said “some 60,000 women and children” were being held in what another M.P. William Redmond of Waterford denounce as “barbarous, outrageous, scandalous, and disgraceful, the way in which these wretched, unfortunate and poor women and children have been treated in South Africa.” On Mar. 04, 1902, MP J. Chamberlain of Birmingham, Secretary of State for the Colonies, said the number of prisoners in Milner’s concentration camps had grown to “130,000 women and children” and 14,000 children had died.[1521] [1561]
  17. Bookmark: #1902


  18. Cecil John Rhodes
    Cecil John Rhodes
    Alfred Milner
    Alfred Milner
    John Buchan
    John Buchan
    On Mar. 04, 1902, Member of Parliament (MP) Humpreys-Owen disclosed to Parliament that 14,000 children had died in the Second Boer War Concentration Camps established by then Cape Colony (South Africa) Governor Lord Alfred Milner and his chief of staff John Buchan. Milner and Buchan were founding members of Cecil Rhodes' Round Table that would become the core proponents of Milner's Kindergarten, and then would eventually become the Council on Foreign Relations after World War I which Milner and Buchan would be instrumental in stoking via anti-Czar and anti-Kaiser lies promoted using Frankfurt School German psychiatry (later adopted by the British War Propaganda Board [The Wellington House] and the Tavistock Clinic/Institute) and propaganda published through wireless, print, pamphlets, books, lectures and films. The Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment for World Peace promoted the Tavistock research into mass mind control[1515] [1561]

    Milner's chief of staff from 1896 was the British writer John Buchan. Buchan helped Rhodes and Milner organize several "Societies" using Jesuit-inspired stealth and secrecy. These groups included The Round Table movement (the 'Society' that Rhodes articulated in 1888), 'Milner's Kindergarten' (1902), The Fabian Society (1884), The Anglo-American League (1898).

    Subsequently, John Buchan was appointed head of the new Department of Information (propaganda) organisation by prime minister Lloyd George in February 1917, just two months after he formed the British War Cabinet to which he appointed Buchan's mentor, Viscount Alfred Milner, as a member. Buchan's new propaganda department replaced the British War Propaganda Board started by Charles Frederick Gurney ("F.G.") Masterman.[1551]
  19. Cecil John Rhodes
    Cecil John Rhodes
    On Mar. 12, 1902, Cecil John Rhodes died. He had written in his Will:
    "I humbly believe that one of the secrets of England’s strength has been the existence of a class termed ‘The country landlords’ who devote their efforts to the maintenance of those on their own property.”"
    This belief about the superiority of the English monarchical class system—as promoted through the Privy Council—has secretly dictated British government policy to this day.[1490]
  20. Bookmark: #second-boer-war-ended
    Frederick Sleigh Roberts
    Frederick Sleigh Roberts
    Alfred Milner
    Alfred Milner
    On Mar. 31, 1902, the Second Boer War ended. Viscount Alfred Milner and General Lord Roberts had started and led this war which included setting up a British Concentration camp that killed approximately 60,000 people. About half were black and half where non-English-speaking white, including over 14,000 white Afrikaner children. Milner and Roberts were members of Cecil Rhodes' Round Table and Milner had set up a subsidiary called the "Milner Kindergarten."

    Charles F.G. Masterman
    Charles F.G. Masterman
    John Buchan
    John Buchan
    Another Rhodes disciples in South Africa was Alred Milner's chief of staff, a young Oxfordian John Buchan. Buchan would later become a chief propagandist for the British War Propaganda Bureau also called "Wellington House" (Sep. 1914 to Dec. 1916) named after the insurances office building that served as its headquarters. That insurance office was owned by Wellington House founder Charles F.G. Masterman who was a maternal relative of Cecil Rhodes.

    Cecil John Rhodes width=
    Cecil John Rhodes
    Guglielmo Marconi
    Guglielmo Marconi
    Notably, between ca. 1911-1913, Charles F.G. Masterman had led the parliamentary negotiations to give Marconi Wireless a monopoly contract with the Post-Office and Admiralty over wireless telegraphy throughout the British Empire.

    In 1835, John Masterman, married to Emily Lucy Rhodes, was a fellow City of London MP (Fleet Street) with Lionel Nathan Rothshild. The Wellington House propaganda operation was formally transformed by Prime Minister Lloyd George's unilateral decree into a Cabinet department named the Ministry of Information also called The Ministry of Propaganda by d. The Imperial War Cabinet then contained only five members. It essentially operated without unaccountability to Parliament and consisted of Lloyd George, Earl Curzon, Viscount Milner, Arthur Hemderson, Bonar Law. This dictatorial body pressed World War I, global propaganda, wireless telegraphy monopoly, eugenics, Rhodes Scholarships, the Rhodes English-speaking people's supremacy agenda, and the League of Nations. ([1828]
  21. Bookmark: #lenin-at-30-holford-square-1902
    Vladimir Lenin
    Vladimir I. Lenin
    On Apr-May 31, 1902, Vladimir I. Lenin, founder of Bolshevism, stayed in London at 30 Holford Square. He used the pseudonym "Jacob Richter" to gain entrance to the British Museum (Apr. 22, 1902) and advertise for English lessons (May 10, 1902). Lenin and his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya were hosted by Samuel Frederick Deering, a 60-year old Solicitor’s Clerk/Civil Servant living with his wife Sarah and 48-year old Thomas Camps and his wife Emily.[1824]
  22. Bookmark: #pilgrims-society-founded
    Pilgrims Society logo
    Pilgrims Society logo
    Sir Harry Brittain
    Sir Harry Brittain
    On Jul. 16, 1902, the Pilgrims Society was formed by Sir Harry Brittain along with a host of British-peer disciples of Cecil Rhodes' Round Table, including the Second Boer War criminal leaders "The King's General" Lord Frederick Roberts and Viscount Alfred Milner.[1786]
  23. Bookmark: #1909


  24. Bookmark: #asquith-announced-first-imperial-press-conference-1909
    Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill
    Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill
    Prime Minister Herbert H. Asquith (1908-1916)
    Prime Minister Herbert H. Asquith (1908-1916)
    On May 12, 1909, Prime Minister Herbert H. Asquith (1908-1916) announced to Parliament the coming The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 the next month, Jun. 05-26, 1909. The Prime Minister participated significantly in the three-week long conference and recruited newspaperman spies for his newly-forming intelligence agencies for "Home Defence" (MI-5) and "Colonial Defence" (MI-6) and an archiving agency (GC&CS, renamed GCHQ in 1946). Asquith's Cabinet President of the Board of Trade was Winston Churchill and had been a 2nd Boer War correspondent for the Morning Post, actively participated in the upcoming The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909.[1829]
  25. Bookmark: #first-imperial-press-conference-began
    UK-U.S. Globalist
    Fake News Intelligencers Organized
    Lord Burnham (Edward Levy-Lawson
    Lord Burnham (Edward Levy-Lawson
    Lord Rosebery (Archibald Primrose)
    Lord Rosebery (Archibald Primrose)
    On Jun. 05, 1909, the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 commenced, organized by Pilgrims Soceity founder Sir Harry Brittain, with a Saturday evening Banquet of Welcome at the White City, Shepherd's Bush, West London.

    "In the name of the hosts, in the name, indeed, of Great Britain, Lord Rosebery extended such a greeting to the visitors as aroused the keenest enthusiasm, and thought the deepest chords of feeling in the great gathering that faced him.

    Sir Harry Brittain
    Sir Harry Brittain
    Lord Burnham, proprietor of the "Daily Telegraph" and President of the Conference, received the guests in the Congress Hall, whence they proceeded to the Palace of Music, in which the banquet was served—a vast apartment, thickly hung with the flags of the various countries whose representatives were the guests of the evening. Here they were seated at tables to hold seven or eight, and as far as possible each table had one of the delegates allowed to it, so that a feeling of homeliness and friendliness was quickly established
    ."[1779] [1811] [1812] [1815] [1817] [1830]
    The Imperial Press Conference, 1909—650 delegates at opening banquet, Jun. 5, 1909, Shepherd's Bush, White City, London
    Thomas H. Hardman, ed. pub. (Jun. 05-26, 1909). A PARLIAMENT OF THE PRESS - THE FIRST IMPERIAL PRESS CONFERENCE, 1909, Illustrated, with Preface by The Earl of Rosebery, K.G., p. 8a. London: Horace Marshall & Son.
    Fig.Thomas H. Hardman, ed. pub. (Jun. 05-26, 1909). A PARLIAMENT OF THE PRESS - THE FIRST IMPERIAL PRESS CONFERENCE, 1909, Illustrated, with Preface by The Earl of Rosebery, K.G., p. 8a. London: Horace Marshall & Son (150 MB).
    Source: Library warehouse of a Midwestern U.S.A. university.
    Evidence of the beginning of the Fake News Intelligencers who control globalist propaganda and modern intelligence agencies MI5-1909, MI6-1909, GC&CS-1909, renamed GCHQ-1946), FBI-1908, C.I.A.-1947, NSA-1947
    Click image to view full 248-pg. PDF of this bookThomas H. Hardman, ed. pub. (Jun. 05-26, 1909). A PARLIAMENT OF THE PRESS - THE FIRST IMPERIAL PRESS CONFERENCE, 1909, Illustrated, with Preface by The Earl of Rosebery, K.G. 248 pgs. London: Horace Marshall & Son.
    Fig.Thomas H. Hardman, ed. pub. (Jun. 05-26, 1909). A PARLIAMENT OF THE PRESS - THE FIRST IMPERIAL PRESS CONFERENCE, 1909, Illustrated, with Preface by The Earl of Rosebery, K.G. 248 pgs. London: Horace Marshall & Son.
    The 1909 First Imperial Press Conference 650 delegates were given three documents totaling over 1,253 pages—all or mostly all underwritten by the big pharmaceutical and chemical giant Burroughs Wellcome & Co.

    They were: (1) A Parliament of the Press (248 pgs.),[1791] (2) The Evolution of Journalism Etcetera (352-pgs.),[1787] and (3) Souvenir Guide to London (653 pgs.).[1788] A Wellcome-related conference was held on Jul. 23, 1911 named The First Universal Races Congress (485 pgs.)[1789] that reinforced the idea that the Pilgrims Society English-speaking white race cabal, sometimes called the "Deep State," "shadow government" and "unelected bureaucrat," should be the permanent rulers of the world.
  26. Bookmark: #empire-press-union
    "Permanent" Pilgrims Society EMPIRE PRESS UNION founded from which the newly-forming MI5, MI6 and GC&CS (GCHQ) spy agencies recruited newspaperman agents
    Lord Northcliffe (Alfred Charles William Harmsworth)
    Lord Northcliffe (Alfred Charles William Harmsworth); Pilgrims Society co-founder (1902)
    Lord Burnham (Edward Levy-Lawson)
    Lord Burnham (Edward Levy-Lawson); Pilgrims Society co-founder (1902)
    Sir Harry E. Brittain
    Sir Harry Brittain, Pilgrims Society Founder (1902)
    On Jul. 23, 1909, the Empire Press Union formerly announced its formation as a "permanent organization," having been "unanimously" approved by the 650 delegates of The Empire Press Conference, 1909 (Jun. 05-26, 1909).

    "The first council consists of Lord Burnham ([Edward Levy-Lawson]president), Lord Northcliffe (hon. treasurer), Mr. C. Arthur Pearson (chairman), Sir John Arnot, Mr. Moberly Bell, Mr. Robert Donald, Mr. Kennedy Jones, Mr. H.L.W. [Levy-]Lawson [later assumed the title Lord Burnham from his father], Mr. C.D. Leng, Mr. Ernest Parke, Sir George Riddell, Mr. C.P. Scott, and Mr. J.A. Spender. Mr. Harry E. Brittain [founder of the Pilgrims Society], who filled the position of hon. secretary to the Imperial Press Conference, has agreed to act in the same capacity and help in the organization of the permanent body."[1791] [1783] [1799] [1800]
  27. Bookmark: #mi6-mi5-gccs-formed2
    Britain Created Fake News Intelligencers
    Prime Minister Herbert H. Asquith (1908-1916)
    Prime Minister Herbert H. Asquith (1908-1916)
    On Jul. 29, 1909, Prime Minister Herbert H. Asquith announced his unilateral formation, under the banner of Imperial Defence, two Sub-Committees for Colonial Defence (MI6) and Home Defence (MI5). He told the Parliament that he was recruiting staffing for these Sub-Committees (spies) from among the delegates of The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 (Jun. 05-26, 1909).[1829]
  28. Bookmark: #1911


  29. Wifi IconOn Mar. 07, 1911, the British Post-Office entered into a secret monopoly contract with Marconi Wireless to build a "chain of Imperial wireless stations" around the globe. When members of Parliament learned about the secret Marconi Wireless-Post-Office contract, they forced the government to open the terms for public debate. Note that there is not a single question about Nikola Tesla's prior invention claims on the technology. In other words, we see early examples of how financial, business and political interests steal and weaponize important inventions.[1525] [1561]

    British Government. (Mar. 07, 1911). MARCONI WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY, LIMITED. Contract with Post Master General on Mar. 07, 1911, HC Deb-11 October 1912, Vol. 42, cc667-750. UK Parliament Hansard.
  30. Bookmark: #1912


  31. Bookmark: #marconi-stock-insider-trading | https://tinyurl.com/y65jymm6
    THE MARCONI STOCK SCANDAL: The original Privy Council globalist hi-tech NWO swindlers?
    Rufus Daniel Isaacs
    Rufus Daniel Issacs
    David Lloyd George
    David Lloyd George
    On Apr. 12, 2012, David Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, the future Prime Minister of Great Britain and Governor of the Imperial War Cabinet (Dec. 14, 1916), faced one of the gravest corruption crises in his career. On Apr. 12, 1912, Lloyd George, along with Rufus Daniel Isaacs, Attorney-General (1st Marquess of Reading, GCB, GCSI, GCIE, GCVO, Privy Council (10 October 1860 – 30 December 1935) was a British Liberal politician and judge, who served as Lord Chief Justice of England, Viceroy of India, and Foreign Secretary, the last Liberal to hold that post), the attorney general, he had purchased shares in the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America at a rate well below that available to the general public. The American Marconi company was legally independent of the British concern, but the two companies were closely connected, and the latter’s shares had recently boomed as a result of the government’s decision to accept its proposal to construct a chain of radio stations throughout the empire.[1702]

    "The same [stolen Tesla wireless telegraphy] patents are worked by both companies." (PDF p. 115)

    Bonar Law, MP, Lord Privy Seal, PM (1922-1923)
    Wifi IconGodfrey Issacs, Rufus' brother managing director of the English Marconi, arranged the sale at below-market prices.

    A third investor, Master of Elibank (later) Lord Murray, Privy Council, Sec. of the Treasury, invested Liberal party funds as chief whip, paying £2 on Apr. 17, 1913 for American Marconi shares that jumped to £3.3 per share the next day. (PDF, p. 113).

    The Crown and The City created the allusion of private control of companies to fool investors

    Privy Council logoThe ensuing Parliamentary inquiry into the corruption reveals that "one preference share on behalf of himself and other shareholders" in English Marconi was made by Cecil Chesterton, the brother of writer G.K. Chesterton. In subsequent lawfare and media propaganda, the existence of this share was smothered in obfuscation. The nature and power of this share was never revealed outside of Queen's Court. Researchers strongly believe that it is quite likely one of the earliest "Golden Shares" issued to the monarch thru intermediaries to control "privatized" companies secretly, while fooling the public markets into thinking they are publicly controlled. (PDF, p. 37). G.K. Chesterton (his brother) and George Bernard (writers for the British War Propaganda Bureau), denied in their propaganda.

    George and Isaacs denied, in somewhat ambiguous language, any transactions in the shares of “the Marconi company,” a denial that technically referred only to the British company but was generally assumed to cover the American Marconi that was majority-controlled subsidiary as well. A select committee of the House of Commons revealed the facts and, although by a party majority it acquitted the ministers of blame, Lloyd George’s reputation was damaged, but Cecil Rhodes' Round Table disciples (Milner, Buchan Masterman, Law, Chesterton, Shaw, Smuts) exploited Lloyd George's weakened political state to take over Parliament Imperial War Cabinet.[1701]

    The combination of the Golden Share and 56% controlling interest in American Marconi gave the British tight control of the global wireless telegraphy deployment worldwide from inception before World War I. The weaponized technology was used for naval communications and mass propaganda mind control and brain washing. British SERCO has effectively hijacked technology worldwide via "The Internet of Things." SERCO also runs the U.S. Patent Office under contract from the Senior Executive Services (SES) shadow government.

    History reveals that these unethical acts by Lloyd George and Issacs founded the entire modern world of wireless high technology on a corrupt foundation from which it has never recovered, and in fact, has veered into nefarious uses such as euthanasia, war mongering, monopoly, property theft, abusive taxation, wars, false flags, hedge funds, oppression, lying, tyranny, slavery, human trafficking, money laundering, illegal surveillance, pedophilia, insider trading, racketeering, bribery, drug abuse, murder, mutilation, genocide, drug trafficking, pornography, blackmail, luciferian blood and body parts trafficking, ritual child abuse and sacrifice (The Seven Deadly Sins). Indeed, Jesus Christ warned about building human activity on depraved moral foundations in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders in Matthew 7:24-27.
  32. Bookmark: #1913


  33. Wifi Icon
    Charles Frederick Gurney Masterman
    Charles Frederick Gurney Masterman
    On Aug. 08, 1913, Parliament formally approved a 28-year public contract with Marconi. That debate was chaired by Charles F.G. Masterman, Financial Secretary to the Treasury. In 1914, the very same Charles Masterman was assigned to create the British War Propaganda Bureau, often called The Wellington House where Masterman was director of an insurance company. Masterman was a relative of Cecil Rhodes.

    Rhodes' great uncle John Masterman was a City of London MP with Lionel Nathan Rothshild (1847-1857). He was also a director in the British East India Company as well as ran a law firm in The City.[1526] [1527] [1561]
  34. Bookmark: #1914


  35. Wifi Icon
    Sydney C. Buxton
    Sydney C. Buxton
    On Jan. 20, 1914, Sydney Buxton ('S.B.'), President of the Board of Trade proposed compulsory Marconi wireless telegraphy on all British steamships (later approved). Years later it was discovered that some of the approving ministers purchased stock in Marconi America.[1663] [1551]
  36. Wifi IconOn Aug. 05, 1914, in the early hours, British submarines cut the undersea telegraphy cable between the United States and Germany allowing messages to be intercepted and blocked. This act essentially started World War I. Cutting the land cables forced the Germans to use wireless transmissions, thus, arguably, setting off the first information war.[1484] [1551]
  37. On Aug. 05, 1914, Britain declared war on Germany. The uniformly pro-British details that appeared in American newspapers, in hindsight, is all too perfect and all too obviously backed by American and British war profiteer banks and "Robber Baron" industrialists. These people considered the loss of millions of souls as mere collateral damage.[1508] [1551]
    Editor. (Aug. 05, 1914). ENGLAND DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY. The New York Times.
    Editor. (Aug. 05, 1914). ENGLAND DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY (Full article text). The New York Times. Was the NYT managing editor on this day, Carr Vattal Van Anda, a little too prepared with this headline? As our awareness of psychiatry and fake news increases, a fresh read of this article shows too much convenient detail designed to brainwash the public. The British War Propaganda Bureau (WPB), known as “Wellington House” under Charles Masterman became official one month later on Sep. 05, 1914. Source: The New York Times, Aug. 5, 1914.
  38. Wifi Icon
    Charles Frederick Gurney Masterman
    Charles Frederick Gurney Masterman
    On Sep. 05, 1914, the British Cabinet ordered Charles F.G. Masterman to form the British War Propaganda Bureau also called The Wellington House. The stated aim was to co-rindate propaganda at foreign opinion. Masterman was a relative of Cecil Rhodes.

    Prime Minister Lloyd George ordered Charles Masterman (Privy Counselor) to form the British War Propaganda Bureau (WPB), known as "Wellington House." He enlisted well-known writers including John Buchan, Arthur Conan Doyle, H. G. Wells, as well as artists like Francis Dodd, Paul Nash, William Orpen, and C R W Nevinson. Wellington House was replaced by the Propaganda Ministry of Information on May 18, 1917. Writer John Buchan, one of Masterman's chief propagandists, would take charge. See examples of their propaganda works.[1486] [1509] [1527] [1561] [1658]
    Archivist. (Sep. 1916). Third Report on the [propaganda] work conducted for the Government at Wellington House, Signed in 1916 Sept, 124 pp + map, Cat. Ref. CAB 37/156/6. The National Archives. ) This version supplied is missing pp. 8,11,13 and 14, the last 3 all from the US section).
  39. Bookmark: #1916


  40. Wifi Icon
    Charles Frederick Gurney Masterman
    Charles Frederick Gurney Masterman
    British War Propaganda Bureau - The Wellington House, formed by Cecil Rhodes' relative & Rothschild collaborator Charles F.G. Masterman
    On Sep. 01, 1916, Charles F.G. Masterman, director of the British War Propaganda Bureau, also called The Wellington House (the forerunner of the Tavistock Institute), presented a very detailed description of the levels of propaganda warfare that the War Cabinet was waging throughout the world, including the United States.

    Masterman had amassed an impressive array of secret collaborators that he described in a detailed secret 129-page report on the success of his propaganda efforts in Britain and America. At least five of those collaborators cited in his report were insiders in the Rhodes Round Table and the Rhodes Scholarship program. They were Viscount Alfred Milner, John Buchan, Fischer, Grey and Rosebery. Rosebery was married to Hannah de Rothschild (m. 1878; d. 1890).

    More: Charles Masterman and the British War Propaganda Bureau (WPB), known as "Wellington House," presented a 125-page report (some pages describing American propaganda activity are missing) that they had published 300 books and pamphlets in 21 languages, distributed over 4,000 propaganda photographs every week and circulated maps, cartoons and lantern slides to the media. This activity was absorbed exactly five months later as one of four departments within the newly-formed Propaganda Ministry of Information directed by John Buchan.[1488] [1527] [1561]
  41. On Dec. 09, 1916, new British Prime Minister David Lloyd George announced a five-person War Cabinet. Andrew Bonar Law, Lord Alfred Milner, Arthur Henderson and Lord George Nathaniel Curzon.
    1917 Imperial British War Cabinet, announced Dec. 09, 1916
  42. Bookmark: #1917


  43. Alfred Milner
    Alfred Milner
    Jan. 04, 1917, War Cabinet member Lord Alfred Milner met with Czar Nicholas II supposedly to deliver military aid against the Bolshevik revolutionaries, but Milner refused to authorize the aid even though Parliament had already approved it (Note: Milner was never censored for this insubordination to Parliament. Milner was also a political ally, protégé and trustee of Anglophile Cecil John Rhodes.)[1489] [1551]
  44. Alfred Milner
    Alfred Milner
    John Buchan
    John Buchan
    On Feb. 20, 1917, nine weeks after the creation of the five-man Imperial War Cabinet, prime minister Lloyd George formalized The Wellington House Bureau of War Propaganda activity as an official cabinet position called the Ministry of Information (also called the Propaganda Department). Viscount Milner's former chief of staff, John Buchan, was appointed its director. From 1914, Buchan had been a chief propaganda writer for Charles F.G. Masterman.

    Buchan helped Rhodes and Milner organize several "Societies" using Jesuit-inspired stealth and secrecy. These groups included The Round Table movement (the 'Society' that Rhodes articulated in 1888), 'Milner's Kindergarten' (1902), The Fabian Society (1884), The Anglo-American League (1898).
  45. Alfred Milner
    Alfred Milner
    Mar. 03, 1917, the War Cabinet member Lord Alfred Milner arrived back in London having promised Nicholas II nothing. No guns for Russia; three days later his formal report to the War Cabinet about the events that took place at the Allied Conference in Russia; tellingly, no minutes were taken, which was contrary to the newly-initiated Lloyd George scrivener policy on meeting minutes.[1489] [1551]
  46. Alfred Milner
    Alfred Milner
    Andrew Bonar Law
    Andrew Bonar Law
    On Mar. 17, 1917, Russian Czar Nicholas II abdicated. Remarkably, the British War Cabinet, including Lord Milner and Bonar Law, were providing carefully couched impressions as facts (e.g., the Russian people were revolting because the Czar was not prosecuting the war against Germany with enough efficiency!) to the American public, whose major newspapers, in lock step, repeated Bonar's speculations as facts immediately; information that they could not possibly have known unless they had written about the abdication for the newspapers before it happened. The headlines and articles are worthy of the National Inquirer today.[1493] [1551]
    Editor. (Mar. 18, 1917). Czar Dethroned on Way to Petrograd. New York Tribune.
  47. Alfred Milner
    Alfred Milner
    Vladimir I. Lenin
    Vladimir I. Lenin
    Apr. 01, 1917, The Bolshevik Revolution began in Russia.
  48. Apr. 09, 1917, Vladimir Lenin and 29 comrades, with banker financing from Lord Milner, George Perkins, J.P. Morgan, John Ryan of National City Bank, John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, left Switzerland by train to join the Bolshevik Revolution that started a week earlier in Russia to overthrow a Czarist (Christian) ruler and install (atheistic) Marxism
  49. John Buchan
    John Buchan
    On May 18, 1917, John Buchan, director of the Ministry of Information, petitioned the War Cabinet with a request titled "Propaganda at Home" to be able to propagandize (lie to) the British public.[1495] [1561]
    John Buchan. (May 05, 1917). War Cabinet, Propaganda at Home, Memorandum by the Director, Department of Information, G.T. 774, CAB 24/13/76. The National Archives.
  50. On Jul. 17, 1917, Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, their five children, a doctor and three servants were shot and clubbed to death on Vladimir Lenin's orders in the basement of a merchant’s mansion named Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg. An official government commission in 1995 was convened to answer 10 questions by the Russian Orthodox Church. It was reopened in 2015 and reported through Bishop Tikhon on Nov. 28, 2017 that the evidence pointed to a ritual killing.

    Historically, propaganda has been successful at labeling any analysis of the murder of the Romanovs as anti-Semitic "conspiracy theory." But, what if the newly-formed British Ministry of Information, John Buchan and Lord Milner were the sources of the assassination order to Lenin and its cover-up? Given Lord Milner's treachery four months earlier triggering the Czar's abdication, the new research is pointing to Britain. Vladimir Lenin could have only just arrived in St. Petersburg before issuing the kill order as one of his first acts of terror (having only left Switzerland by train on Apr. 09, 2017). Perhaps this was the first use in modern propaganda of "conspiracy theory" that was used so successfully to divert attention from the C.I.A. assassination of President John F. Kennedy. We show that the rogue C.I.A. emerged from the 1917 War Cabinet personnel.
  51. The Day the British Government started officially lying to its citizens
    David Lloyd George
    David Lloyd George
    On Aug. 04, 1917, Lloyd George approved domestic propaganda which he euphemistically named the “National War Aims Committee.” Arguably, on this day all semblance of accountability to the public died in the UK... to this day.[1497] [1561]
  52. Cecil Rhodes' "Manifesto" was formally proposed to the War Cabinet by Rhodes-Milner disciple and Minister of Information (propaganda) John Buchan
    John Buchan
    John Buchan
    On Dec. 17, 1917, John Buchan, director of the Ministry of Information (propaganda) proposed a “Secret Psychological Offensive” for the War Cabinet to promote the Rhodes-Milner Round Table dream for “a League of Nations.”

    The history of Marconi and the British Government is one of pure monoply. Even within this threat one can see the seeds of the British intention to control American technology and propaganda as well.

    Note that (Sir) Carson even used Rhodes' word "Manifesto" vision for his 200-year British federalist new world order vision.[1499] [1561]
    John Buchan (Dec. 17, 1917). SECRET - A PSYCHOLOGICAL OFFENSIVE, To be launced at a well-selected psychological moment. G.T. 2941, Cat. Ref. CAB 24-35-41. The National Archives.
  53. Bookmark: #1918


  54. Alfred Milner
    Alfred Milner
    John Buchan
    John Buchan
    On Aug. 05, 1918, MP Leifchild Jones (1905-1931) railed against the SECRECY and DUPLICITY of John Buchan's Propaganda Department—Ministry of Information. He said to Parliament: “At present we know little about it [Ministry of Information], as it is not the creation of Parliament. It exists, and was announced to us through the Press, though up to the present we have been kept in the dark as to its constitution, its purposes, its methods, and its relation to other Departments of the State.”

    “That is the Ministry of Information, and the House will observe that these gentlemen represent the most formidable combination at the Ministry of Information. The interests represented are banks, electric power companies, gas, railways, newspapers, rubber, insurance, iron, steel, Pullman cars, ships, and tobacco—a wholly formidable combination.” This list of commercial interests included mining, wireless and armaments.

    MP Leifchild Jones told Parliament about the Propaganda Ministry of Information directed by John Buchan: "we [Parliament] have been kept in the dark as to its constitution."[1483] [1551]
  55. The Birth of Corporate-run Mass Mind Control Propaganda
    John Buchan
    John Buchan
    On Dec. 20, 1918, John Buchan wrote “Report on the Liquidation of the Ministry of Information Transfer to the Foreign Office War Cabinet” describing the post-war continuation of a “new” “Propaganda Department” divided up among the Foreign Office and private organizations, including propaganda intelligence housed in Spain under the "Federation of British Industries (FBI)," as well as cinematography, photos and art. (Note: Hambro family now owns Getty Images.) In short, all the juicy bits were shuffled off to private operations among commercial and political cronies—just as MP Liefland Jones had feared just months earlier.Wifi Icon

    Control of “Wireless and Cables” (the IBM Internet of Things) went to the Foreign Office, as did American propaganda, under Sir William Tyrrell.

    Tyrrell ran the political intelligence department at the Home Office (1916-1919), was British Ambassador to France (1928-1934), appointed to the Privy Council in 1928, made a baron (1929) and was appointed president of the British Board of Film Censors until he died in 1947. The ties between propaganda, censorship, intelligence and wireless technology is evident in Tyrrell alone.[1502] [1551]
    John Buchan. (Dec. 20, 2018). SECRET Report on the Liquidation of the Ministry of Information [Transfer to the Foreign Office etc.], War Cabinet, G.-229, Cat. Ref. CAB 24-5-29. The National Archives.
  56. Bookmark: #tavistock-formed Bookmark: #1919


  57. Charles Eric Hambro
    Charles Eric Hambro
    In Feb. 1919, (Charles) Eric Hambro was knighted for his work at the Ministry of Information—just a few months after leaving the Propaganda Ministry. He went on to become the chairman of Hambros Bank. He died on Dec. 28, 1947, just months after the C.I.A. was formed on Sep. 18, 1947.[1503] [1551]

    One of the "volunteers" who worked with John Buchan to reorganize the Propaganda system, Buchan said "most kindly consented to stay on and assist me in the winding up of the Ministry" included (Charles) Eric Hambro. Hambro "had charge of all propaganda in Scandinavia, Spain, and South America." He was also an MP, banker and railway director.[1503]
  58. The Tavistock Clinic / Institute created
    In 1919, The Tavistock Clinic was “launched” by Hugh Crichton Miller and John Rawlings ("J.R.") Rees at a meeting with Lord Wolmer,
    John Rawlings Rees
    John Rawlings ('J.R.') Rees
    Dr Farquhar Buzzard, & Reverend Lionel Ford, Headmaster of Harrow School, in the drawing room of Lady Margaret Nicholson in Pont Street, Chelsea. Unusually for the time, Tavistock was an outpatient industrial psychiatric clinic. The first patient was seen on 27 September 1920. Rees attended King’s College, Cambridge, where he studied Medicine and Natural Science.[1470] [1471] [1472]

    John Rawlings Rees, b. Jun 25, 1890; d. Apr 11, 1969; CBE(1946); Chev De l’Ordre de la Couronne de Belg(1915); BA Cantab(1911); MRCS LRCP(1914); BChir(1915); MA MB(1917); MD(1920); DPH(1920); MRCP(1936; FRCP(1944).
  59. Bookmark: #gccs-founded
    On Nov. 01, 1919, the British Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) was formed. (Sir) Edward W. Travis was Chief of Codes and Ciphers.[1728] [1774]

    Sir Edward W. Travis:
    America's GC&CS/GCHQ (UK) handler from 1919 to 1952
    Sir Edward Wilfrid Harry Travis
    Fig.Sir Edward W. Travis. (Accessed May 29, 2019). Certificate of Service (1939-1945); Chief of Codes and Ciphers at GCCS formation on Nov. 01, 1919; Mansion, Dep. Dir. GCCS (1925 to Feb. 1942); Dep. Dir.(Service) (DD(S)) from Feb. 1942; Dir. GCCS from Mar. 1944 to Apr. 1952 (renamed GCHQ); Roll of Honour, Cert. 9170. BletchleyPark.org.

    Sir Edward was succeeded as director of GCHQ in Apr. 1952 by Sir Eric Malcolm Jones KCMG CB CBE, then by Sir Clive Loehnis KCMG. Sir Clive was also a member of the 1946 Inner Sanctum British delegation. It is reasonable to assume that Sir Eric was a British delegation participant whose name has been redacted in the minutes so as not to show so blatantly the total British domination of post war Anglo-American intelligence.

    Note: GCCS or Government Code and Cypher School (also GC&CS) was formed right after WWI on Nov. 01, 1919. It was renamed GCHQ or Government Communications Headquarters after WWII in Apr. 1946, immediately following the 1946 Inner Sanctum meetings with American intelligence that ended just a few days earlier on Mar. 27, 1946. Evidenlty the British wanted a new name for their new global intelligence hegemony in celebration of their successful coopting of America's intelligence apparatus, supplied by IBM. IBM even managed to get paid for all the punch cards they supplied to Adolph Hitler's death camp prisoner IBM tabulation machines all throughout the war. The conspiracies among the Inner Sanctum and their corporate sponsors appears to have planned to profit from war and death. WWII may have been little more than a ruse to bring America into the Cecil Rhodes 200-year plan. To these eugenics satanists, death and destruction merely help to rid the world of deplorables who are only consuming their resources unnecessarily.
    Photo: The National Portrait Gallery.
  60. Bookmark: #1920


  61. Andrew Bonar Law, War Cabinet
    Andrew Bonar Law, War Cabinet (1917-1919), Prime Minister (1922-1923), League of Nations architect
    On Feb. 11, 1920, the organizing council of the League of Nations held its second session in London at St. James’s Palace. General Jan Smuts was among them—the man who approved director John Buchan and his Propaganda Ministry of Information to receive top secret military intelligence during the war (Tavistock psychiatry-driven propaganda and NSA-like mass social surveillance—MSM)—an activity that was made a private operation run out of Spain during the "liquidation" of the ministry (Read: Rremake inton a corporatist public-private fascist organization.).

    Remarkably, War Cabinet member Bonar Law, Leader of the House of Commons—and soon to be prime minister (Oct. 23, 1922 - May 20, 1923)—at first feigned ignorance about the proceedings of the League of Nations conference when MP Sir Donald MacLean questioned the ludicrous reparations being discussed to be levied against an utterly decimated Germany. Laughably, Bonar Law—an architect of the League of Nations (not to mention a recipient of John Buchan's secret Rhodes-Manifesto proposal "Secret Psychological Offensive" (Dec. 17, 2017)—answered (lied): "You know as much about it as I do."[1506] [1551]


    This Bonar Law response to Sir Donald was a lie because after Sir Donald had eviscerated the suspicious secrecy of the League of Nations conference, Bonar Law launched a disingenuous soliloquy revealing his intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the conference, and the Reparations Commission work on war levies against Germany. He betrayed his underlying Anglophile political philosophy circa corporate socialists Cecil Rhodes / Alfred Milner / Fabian Society / Round Table, stating "I think all that has happened in the War has given us reason to feel that of all the constitutions in the world ours [Britain's] is probably the best ... the maximum amount [to charge Germany] even as it stands in the Treaty is fixed and the objects for which they can be called upon to pay are detailed... The arrangements which have already been made by the Reparation Commission show that they [Germany] are being reasonably dealt with."

    History shows that the German public's reaction to the debilitating reparations was a primary propaganda tool in Hitler's rise to power just eight years later. Evidently, the WWI War Cabinet that included Bonar Law was organizing someone's interests [bankers, robber baron international corporations, new world order fascists], but not the honest, peace-loving citizens of the world.
    Editor. (Apr. 03, 1919). New, Revised Covenant of League of Nations. The Washington Times.
  62. Bookmark: #1935


  63. Wifi Icon
    John Buchan
    John Buchan
    On Nov. 02, 1935, John Buchan was appointed as the 15th Govermor General of Canada by King George V. He served until Feb. 11, 1940. Notably, Buchan was a master mass mind control propagandist as a propaganda writer for the British War Propaganda Bureau, also called The Wellington House, then was appointed by the War Cabinet to be the director of the propaganda Ministry of Information on Aug. 1914.[1658] [1659] [1660] [1661]
  64. Bookmark: #1940


  65. Stay-behind Network (SOE) became the rogue C.I.A. headquartered in Zurich
    Allen Welsh Dulles, first Director, C.I.A.
    Allen Welsh Dulles, first C.I.A. Director
    Charles Jocelyn Hambro
    Charles Jocelyn Hambro
    In Dec. 1940, Sir (Charles) Eric Hambro's (WWI Ministry of Information/Propaganda) son, Sir Charles Joselyn Hambro, was elevated through the ranks of the "Special Operations Executive" (SOE) to become its Air Commodore chief by 1942. The SOE was organized as "stay-behind" networks that formed the basis of the modern day C.I.A. created under Wifi IconAllen W. Dulles. The C.I.A. managed all the "stay behinds." Hambro made wide use of the government monopoly of Marconi Wireless to press propaganda lies globally to reinforce its secret globalist fascist agenda.[1507] [1551]

    Special Operations Executive (SOE)Dulles is now widely believed to have ordered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy after President Kennedy said he wanted to "splinter [the C.I.A.] into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds" due its utter lawlessness. Dulles and Hambro were evidently in close cooperation. Hambro's possible role in the Kennedy assassination needs to be explored.
  66. Bookmark: #1943


  67. Wifi Icon
    Nikola Tesla, the true inventor of wireless telegraphy (not Marconi)
    Nikola Tesla, the true inventor of wireless telegraphy (not Marconi)
    On Jun. 21, 1943, the U.S. Supreme Court in MARCONI WIRELESS T. CO. OF AMERICA v. U.S., 320 U.S. 1 (1943) affirmed that Nikola Tesla, not Guglielmo Marconi, invented wireless telegraphy. However, by then the British had already deployed Marconi's stolen version of Tesla worldwide, and it was a cornerstone technology of foreign policy. Marconi had been pushed forward by the British government as the inventor of wireless telegraphy (cut out). However, it was not until Dec. 1894 that Marconi demonstrated a radio transmitter and receiver to his mother. Marconi claimed that Tesla had stolen his patents, even though Nikola Tesla had first demonstrated wireless transmissions during a scientific lecture at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia on May 20, 1891—four years earlier![1524] [1561]
  68. Bookmark: #1946


  69. Bookmark: #stay-behind-five-eyes-formed-secretly
    On Mar. 05, 1946, British and American spies entered into an intelligence sharing agreement whose existence could not even be disclosed. The NSA made this agreement public on Apr. 08, 2010, three months before the Leader v. Facebook trial where Facebook was on the verge of being ordered to provide Leader Technologies Mark Zuckerberg's Harvard computers and emails for review. At that moment, Facebook lied to the court saying they had lost all this information. Then, on Jul. 18, 2012, Facebook's lawyer's in Ceglia v. Zuckerberg first disclosed that 28 Zuckerberg computing devices and Harvard emails were 'found' and provided for review. The Facebook lawyer that had custody of those devices was Gibson Dunn LLP who was Facebook's appeals attorney in Leader v. Facebook. Such conduct is evident fraud on the court. [1532]

    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    Mark Zuckerberg
    Richard B. Allan
    Richard B. Allan
    Baron Richard B. Allan's grandfather Frederick Leonard (“FL”) Allan; M.C., M.B.E. was the chief of staff for Adjutant-General Ronald Forbes Adam (1941-1945) who facilited this post-war intelligence sharing-Tavistock mass mind control arrangement that now controls Allan's employer, Facebook.[1553] [1565]
    Mar. 5, 1946 Agreement between US and Britain for secret spying
  70. Bookmark: #five-eyes-formation
    On Mar. 11, 1946 to Mar. 27, 1946, a very select group of British and American spies (later named "Five Eyes" from the U.S. Army Security Agency(ASA), FBI, British MI-6, British GC&CS (later GCHQ), SOE, SIS, OSS met in London to plan out the post-war implementation of the Mar. 05, 1946 agreement made ULTRA SECRET so that the world would never learn about this conspiracy until 2010 when the agreement was released by a FOIA order.[1728] [1774]

    W. Preston Corderman
    W. Preston Corderman, ASA, NSA
    Sir Francis Harry Hinsley
    Sir Francis Harry Hinsley,
    John G. Tiltman, CBE
    John G. Tiltman, CBE, GC&CS, GCHQ, NSA
    Edward W.H. Travis
    Sir Edward W.H. Travis, GC&CS, GCHQ
    Stewart Graham Menzies
    Sir Stewart G. Menzies, MI-6, GC&CS, GCHQ
    Sir William S. Stephenson, Intrepid
    Sir William S. Stephenson, Intrepid, British Security Coordination (BSC)
    U.S. - British Signal Intelligence Technical Conference, March 11, 1946 (Modern weaponization of Intelligence)
    Five Eyes, ANCIB(US)-ANCICC(UK). (Mar. 11, 1946). DAY 1: TOP SECRET CREAM, Inauguration Meeting, U.S. - British Signal Intelligence Technical Conference, March 11, 1946, DOCID: 2959299, REF ID: A2666693, National Archives Ref: HW-80-5, PDF p. 104, NSA.
    Fig.Five Eyes, ANCIB(US)-ANCICC(UK). (Mar. 11, 1946). DAY 1: TOP SECRET CREAM, Inauguration Meeting, U.S. - British Signal Intelligence Technical Conference, March 11, 1946, DOCID: 2959299, REF ID: A2666693, National Archives Ref: HW-80-5, PDF p. 108. NSA.
    Sources: NSA Archives, The National Archives (UK)..
    William F. Friedman. (Oct. 01, 1945). TOP SECRET ULTRA, Report of Temporary Duty, Travel Order, TICOM HQ, Director of Research, U.S. Army Security Agency (ASA). NSA/CSS.
    William F. Friedman. (Apr. 23, 1943). FRIEDMAN TDY TRIP TO LONDON, APR-JUN 1943 (Apr. 23 to Jun. 12, 1943); DIARY - DAILY ACTIVITIES, Doc. Ref. ID: A60517, Folder No. 002, Accession No. 47270, p. 57. NSA/CSS.
    Fig.—William Victor Freidman spent the afternoon of Jun. 03, 1943 with "Freeborn [Frederic Freeborn] on IBM." Freeborn was the IBM boss at GCCS and Bletchley. Freidman had the same IBM system in Washington." Freeborn (b. 1897- d. 1977) was the IBM boss at GCCS and Bletchley. Freidman had the same IBM system in Washington.
    Fig.—The same spies who grabbed German cryptology intellectual property and personnel in OPERATION TICOM (aka Paperclip) were the same spies who conspired with IBM and GCCS to create “Five Eyes” and agreed to give all or most all American communications to the British Privy Council. This network today is named "The IBM Internet of Things."

    William F. Friedman. (Oct. 01, 1945). TOP SECRET ULTRA, Report of Temporary Duty, Travel Order, TICOM HQ, Director of Research, U.S. Army Security Agency (ASA). NSA/CSS.

    William F. Friedman. (Apr. 23, 1943). FRIEDMAN TDY TRIP TO LONDON, APR-JUN 1943 (Apr. 23 to Jun. 12, 1943); DIARY - DAILY ACTIVITIES, Doc. Ref. ID: A60517, Folder No. 002, Accession No. 47270. NSA/CSS.

    Frederic Victor Freeborn, O.B.E. (Jul. 02, 2019)
    . Roll of Honour Certificate No. 3234 and related records. BletchleyPark.org. (Chief of Bletchley Research Department, British Tabulating Machine Company [licensed IBM Hollerith technologies]. Boss of Hollerith card operations at GCCS for most of the war.). Note: Freeborn's colleague Ronald Whelan M.B.E. verifies that Freeborn received an OBE in the 1945 New Years Honours. This OBE to Freeborn and Whelan's MBE effectively made all IBM activity in Britain and Europe subject to the Monarch, even though Friedman and American intelligence were using an IBM clone of the same indexing system. See AFI. (Jan. 08, 2019). The 100-year Anglo-American Propaganda War Is Coming To An End. Americans for Innovation.

    Sources: NSA Archives, London Gazette, BletchleyPark.org.
  71. Bookmark: #cia-formed Bookmark: #1947


  72. On Sep. 18, 1947, under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495), approved July 26, 1947, effective on September 18, 1947, the National Security Council (NSC) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were created. The 1947 Act charged the CIA with coordinating the nation's intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating, and disseminating intelligence which affected national security. In addition, the Agency was to perform other duties and functions related to intelligence as the NSC might direct. The Act defined the Director of Central Intelligence's (DCI) authority as head of the Intelligence Community, head of the CIA, and principal intelligence adviser to the President, and made him responsible for protecting intelligence sources and methods. The act also prohibited the CIA from engaging in law enforcement activity and restricted its internal security functions. The CIA carried out its responsibilities subject to various directives and controls by the President and the NSC.[829]
  73. Bookmark: #nsa-formed Bookmark: #1952


  74. On Oct. 24, 1947, President Harry S. Truman issued a memorandum on communications intelligence (COMINT) that authorized the creation of the National Security Agency (NSA). The memorandum instructeds the Special Committee to issue a directive to the Secretary of Defense which defines the COMINT mission of NSA as being to "provide an effective, unified organization and control of the communications intelligence activities of the United States conducted against foreign governments" (and not against American citizens).[830]
  75. Bookmark: #atlantic-council-formed Bookmark: #1961


  76. On Jan. 17, 1961
    Bookmark: #eisenhower-warning
    President Dwight D. Eisenhower's warned about the rise of a corrupt military-industrial complex
    Click video to watch 2 min. 30 secs. of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address on Jan. 17, 1961
    https://youtu.be/orEurY6HdXU | Raw *.mp4 video
    On Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the world about the dangers for tyranny arising from a military-industrial complex. As the AFI investigation has uncovered, that day came on Sep. 29, 1999 when the C.I.A. began investing in hardware and software companies, thus essentially nationalizing, largely in secret, America's emerging digital infrastructure. This gave the C.I.A. an unprecedented and unaccountable ability to spy on everyone without a warrant. https://youtu.be/orEurY6HdXU | Raw *.mp4 video
  77. Bookmark: #atlantic-council
    Atlantic Council logo
    In 1961, the Atlantic Council was formed as a think tank for globalist priorities. George Soros heavily subsidizes the activities of this so-called think tank.

    Hillary Clinton and the head of CrowdStrike, Dimitri Alperovitch, were both ranking members of the Atlantic Council. Alperovitch is Co-Founder and CTO of CrowdStrike, the computer security company implicated in the deceptions surrounding the alleged hack of DNC servers accused on Russians, but appears to have been a CrowdStrike inside job and false flag designed to frame Donald Trump for alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. Hillary was awarded the Atlantic Council's Distinguished International Leadership Award in 2013. Bill Clinton received the award in 2010. In 2009, George Bush received the award. Also in 2009, IBM CEO Samuel J. Palmisano received the Award. Palmisano led Barack Obama's Internet of Things fascist public-private conspiracy pursuant to Executive Order 13718 in 2016.
    R. James Woolsey Jr.
    R. James Woolsey Jr.
    Samuel J. Palmisano
    Samuel J. Palmisano
    Dmitri Alperovitch
    Dmitri Alperovitch
    Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton
    Evelyn N.Farkas
    Evelyn N. Farkas
    George Soros
    George Soros
    Evelyn N. Farkas, who accidentally disclosed the fact that the Obama administration had been spying on members of Trump's campaign, as well as some of his friends, is also a member of the Atlantic Council. She also had worked under the Clinton campaign since around 2015, and was former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia / Ukraine / Eurasia. Evelyn N. Farkas is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. Farkas is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.[1001] [1036]

    Atlantic Council Directors (2014) include:[1036]
    Lastname Firstname SES Member*
    Acheson David C.  Yes
    Albright Madeleine J.K.  Yes
    Bagley Elizabeth F. Yes
    Baker, III James A.  Yes
    Brown Harold Yes
    Carlucci, III Frank C.  Yes
    Clark Wesley K.  Yes
    Dodd Christopher J.  ?
    Egan, Jr  Thomas J.  ?
    Gates Robert M.  Yes
    Hayden Michael V. Yes
    Kissinger Henry A.  Yes
    Mullen Michael G. ?
    Perry William J.  Yes
    Pickering Thomas R.  Yes
    Powell Colin L.  Yes
    Rice Condoleezza Yes
    Rowny Edward L.  Yes
    Shultz George P.  Yes
    Slaughter Anne-Marie ?
    Taft, IV William H.  ?
    Verveer Melanne Yes
    Warner John W. ?
    Webster William H.  Yes
    Woolsey Jr. R. James Yes

    * If blank, the person may be an SES member, but no corroborating evidence available.

  78. Bookmark: #kennedy-assassinated Bookmark: #1963


  79. On Nov. 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. The Oct. 2017 release of JFK files by President Donald J. Trump revealed that the C.I.A. was involved.

    Earlier, sometime after ca. Oct. 28, 1962, President John F. Kennedy said to friends about the CIA Pay of Pigs Cuba debacle, and resulting Cuban Missile Crisis, that he wanted:
    JFK: “. . . to splinter the C.I.A. in thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.” New York Times[833]
    President John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jackie, in the Dallas TX motorcade moments before he was shot on Nov. 22, 1963. Photograph: Bettmann/Corbis
  80. Bookmark: #1975


  81. James Elias Freeze
    James Elias Freeze
    On Sep. 01, 1975, Brigadier General James Elias Freeze was promoted to lead the US Army Security Agency. Freeze followed in his mentor Corderman's footsteps. He then created the highly illegal Echelon mass surveillance program ca. 1978 with evidently full compliance from no-bid defense contractors associated with the DoD Office of Net Assessment and the Highlands Group, who enrich themselves by stealing and weaponizing new inventions.

    In 1952-53, Freeze was stationed in Eritrea where his wife Dorothy was employed by the United Nations overseeing the Federation of Eritrea and Ethiopia. This was a time of important transition for the British in Eritrea. One can logically assume that Freeze was sent there by the “Inner Sanctum” to test his loyalties.

    Only Freeze’s formal Army record reveals that he graduated from the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee (ACGSC) training in 1963. He never discloses this in his public biographies.

    On Apr. 29, 1970, then Colonel Freeze commanded the 303d ASA Radio Research Battalion. Freeze personally received the order from President Nixon to invade Cambodia.

    After promotion to Brigadier General on Jun. 05, 1975 by President Gerald Ford, Freeze took command of the Army Security Agency (ASA)—the same position formerly held by his "Inner Sanctum" mentor, Brigadier General Corderman.[1728] [1774] [1724]

    James E. Freeze
    Biography & Timeline
    Major General James E. Freeze. (Jun. 21, 2019). Biography & Timeline.
    Timeline: Americans for Innovation.
  82. Bookmark: #church-committee-hearings Bookmark: #1976


  83. On Apr. 26, 1976, Sen. Frank Church. Senate Select Committee (The Church Committee) to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. In this hearing, Senator Church exposed the massive and secret C.I.A. MKUltra mind control program. While the Senate ordered the programs to stop, they did not.[1016]

    Senator Daniel Inouye (HI) exposed "a shadowy government" in 1987

    https://youtu.be/QOM8lVpEC1I | Raw *.mp4 video file | Transcript
  84. Bookmark: #1977


  85. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    In 1977 to 1979, Mark Malloch-Brown became political correspondent for The Economist in the UK.[1287]
  86. Bookmark: #1978


  87. Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    In 1978, Geoffrey E. Pattie (later Sir) shadow founded the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) in the United Kingdom. Then, on Aug. 21, 1986, he founded SERCO Group PLC.[1330]
  88. Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    In 1978, Geoffrey E. Pattie (later Sir) shadow founded the Intellectual Property Institute Co. in the United Kingdom, formerly named The Common Law Institute of Intellectual Property Limited.[1330]
  89. Bookmark: #ses-table
    On Oct. 13, 1978, The Senior Executive Service (SES) was created as Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978 under President Jimmy Carter.

    Senior Executive Service (SES) flag and logo
    The Act reformed the civil service of the federal government, partly in response to the Watergate scandal. It abolished the U.S. Civil Service Commission and distributed its functions primarily among four new agencies: the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) and the Senior Executive Service (SES).

    Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton
    Kristine Marcy
    Kristine Marcy
    On Sep. 19, 1979, President Carter called SES "the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act." Tellingly, Wikipedia describes it as an also-ran program. Also-ran or keystone? It cannot be both. President Carter's statement stands in stark contrast to the program's TOTAL lack of transparency and the public's total lack of awareness of its existence. Keystone for what? Hindsight provides the answer: racketeering, theft, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, fraud, treason and sedition.

    President Carter assigned Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell) to organize the SES. Marcy was and is a notorious lesbian activist close to Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno, among others.[1013] [1014] [1018] [1019] [1020] [1029]

    Senior Executive Service (SES) "Plum Book" Policy and Supporting Positions published by various House and Senate Committees Updated Mar. 30,2018
    President Reporting Year SES Plum Book
    Be Patient on downloads, these are large files
    Positions Depts. & Agencies Inspectors General
    (Deep State shadow gov't buffers)
    Agency/Dept. Summary Spreadsheet
    Search Note: The versions of these documents at the Federal Register and GoogleDocs/GoogleDrive contain search blocks that prevent all the names in these documents from appearing on searches and being indexed by web search crawlers. We are unpacking these files and removing those booby traps. So, just because a name does not appear the first time you search, do not assume it is not there. It may have been intentionally rendered unsearchable. We are receiving many reports from whistleblowers that these official SES lists are not comprehensive and are only the "tip of the iceberg" of total SES federal employees. Reading between the lines of their disclosure rules, SES has dozens of ways of making people's names and salaries secret, and as they say in every document, they cannot be hired or fired by the President (that statement is usually the last paragraph of APPENDIX NO. 2).
    Bookmark: #ses-obfuscation-blizzard | https://tinyurl.com/yanznx2n
    NEW! ANALYSIS (100 hrs. unpacking the Plum Books): Anonymous Patriots. (Apr. 04, 2018). Plum Books hide SES employees in a blizzard of bad math and contradictory, nonsensical categories. American Intelligence Media.

    EXPERT CONCLUSION: Everyone in the Plum Book is SES, whether directly designated or secretly associated by convoluted policies.
    Jimmy Carter 1980 PDF   8,600   18  
    Ronald Reagan 1984 PDF   8,000   20  
    1988 PDF   8,000   14  
    George H.W. Bush 1992 PDF   8,600   12  
    Bill Clinton 1996 PDF   7,303 104 30 XLSX
    2000 PDF DOCX 7,323 115 ? XLSX
    George W. Bush 2004 PDF DOCX 9,357 119 ? XLSX
    2008 PDF DOCX 8,221 115 ? XLSX
    Barack Obama 2012 PDF DOCX 11,392 164 25 XLSX
    2016 PDF DOCX 9,033 166 25 XLSX
    Standing SES (DOJ) Performance Review Boards*
    Fed. Reg. PDF* Declawed
    500 Office of Attorney General DOJ SeS 500 - DOJ Paymasters
    Donald Trump 2020 PDF   10,300 174 26  
    Various 1979- SITE   NSA, CIA, DTIC, DOD
    Various Various ZIP   SERCO British/Int'l arm of SES (has controlled the U.S. Patent Office since 2006)
    Table 1: Senior Executive Service (SES) Plum Book disclosing the U.S. shadow government. Click on any file. To search inside a file, click Ctrl + F (find) then type a search word or phrase. Or, select Edit | Advanced Search.

    * This Federal Register file is severely tampered with to prevent search crawlers from indexing it, and even from normal cut and paste and file conversion actions. Essentially, it had to be retyped in order to strip out the embedded malware in the fonts themselves. This tampering hints at possible collusion with Microsoft and possibly Adobe to recognize hidden HEX characters inside certain fonts that automatically junks up the text record, thus preventing normal portability of the data to other programs. This one file took approx. 14 experienced man-hours to render it to full searchability. The effort to "hide this file in plain site" was evident to the engineers.
    Bookmark: #1979


  90. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    In 1979 to 1983, Mark Malloch-Brown became Chief of Field Operations for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Thailand Field Operations for Cambodia Refugees (Camp SaKho I Dang).

    In addition, he became Deputy Chief of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Emergency Unit in Geneva, Horn of Africa, Central America., and Staffer for UNHCR.

    In 1982, Malloch-Brown's UNHCR received a Nobel Prize. [1287]
  91. Bookmark: #feinstein-ses
    SES federal takeover of San Francisco (Silicon Valley). Why? To make the area rogue C.I.A.-friendly
    Senior Executive Service (SES) flag and logo
    On Nov. 07, 1979, then San Francisco Mayor Dianne G.B. Feinstein attempted to start a Senior Executive Service (SES) within the City of San Francisco. Touch & Ross LLP (now Delloitte & Touche) was hired to prepare the selling job for the implementation of SES. Touche & Ross LLP were paid by the federal Office of Personnel Management (OPM) formed just months earlier by the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978. This effort was clearly one of the first attempts by Kristin Marcy, the newly-appointed director of the SES in Washington D.C. to push this federal program down to not only the state level, but also in major cities—in complete violation of the Hatch Act.

    Kristine Marcy
    Kristine Marcy
    Dianne G.B. Feinstein
    Dianne G.B. Feinstein
    According to the Hatch Act, federal employees are prohibited from using federal funds to attempt to influence local and state elections. However, Feinstein, Touch & Ross and OPM appear to have been in a conspiracy to to influence the San Francisco city government to implement a clone of the federal SES program at the municipal level—even down to writing and designing the ballots that were then published and mailed to the public before election day.[1025] [1026] [1027] [1024]
  92. Bookmark: #1980


  93. Senior Executive Service (SES) flag and logo
    On Nov. 18, 1980, the House of Representatives published its first "Plum Book" describing the first list of over 8,600 Senior Executive Services (SES) employees titled Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service House of Representatives, 96th Congress, 2d Session. Y 4.G 74/7 :P 75/6/980. GPO.[1039]

    On Oct. 13, 1978, The Senior Executive Service (SES) was created as Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978 under President Jimmy Carter.

    1980 Plum Book includes:[1036]
    No. Lastname Firstname
    1 Babbitt Bruce
    2 Bradley Thomas
    3 Bremer L. Paul
    4 Brzezinski Zbigniew K.
    5 Bundy McGeorge
    6 Carlucci Frank C.
    7 Holbrooke Richard
    8 Kennedy Patrick F.
    9 Lake William T.
    10 Marshall Andrew W.
    11 Muskie Edmund S.
    12 Pickering Thomas R.
    13 Rockefeller Sharon P.
    14 Scowcroft Brent
    15 Volcker Paul A.
    16 Warren Christopher
    17 Watson, Jr.  Thomas J. (IBM - Moscow)
  94. Bookmark: #1983


  95. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    In 1983 to 1986, Mark Malloch-Brown became founding editor of The Economist Economic Development Report.[1287]
  96. Bookmark: #1984


  97. Bookmark: #geoffrey-e-pattie-golden-share-keeper
    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    From 1984 (Sep) thru 1987 (Jun), Geoffrey E. Pattie (later Sir), became Minster of State for Industry & Information, the steward of the Queen's "Golden Share" governance veto control via the Privy Council over all major British industries, including information technology, civil aviation, space, biotechnology and advanced research.[1330]
  98. Senior Executive Service (SES) flag and logo
    On Nov. 22, 1984, the House of Representatives published its first "Plum Book" describing the first list of over 8,000 Senior Executive Services (SES) employees titled Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service House of Representatives, 96th Congress, 2d Session. Y 4.G 74/7 :P 75/6/980. GPO.[1035]

    On Oct. 13, 1978, The Senior Executive Service (SES) was created as Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978 under President Jimmy Carter.

    1984 Plum Book includes:[1035]
    No. Lastname Firstname
    1 Armitage Richard K.
    2 Ayer Donald B.
    3 Baker III James A.
    4 Balridge Malcolm
    5 Bork Robert H.
    6 Breyer Stephen G. 
    7 DiGenova Joseph E.
    8 Farnan, Jr. Joseph J.
    9 Ginsburg Ruth Bader 
    10 Jackson Thomas Penfield
    11 Marshall Andrew W.
    12 Meese III Edwin
    13 Olson Theodore B.
    14 Orrick Jr. William H.
    15 Scalia Antonin 
    16 Sessions III Jefferson B.
    17 Starr Kenneth W.
    18 Taft IV William H.
    19 Webb Dan K.
    20 Weinberger Casper W.
  99. Bookmark: #1986


  100. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    From 1986 to 1994, Mark Malloch-Brown became the lead international partners and co-owner of Sawyer-Miller Law Group, Washington, D.C. that consulted on privitization and economic reform in Russia and Eastern Europe. They also advised political campaigns in Columbia and Philippines.[1287]
  101. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    On Feb. 25, 1986, Mark Malloch-Brown wrote the presidential acceptance speech for Corazon Aquino who was elected president of the Philippines.[1287]
  102. Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    From Jul. 01, 1986 to Dec. 31, 1986, Geoffrey E. Pattie (later Sir) became chairman of the European Council of Research Ministers, but never discloses this position in his public biographies.[1330]
  103. Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    On Aug. 21, 1986, Geoffrey E. Pattie (later Sir) founded SERCO Group Plc (originally named Dealmove Limited) as the successor to The Alvey Directorate, Science and Engineering Research Council in the United Kingdom. This founding has never been disclosed by Pattie in his public biographies.[1330]
  104. Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    On Dec. 31, 1986, Geoffrey E. Pattie (later Sir) appointed Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council Counsellor.[1330]
  105. Bookmark: #1987 Bookmark: #shadowy-government


  106. Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    On Jun. 13, 1987, Geoffrey E. Pattie is appointed Knight Bachelor by Queen Elizabeth.[1330]
  107. On Aug. 03, 1987, Senator Daniel K. Inouye (HI) chaired the Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition, which held public hearings on the Iran-Contra affair. Senator Inouye, summarizes here the coverup of the US Shadowy Government involvement; by saying:[798]
    "There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
    Senator Daniel Inouye (HI) exposed "a shadowy goverment" in 1987
    https://youtu.be/QOM8lVpEC1I | Raw *.mp4 video file | Transcript
  108. Bookmark: #1990-1999 Bookmark: #rise-of-spy-state-oligarchy
  109. In 1990, Lawrence "Larry" Summers, a professor of economics at Harvard, tutored a favorite student, Sheryl K. Sandberg, while fellow professor of law, James P. Chandler, III, looked on. In their hubris, they have used their inside knowledge of America's legal and economic weaknesses to try and create a permanent ruling class among their cronies.
    Lawrence ''Larry'' Summers, World Bank, U.S. Treasury, U.S. National Economic Council, Square, Instagram, Andreessen Horowitz
    Larry H. Summers
    Sheryl K. Sandberg, Facebook, Larry Summers protege
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Yuri Milner, DST, DST Systems, Digital Sky Technologies, Mail.ru, Larry Summers protege
    Yuri Milner
    James P. Chandler
    James P. Chandler
    Yellow symbol is metaphorical irony likening lawyers to hazardous substances. Photos L/R/T/D: Life, ABC News, Fortune, NIPLI, Freeze Corp, Politico, Daily Caller, Sanpedronewspilot.
  110. Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze (U.S. Army ret.)
    James E. Freeze
    Also in 1990, Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze (U.S. Army, ret.) delivered "The Freeze Report" to Congress on the lax state of security at the U.S. Department of Energy ("DoE"). Freeze was former assistant deputy director of the National Security Agency ("NSA").[048] James P. Chandler assisted Freeze in that DoE assessment and the trainings that followed.[036]
  111. Overview

    A "public-private" plan to privatize the management of American security and intelligence appears to have hatched from this Chandler-Freeze association in the early 1990's.

    On Jun. 07, 1993—five months into Bill Clinton's first term as President in 1993—Clinton advisors James P. Chandler and John D. Podesta hosted an encryption conference in Washington, D.C. The clear objective of that conference was to create a rationale to give Clinton's Deep State intelligence people a universal backdoor key to all digital communications.

    During 1993-1994, Bill & Hillary Clinton's political enemies were being killed of like flies, as revealed by their long term Arkansas political "fixer," Larry Nichols, producer of The Clinton Chronicles (1994).

    Tellingly, on Apr. 17, 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order No. 12958[271] Classified National Security (first published on Jan. 01, 1995). This order appears to be the legal genesis for an illegal Deep C.I.A. Spy State run out of the White House used to gather dirt on individuals across the planet. Chandler very evidently wrote this executive order and provided the continuity for this illegal agency through the Clinton, Bush and Obama presidencies.

    During this time, Chandler and Freeze privately formed and repeatedly flipped a company named Eurotech, Ltd. that supplies software and hardware to the spy state. A decade later, they both served as directors for Columbus innovator, Leader Technologies, until that is, Chandler took custody of a copy of Leader's source code on June 05, 2002 and that code then magically appeared in the "open source" programming code of the IBM Eclipse Foundation just 11 weeks later.

    Leader Technologies invention was social networking (which these spy state aficionados clearly wanted for their schemes). It solved a "scalability" problem that Microsoft's, IBM's and Xerox's older client-server architectures were choking on.

    David J. Kappos, IBM, U.S. Patent Office, James P. Chandler flunky
    David J. Kappos

    Leader's innovations were sent immediately to Chandler's long-time crony client and technology supplier to the secret Deep State—IBM, where the future Patent Office director David J. Kappos was waiting for it. As just stated, eleven weeks later, Leader's innovations first appeared in IBM's Eclipse Foundation release 2.0.1 with illegal IBM copyright claims. Eighteen months later, with Larry Summers now its president, Facebook emerged at Harvard. Facebook was just the first of numerous NSA data gathering fronts to emerge from IBM Eclipse, a ring leader in this scheme.

    It would be macabre if their choice of "The Eclipse Foundation" name alluded to the damage done by their in-your-face eclipse of the U.S. Constitution.

    Bookmark: #Fig-14
    Big Brother is watching you.IBM spy state logo
    Graphic: meltybuzz
    Fig. 14—Stylized IBM "Big Brother" warm and fuzzy spy state logo. Works better than IBM's previous World War II client's logo, the Nazi spy state:
    Nazi flag

    The Nazis were a major purchaser of IBM computers starting before WWII. They used them to catalog Jews, Poles, gypsies, homosexuals and anyone else they wished to murder in their "Final Solution." Of course, the Nazis did not consider eliminating these "undesireables" to be murder since they reclassified them as subhuman. By contrast, Nazis considered Russians as pigs to be brutally disciplined.

    Nazi labor minister Dr. Robert Ley, former Head of the German Labor Front, on the treatment of Russian slave workers (Essen, Germany, October 1942):

    "The key item on the agenda was the question of 'how to treat the Russians.' ... Robert Ley, as usual, was drunk. And when Ley got drunk he was prone to speak his mind... With so much at stake, there was no room for compassion or civility. No degree of coercion was too much, and Ley expected the mine managers to back up their foremen in meting out the necessary discipline. As Ley put it: 'When a Russian pig has to be beaten, it would be the ordinary German worker who would have to do it.'" (Adam ToozeThe Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy (Allen Lane 2006). p. 529.)(emphasis added)

    Behind this national security smokescreen (it's for the greater good), these men concocted a legal sophistry that lured American citizens into agreeing to give away their sacred Constitutional rights to privacy in exchange for "free" online services.

    With these "end user license agreements" in hand, the NSA was given the legal clearance to spy on Americans. Much, if not most, of this legal vision is the brainchild of James P. Chandler, who now operates a fifth column within the Obama Administration, probably even vetting all FOIA requests for the White House.

    William J. Clinton
    Bill J. Clinton

    Chandler is the author of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 under Bill Clinton. One of Bill Clinton's last acts as president was to appoint Chandler to the National Infrastructure Assurance Council ("NIAC") just two days before he left office on Jan. 20, 2001.[024] Chandler directed ongoing traffic for this spy state agenda, starting under Clinton, through Bush, and now under Obama.

    To facilitate the "Big Data" collection, these three presidential administrations cleared the regulatory path ways for Wall Street and Silicon Valley to form companies to give the illusion of choice—but don't be fooled, they are all NSA "old boy" creations.

    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III

    Indeed, Washington, D.C. insiders report that a central actor in this corruption, Clinton security adviser James P. Chandler, has famously declared that the "prime" defense contractors (Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics and Raytheon) are merely revolving door agencies of the federal government. Chandler has merely extended his philosophy of an insider's game to the control of the Internet, exhibited by the NSA's abuse of privacy.

    The legislative, executive, judicial and Free Press institutions of our Republic stopped working as designed

    The quid pro quo for American intelligence under the Executive branch was that these private companies would feed funds and data to the NSA and government insiders without Congressional approval (the Legislative branch). Blackmail, extortion, intimidation and coercion by insiders is inescapable. It is just what bad people do.

    The quid pro quo for the cooperation of the Judicial branch was new wealth from specially organized Wall Street mutual funds and waiver of judicial ethics rules that would look the other way when these mutual funds were disclosed. What judge or judicial employee will resist the tipsters subsequently?

    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton

    The quid pro quo for the Free Press was income from advertising and voter manipulation. In exchange, the "lame stream media" stopped holding the powerful accountable because the Silicon Valley purveyors of "Big Data" and their bankers fed them advertising. They have become data junkies. Sadly, the press began using the unverified "narratives" of the spy state conspirators as their primary sources, thus reinforcing the lies. The Social Network is a perfect example of a lying "narrative" about Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook that the public believed because the mainstream media never questioned its veracity.

    Anne-Marie Slaughter
    Anne-Marie Slaughter

    Constitutional checks and balances have degenerated into competing oligarchies and secret alliances

    In short, this "public-private partnership" scheme pressed by Hillary Clinton adviser, Anne-Marie Slaughter ("A New World Order"), has destroyed Constitutional checks and balances. In its place are unaccountable spy state oligarchies based on ill-conceived and self-serving "international networks."

    Bookmark: #Fig-15
    U.S. Department of State social media links, accessed Dec. 05, 2015
    Fig. 15—Public-Private Partnership to Destroy Liberty & Privacy. L/R: Blog, Tumblr (Yahoo), Twitter, Flickr (Yahoo), Instagram (Facebook), Facebook, Google+, YouTube (Google). All members of IBM's Eclipse Foundation and, according to NSA documents leaked by patriot whistle blower, Edward Snowden,[187] all members of the NSA Deep Spy State cartel and IBM's Eclipse Foundation.. Bottom line Twitter, Yahoo, Facebook and Google run the spy state apparatus for the NSA, along with AT&T, Verizon and Microsoft (Skype).
    The State Department's website is a good example of the ubiquity of the NSA spy state user data gathering juggernaut:
  112. Between 1990-1992, Russian Yuri Milner obtained an MBA from the Wharton School of Business.
  113. Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie
    In Jun. 1990 to 1999, Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie was appointed Chariman of Marconi Electronic Systems Ltd.[1330]
  114. Bookmark: #paul-kagame-cia-trained
    Rogue C.I.A. shadow government planned to secure diamonds and rare earth minerals needed for manufacturing in computers, TVs, mobile phones, space and defense in Central Africa by installing Paul Kagame as a strongman, no matter the human cost
    Paul Kagame
    Paul Kagame, C.I.A. Agent
    On Oct. 01, 1990, at the time of the October 1990 invasion of Rwanda, Paul Kagame was being trained by a rogue globalist C.I.A. at the Pentagon's General Staff and Command College at Fort Leavenworth, in Kansas (USA). Kagame returned and led the four year war that resulted in the deaths of perhaps several hundred thousand Hutu people between October 1990 and April 1994 alone. See Rwanda Jul. 18, 1994 timeline entry below.[658] [670]

    At the time of the October 1990 invasion of Rwanda, Paul Kagame was being trained by the globalist rogue C.I.A. at the Pentagon's General Staff and Command College at Fort Leavenworth, in Kansas (USA). Kagame returned and led the four year war that resulted in the deaths of perhaps several hundred thousand Hutu people between October 1990 and April 1994 alone. From Keith Harmon Snow. (Apr. 05, 2012). Pentagon Produces Satellite Photos Of 1994 Rwanda Genocide, p. 4. Conscious Being Alliance.
    Fig. 3—Rwandan Paul Kagame (right). At the time of the October 1990 invasion of Rwanda, Paul Kagame was being trained by the globalist rogue C.I.A. at the Pentagon's General Staff and Command College at Fort Leavenworth, in Kansas (USA). Kagame returned and led the four year war that resulted in the deaths of perhaps several hundred thousand Hutu people between October 1990 and April 1994 alone. From Keith Harmon Snow. (Apr. 05, 2012). Pentagon Produces Satellite Photos Of 1994 Rwanda Genocide, p. 4. Conscious Being Alliance.
  115. Bookmark: #1991


  116. Bookmark: #bush-new-world-order-1991
    George H. W. Bush
    George H.W. Bush
    George H.W. Bush, C.I.A. Director (1976-77) announced "A New World Order"
    On Jan. 16, 1991, in his Oval Office address to the nation announcing the first Persian Gulf War, President George H.W. Bush telegraphed the Deep State shadow government agenda to use a destabilized Middle East to usher in a globalist "New World Order" that would be run by un-elected bureaucrats, bankers and multi-national corporations. This agenda has emerged out of such globalist organizations as the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove, European Union, rouge C.I.A., rogue NSA, Yale Skull & Bones, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the World Economic Forum (Davos). In short, the self-anointed "elites" want to destroy the Grand American Experiment in a Republic where all power emerges from the People, the Governed, and not from oligarchs, monarchs, bureaucrats, lawyers and dictators.[616]
    ''This is an historic moment. We have in this past year made great progress in ending the long era of conflict and cold war. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order — a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful — and we will be — we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders."
    https://youtu.be/S7yuE7aqSiA | Raw *.mp4 video file.
  117. Bookmark: #globalbaloney
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Between 1991-1993, Lawrence ("Larry") H. Summers was chief economist for the World Bank.
  118. In 1991, Sheryl K. Sandberg became a research assistant to Lawrence "Larry" Summers at the World Bank after Summers had been her senior thesis advisor.[401]
  119. Bookmark: #Fig-16
    Larry Summers' reckless "Big Bangery" and "Globaloney" Harvard economic theories laid the foundation for this New World Order corruption, which is age-old fraud and greed dressed up in the latest elitist hubris.
  120. Between 1991-1993, "wunderkind professors of economics" including Larry Summers were unleashed as "ersatz policy 'experts'" by the World Bank to implement their "flawed" plan for privatization of banking in the Soviet Union ("Big Bangery" and "globaloney" to justify the monopolistic world-wide role of the World Bank."). This reckless voucher system resulted in the emergence of the current system of corrupt Russian oligarchies controlled by the Kremlin; oligarchies that Summers, Sandberg and Milner now exploit.[268]

    Yuri Milner
    Yuri Milner
    Alisher Usmanov
    Alisher Usmanov
    Tellingly, in all of Barack Obama's sanctions to punish Russia for the Crimean annexation, he has never sanctioned Yuri Milner or his mentor in all things oligarchical, Alisher Usmanov—the richest man in Russia. Pre-IPO Facebook investments by Milner and Usmanov supported the NSA's agenda to inflate the value of Facebook.

    Lloyd Blankfein
    Lloyd Blankfein
    Milner's and Usmanov's Moscow partners included Goldman Sachs (Lloyd Blankfein, CEO) and Morgan Stanley. Obama announced his candidacy on Facebook in 2007. Obama owed Summers and these Russian oligarchs who, along with Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley et al, financed his rise to the American Presidency.
  121. Bookmark: #dan-casolaro
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Aug. 10, 1991, Dan Casolaro, a journalist investigating Bill and Hillary Clinton's involvement in ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance Authority) and their Mena, Arkansas $100 million drug smuggling and money laundering operation, allegedly committed suicide.[528]
  122. Bookmark: #sandberg-anti-patriarchy
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    On Mar. 20, 1991, Sheryl K. Sandberg published her Harvard senior thesis titled "Economic Factors & Intimate Violence" blaming domestic violence on "traditional attitudes" and "Western society" and "patriarchy." Lawrence H. Summers was her adviser. Her thesis was stillborn given her erroneous conclusion that 95% of domestic violence is against women, when the actual number was and is roughly 50-50.[401] Sandberg's current gender agenda has evidently been cultivated since Harvard and supported by Summers.
  123. Bookmark: #1992


  124. Robert S. Mueller, III rigged grand juries in U.S. v. Williams
    Michael R. Dreeben
    Michael R. Dreeben
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    On May 04, 1992, Robert S. Mueller, III, Kenneth R. Starr. Michael R. Dreeben with full complicity from Frank Keating and Joseph C. Wyderko argied U.S. v. Williams before the U.S. Supreme Court that decided in a sharply split 5:4 decision that special prosecutors were permitted to withhold exculpatory evidence from a grand jury in order to get an indictment, even when the information proved the target's innocence.

    On Apr. 18, 2019, Robert Mueller as special prosecutor in the Trump-Russia hoax argued that U.S. v. Williams permitted him to withhold exculpatory evidence proving Donald J. Trump's innocence. Shockingly, he also argued that the U.S. grand jury system . . . [The Globalist Warlord's Grand Jury:] “. . . belongs to no branch of the institutional government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people” citing U.S. v. Williams (1992).[1689] [1700]
  125. Bookmark: #victor-raiser
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Jul. 30, 1992, Victor Raiser & son, chair of the Clinton Presidential Finance Committee, died in a plane crash.[528]
  126. Bookmark: #ruby-ridge
    From Aug. 21 - 31, 1992, Ruby Ridge was the site of a deadly confrontation and an eleven-day siege near Naples, Idaho, beginning on August 21, 1992, between Randy Weaver, members of his immediate family and a family friend Kevin Harris, and agents of the United States Marshals Service (USMS) and the Hostage Rescue Team of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI HRT).

    According to Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Special Agent In Charge (ret.), this event was staged by the government and was a wholly unwarranted response to a loyal American, Randy Weaver, who lived remotely with his wife, Vicki, and daughter, simply refusing to appear for a court hearing after a summons had been issued.[639] See Ted L. Gunderson's timeline entry for May 12, 2005.
  127. Bookmark: #george-soros-crashed-uk-pound
    George Soros
    George Soros
    On Sep. 17, 1992, hedge fund manager George Soros famously bet against the UK pound. Hedge funds were not yet well known.

    In a nutshell, Soros believed that the British Pound was overvalued and was headed for a devaluation. So, he borrowed over ten billion Pounds in a 'Go for the jugular' move. He then immediately converted the Pounds into German Marks. When the markets learned about Soros’ actions, other traders followed suit. This run o the Pound triggered a devaluation. Soros then used his Marks to buy back the now devalued Pounds and pocketed $1.4 billion profit. All in one day.

    Soros fleeced $1.4 billion from the British taxpayer in 1993
    Anatoly Chubais, Chairman, Rosnano, POCHAHO
    Fig.–George Soros went "for the jugular" and almost destroyed the British economy in 1992.
    Source: INBU 4200 Int’l Financial Management.
    Soros would go on to repeat this money market manipulation across the world for decades. These funds were used to finance Bill & Hillary Clinton, The Clinton Foundation, The Clinton Global Initiative, Barack Obama, his takeover of the U.S. Democratic Party and his Open Society Foundations globalist "new world order" political agenda.[437]

    See also December 20, 1998 (below) George Soros being interviewed by Steve Kroft of CBS 60 Minutes about this UK pound and other admitted market corruption.
  128. William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Nov. 03, 1992, William ("Bill") J. Clinton elected 42nd U.S. President.
  129. Bookmark: #ses-1992-plum-book
    Senior Executive Service (SES) flag and logo
    On Nov. 10, 1992, the Senate published the fourth "Plum Book" describing over 8,600 Senior Executive Services (SES) employees titled Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Governmental Affairs, 102d Congress, 2d Session. Y 4.G 74/9: S. Prt. 102-509. ISBN 0-16-039526-7. GPO.[1041]

    On Oct. 13, 1978, The Senior Executive Service (SES) was created as Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978 under President Jimmy Carter.

    1992 Plum Book includes:[1041]
    No. Lastname Firstname
    1 Addington  David S.
    2 Alexander Jr. Andrew Lamar
    3 Baker III James A.
    4 Bork, Jr. Robert H. 
    5 Chao  Elaine
    6 Cheney  Richard B.
    7 Cheney  Lynne V.
    8 Keating II Francis A.
    9 Libby I.L. "Scooter"
    10 Mueller III Robert S.
    11 Roberts, Jr. John G.
    12 Rockefeller John D.
    13 Rockefeller, Jr. Nelson A.
    14 Schall Alvin A.
    15 Schapiro Mary L.
    16 Sessions William S.
    17 Terwilliger III George J.
    18 Watkins James D.
  130. Bookmark: #1993


  131. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    In 1993, (Lord) Mark Malloch-Brown was the campaign manager for Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, Bolivia.[1287]
  132. #malloch-brown-refugees
    George Soros
    George Soros
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    From 1993 to 1994. (Lord) Mark Malloch-Brown was appointed vice chairman of Refugees International Washington, D.C. (George Soros); Soros Advisory Committee on Bosnia.[1287]
  133. Bookmark: #icg-founded
    George Soros
    George Soros
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    In Jan. 1993, Mark Malloch-Brown was co-founder, trustee and chairman of International Crisis Group (ICG). Membership included George Soros, George Soros, Alexander Soros, Morton I. Abramowitz (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), Frank Giustra (Jul. 01, 2006, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative), Wesley Clark, Lawrence H. Summers (Harvard, Instagram, Square, Facebook, Sheryl K. Sandberg, Yuri Milner, Alisher Usmanov, Mail.ru, Vkontact, Andreessen-Horowitz, National Economic Council (Obama)), Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, U.S. State Department, USAID, Open Society Foundation, more.[1287]
  134. #clinton-inaugurated
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Jan. 20, 1993, Bill Clinton inaugurated.
  135. William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Marnie (Marnie) L. Levine
    Marne L. Levine (later Deutch)
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    On Jan. 20, 1993, Bill Clinton appointed Larry Summers as U.S. Undersecretary for International Affairs of the United States Department of the Treasury. Summers hired Marne L. Levine Marne L. Levine (aka "Marnie" . . . later Deutch) who served him in his various Treasury Department positions (1993-2001). Levine then became Summers' chief of staff at Harvard in 2001, then Obama and Hillary Clinton at the State Department (2009-2010), then Facebook (Jul. 2010), then she became chief operating officer of Instagram. Levine received her MBA from Harvard Business School in 1993.[303]
  136. Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    On Jan. 25, 1993, Hillary Clinton appointed chair of the unsuccessful President's Task Force on National Healthcare Reform.
  137. Bookmark: #world-trade-center-bombing
    On Feb. 26, 1993, The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was alleged to be a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.On Feb. 26, 1993, The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was alleged to be a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. A truck bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The 1,336 pounds (606 kg) urea nitrate–hydrogen gas enhanced device (supplied by an FBI Informant, see below) was intended, according to the official propaganda narrative, to send the North Tower (Tower 1) crashing into the South Tower (Tower 2), bringing both towers down and killing tens of thousands of people. It failed to do so, but killed six people and injured over a thousand.

    According to Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Special Agent In Charge (ret.), the FBI had infiltrated the terrorist cell through FBI Informant Emad Salem. Salem was tasked with building the bomb. Salem recorded the meetings with his FBI handlers who supplied the bomb, much to his surprise. In other words, this bombing was planned and carried out by the FBI who allowed the terrorists to proceed. Gunderson believes the microphone recording is the only defense that Salem had against being framed and sent to prison.[639] See Ted L. Gunderson's timeline entry for May 12, 2005.
  138. Bookmark: #lebleu-mckeaham-williams-willis
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Janet W. Reno
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Feb. 28, 1993, C. LeBleu, T. McKeaham, R. Williams, S. Willis, bodyguards for Bill and Hillary Clinton, were all killed by gunfire in the illegal Waco, Texas raid on the David Koresh Branch Davidian compound. Attorney General Jaent Reno ordered the evidently illegal attack[528]

    According to Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Special Agent In Charge (ret.), these men were all shot in the head in evident assassinations, not at the hands of the Branch Davidians, who took the wrap and some are serving life prison sentences after being framed.[639] See Ted L. Gunderson's timeline entry for May 12, 2005.
  139. Bookmark: #barkley-hassey-reynolds-sabel
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On May 19, 1993, W. Barkley, B. Hassey, S. Reynolds, T. Sabel, bodyguards for Bill and Hillary Clinton, were killed in a helicopter crash.[528]
  140. Bookmark: #john-wilson
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On May 19, 1993, John A. Wilson, Washington, D.C. councilman died mysteriously as he was preparing to expose the Clintons.[528]
  141. Bookmarks: #jun-07-1993-fbi-podesta-chandler-cisco-nsa-cia-backdoor-key-attempted
    Ground Zero of Obama's ICANN give away TREASON (Oct. 01, 2016) & NSA warrantless surveillance
    NSA is "Wrongdoing Masquerading as Patriotism."
    James Bamford, NSA whistleblower, attendee[519]
    On Jun. 07, 1993, Clinton, Bush, Obama consiglieri James P. Chandler III and Chief of Staff John D. Podesta, via the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, sponsored the "Third CPSR Cryptography and Privacy Conference" to gather intelligence with the objective:
    "to require that telecommunications manufacturers and service providers redesign their systems to facilitate wiretapping."[519]
    James Bidzos
    James Bidzos, RSA, Verisign (Clinton, Bush, Obama), NSA
    Sol Glasner
    Sol Glasner, Mitre (Clinton, Bush, Obama), NSA, The JASON Group
    Addison M. Fischer
    Addison M. Fischer, Verisign (Bush, Obama), NSA
    Steven B. Lipner
    Steven B. Lipner, Mitre, The JASON Group, Microsoft (1999-2015), Bush, Obama), NSA
    Stuart Kern
    Stuart Kern (Larry Summers, Clinton, Obama), Treasury Dept.
    David R. Johnson
    David R. Johnson, Wilmer Hale (Clinton, Obama) lawyer
    Tien Lee
    Lee Tien, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), likely agent (Clinton, Bush, Obama)
    Allan E. Suchinsky
    Allan E. Suchinsky, State Dept. (Obama) Export Licensing
    John D. Sonderman
    John D. Sonderman, State Dept. (Obama) Export Control
    Kenneth A. Mendelson
    Kenneth A. Mendelson, Stroz Friedberg (Obama) U.S. Att. Preet Bharara
    Martina L. Bradford
    Martina L. Bradford, Harry Reid (Obama) AT&T
    Stephen Wolff
    Stephen Wolff, Cisco, Internet2 (Obama CEO Council)
    Catherine M. Russell
    Catherine M. Russell, US Ambassador for Women (Obama)
    Juan P. Osuna
    Juan P. Osuna, US DOJ, Director, Immigration Review (Obama)
    Phil Karn, Qualcomm
    Phil Karn, Qualcomm (Obama CEO Council)
    John T. Brennan
    John T. Brennan, Tom Guidoboni, NSA Cyber (2008-2009) (Obama)
    Ann M. Harkins.jpg
    Ann M. Harkins, Podesta Assoc, (Obama) Chief of Staff for Att. Gen. Janet Reno (1999-2001)
    Stephen D. Crocker
    Stephen D. Crocker, ICANN Chair (current) (Obama); McAfee Internet Security; Highlands
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III (Clinton, Bush, Obama)
    John D. Podesta
    John D. Podesta (Obama)
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Attendees: Names highlighted below are some of the attendees who enjoy present day Obama Administration relationships that were required to have been disclosed before any decisions related to ICANN were made on Oct. 01, 2016 where attended Stephen D. Crocker is the chairman.

    Summary: These attendees fanned out in all directions. They have massively enriched themselves and their military-industrial co-conspirators. The quid pro quo for their enrichment was to give a universal backdoor key to the NSA. Bill & Hillary Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama each facilitated this organized crime.

    Last_Name First_Name Organization
    Adams Charlotte FCW (Federal Technology)
    Adams John IEEE Spectrum
    Autrey Michael Privacy Times
    Baker Brian CUA Law School (Catholic University of America)
    Baker Stewart NSA (National Security Agency)
    Bamford James NSA, ABC World News Tonight
    Banisar David CPSR (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)
    Barry Mikki Intercon Systems
    Berman Jerry Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
    Bidzos Jim RSA, Verisign
    Bieber Denis SecurTech
    Bortnick Jane Congressional Research Service
    Bradford Martina AT&T
    Brennan John T. NSA Cyber (Obama)
    Brooks Clint NSA
    Brown Reese Journal of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence
    Bryen Steven SecurTech
    Burnham David TRAC
    Camp Jean IEEE
    Casser Karen REDACTED
    Chandler James George Washington University, Counsel to IBM, NSA, Leader Technologies
    Charles Dan NPR
    Chaum David DigiCash
    Cohen John House Judiciary Committee
    Cook Dan Department of State
    Cornley Sarah REDACTED
    Crocker Steven TIS (Trusted Information Systems now McAfee); ICANN Chairman; Highlands Group/Forum
    Crowe Colin House Telecomm
    Dempsey Jim House Judiciary Committee
    Denning Dorothy Georgetown University
    Diffie Whitfield Sun Microsystems
    Einaudi Mario CPSR
    Evans Woody US West
    Farber David Upenn
    Fischer Addison Fischer International; Verisign
    Flaherty David Wilson Center
    Frazier Greg House Committee on Intelligence
    Gellman Bob House Government Operations Committee
    Gilbert Frank REDACTED
    Gilmore John Cygnus Support
    Glasner Sol Mitre, The Jason Group
    Goldman Janlori ACLU
    Goodman Harry NPR
    Guidoboni Tom John T. Brennan NSA Cyber
    Harkins Ann Senate Judiciary Committee, Podesta Associates
    Hendricks Evan US Privacy Council
    Herman Ezra BNA
    Hoffman Lance George Washington University
    Hyland Paul CPSR
    Johnson David Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, now Wilmer Hale
    Kahn David Newsday
    Kallstrom James K. FBI
    Kammer Ray NIST
    Karn Phil Qualcomm
    Kern Stuart Department of Treasury, Larry Summers
    King Jack BNA Legal Report
    Kurz Rob House Government Operations Committee
    Levy Steven MacWorld
    Lin Herb National Academy of Sciences
    Lipner Steve Mitre, The JASON Group, Microsoft
    Madsen Wayne Computer Sciences Corp
    Mailman Fred HP
    Markoff John New York Times
    Martin Kate CNSS/ACLU
    McDonald Alan FBI
    McGee Kate Oracle
    McMullen John Newsbytes
    McNulty Lynn NIST
    Meeks Brock Communications Daily
    Mendelson Ken House Judiciary Committee; Stroz Friedberg (SDNY)
    Messmer Ellen Network World
    Mintz John Washington Post
    Murray William Deloitte & Touche
    Nelson Mike OSTP (White House Office of Science and Technology Policy)
    Osuna Juan CRA, DOJ Immigration Oversight
    Pauli Bill Apple Computer
    Peterson Beverly GAO
    Peyton David Y. ITAA
    Podell Harold GAO/OSI
    Podesta John White House
    Poulis Bill Apple Computer
    Rarog Bob Digital Equipment Corp.
    Ratcliffe Mitch MacWeek
    Relyea Harold Congressional Research Service
    Richelson Jeff National Security Archive
    Rosenthal Ilene Software Publishers Association
    Rotenberg Marc CPSR
    Rudolph Debbie IEEE
    Russell Cathy Senate Judiciary Committee, US Ambassador for Women
    Schiller Jeff MIT
    Schwartau Wynn Inter*Pak
    Schwartz John Washington Post
    Smith Bob Privacy Journal
    Smoot Olly CBEMA
    Sobel David CPSR
    Sonderman John Department of State, export control
    Stapleton Ross CIA
    Stern Gary ACLU
    Suchinsky Allan Department of State, export licensing
    Thomsen Roszel McKenney, Thomsen & Burke
    Tien Lee REDACTED, EFF
    Wayner Peter Georgetown University
    Weingarten Rick Computer Research Association
    Whitehurst William IBM
    Wolff Steven NSF, Cisco, Internet2
    Zimmermann Phil Boulder Software Engineering
  142. Bookmark: #phil-wilcher
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Jun. 22, 1993, Phil Wilcher, Washington, D.C. attorney investigating Bill and Hillary Clinton's drug smuggling and money laundering in Mena, Arkansas, allegedly committed suicide.[528]
  143. Bookmark: #vincent-foster
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Jul. 20, 1993, Vincent Foster, Jr., Deputy White House counsel and Clinton childhood friend, allegedly committed suicide.[528]
  144. Bookmark: #jon-walker
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Aug. 15, 1993, Jon Walker, Senior RTC (Resolution Trust Corporation) specialist investigating Whitewater, allegedly committed suicide.[528]
  145. Bookmark: #heard-dickson
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Sep. 10, 1993, S. Heard, S. Dickson, Clinton's healthcare advisory committee members, died in a plane crash.[528]
  146. Bookmark: #luther-parks

    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Sep. 26, 1993, Luther 'Jerry' Parks, Bill & Hillary Clinton's chief of security at the Clinton campaign headquarters, was murdered.[528]
  147. Bookmark: #ed-willey
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Nov. 30, 1993, Ed Willey, Bill & Hillary Clinton's manager of the Clinton Presidential campaign finance committee, allegedly committed suicide.[528]
  148. Bookmark: #summers-milner-sandberg-1993
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Yuri Milner
    Yuri Milner
    In 1993, Larry Summers with Sheryl Sandberg’s assistance engaged then-Wharton MBA student, Russian Yuri Milner, to write the World Bank paper "Voucher Investment Funds" dvocating the Russian voucher system[128] in their "insane and unnecessary haste."[267]
  149. Bookmark: #1994


  150. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    From 1994 to 1996, Mark Malloch-Brown was appointed director of the World Bank, External Affairs, United Nations Affairs.[1287]
  151. Yuri Milner
    Yuri Milner
    Bookmark: #milner-bank-menatep
    In 1994, Yuri Milner met Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Milner returned to Russia to work with Khodorkovsky at his bank, Bank Menatep, which in 1999 diverted $4.8 billion in IMF funds.[269] This money-laundering of an estimated $10 billion by the Russian mob via Bank Menatep also involved World Bank funds. Tellingly, Yuri Milner does not disclose this association in any of his current biographies. Milner’s activities between 1994 and 2007 are murky.[270]
  152. Bookmark: #herschel-friday
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Mar. 01, 1994, Herschel Friday, a member of Bill & Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign finance committee, died in a plane crash.[528]
  153. Bookmark: #ronald-rogers
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Mar. 03, 1994, Ronald Rogers, was killed enroute to an interview for The Clinton Chronicles.[528]
  154. Bookmark: #conspiracy-of-silence
    Conspiracy of Silence: Pedophilia blackmail binds the Deep State shadow government's evil power
    On May 03, 1994, TV Guide listed the Yorkshire TV documentary Conspiracy of Silence was scheduled to air on the Discovery Channel. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada

    https://youtu.be/lI1tQaT_wU4 | Raw *.mp4 video file
    See Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Special Agent In Charge (ret.), discussing Conspiracy of Silence in the May 12, 2015 timeline entry.
    At the last minute before airing, unknown Congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed.

    A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.[642] Click here for Ted Gunderson's Biography PDF.[644]
  155. Bookmark: #kathy-ferguson
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On May 11, 1994, Kathy Ferguson, former wife of Clinton bodyguard Danny Ferguson, allegedly committed suicide.[528]
  156. Bookmark: #bill-shelton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Jun. 12, 1994, Bill Shelton, Arkansas State Police officer, fiance of Kathy Ferguson, former wife of Clinton bodyguard Danny Ferguson, allegedly committed suicide.[528]
  157. Bookmark: #clinton-makes-fascism-policy
    William J. Clinton. (Jul. 01, 1994). A National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement. ISBN 0-16-045153-1, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), NSSArchive. The White House.Bill Clinton made fascist crony capitalism his policy, led by the White House with the C.I.A., NSA, State, Justice and Defense Departments
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Jul. 01, 1994, President Bill Clinton wrote “A National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement.” Clinton actually authorized the C.I.A. and NSA to use their super-secret and illegal Echelon Program (started in 1947) to assist American private companies with whom he and Hillary were aligned in pay-to-play schemes.[951] [952] [953]

    Clinton made fascism policy.
    He and Hillary set in motion the destruction of the core institutions of the American Republic.

    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III, Harvard/GWU Law, Clintons', Bush's, Obama's intelligence, intellectual property, espionage & national security advisor/rogue C.I.A. consiglieri
    Oh how innocent sounding, but oh how destructive ...

    PDF p. 12: “Countering terrorism effectively requires close day-to-day coordination among Executive Branch agencies. The Departments of State, Justice and Defense, the FBI and CIA continue to cooperate closely...”
    PDF p. 19: “Partnership with Business and Labor: Our economic strategy views the private sector as the engine of economic growth. It sees government’s role as a partner to the private sector – acting as an advocate of U.S. business interests; leveling the playing field . . . ”
    Who's "playing field" was being leveled?
    The American Republic's & humanity's.
  158. Bookmark: #clinton-rwanda-pretext

    NOTICE: This timeline entry on Rwanda is longer than our normal entries due to an evident and concerted effort by MSM to push a false narrative on the public about who was really behind the merciless slaughter of 1 million innocent civilians. That narrative is evidently a false flag pretext created by a rogue C.I.A. on behalf of its globalist mining and eugenics interests. This entry attempts to straighten a very crooked record that shockingly winds back to Arkansas and the Clintons.

    Click to enlarge
    Map of Africa
    Rwandan "Genocide:" Central African rare earth minerals & diamond sources for The Clinton Foundation, George Soros & their computer technology globalist collaborators

    John M. Deutch
    John M. Deutch,
    C.I.A. Director, pardoned by Clinton for illegal use of computer at home
    Paul Kagame
    Paul Kagame
    By Jul. 18, 1994, Paul Kagame took power in Rwanda after an alleged "Rwandan Genocide." This massacre of almost 1 million Rwandans now appears to have been a C.I.A.-fabricated eugenics program that also served as a false flag pretext. This pretext provided the cover to seize control of rare earth minerals in the resource-rich neighboring Congo. Those minerals are critical for the manufacturing of computers, military surveillance devices, aerospace, defense, nuclear, satellites, mobile technology and TVs by the rogue C.I.A. Deep State shadow government "Big Data" spy operation globally.

    Kagame had been head of military intelligence in the Ugandan Armed Forces after being trained by the C.I.A. at the U.S. Army Command and Staff College (CGSC) in Leavenworth, Kansas.Tellingly, the official "Rwandan genocide" mainstream media and Congressional narrative MAKES NO MENTION of Kagame's extensive C.I.A. training, much less any U.S. complicity.[660].

    Also missing from the official MSM narrative is the sworn testimony before Congress (May 2001) and in France (2002) by NSA military intelligence analyst Wayne Madsen who testified: "A French military intelligence officer said he detected some 100 armed U.S. troops in the eastern Zaire conflict zone," Madsen's statement began: "Moreover, the DGSE [French secret service] reported the Americans had knowledge of the extermination of Hutu refugees by Tutsis in both Rwanda and eastern Zaire and were doing nothing about it. More ominously, there was reason to believe that some U.S. forces, either Special Forces or mercenaries, may have actually participated in the extermination of Hutu refugees." (pp. 9-10).[658]
    H. Hrg. 107-16. (May 17, 2001). Testimony of Wayne Madsen. Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999. Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights, US 107th Congress, 1st Session. Serial No. 107-16. US House of Representatives.[662]

    Wayne Madsen. (1999). Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa, 1993-1999. Mellen Press.

    Guillaume Kress. (Sep. 09, 2015). Who Is Behind the Rwandan Genocide? Debunking the "Hutu Extremist" Myth. Global Research.[657]

    Keith Harmon Snow. (Apr. 05, 2012). Pentagon Produces Satellite Photos Of 1994 Rwanda Genocide. Conscious Being.[658]
    The official UN-sanctioned and amazingly unquestioned "Hutu genocide rampage" narrative is not credible just on the numbers, as proven by Global Research and common sense.

    Martyrs of Rwandan genocide
    Rwandan Graveyard of Martyrs of the 100-day Globalist New World Order Atrocities of 1994. Lord have mercy. Photo: Unknown.

    Rwandans martyred by Bill & Hillary Clinton & the Globalists
    Rwandans Martyred by Bill Clinton and the Globalists
    Skulls and bones of some of those killed in Rwanda's 100-day Globalist New World Order Atrocities are seen at a memorial shrine at a Catholic church in Ntarama, Rwanda, April 4, 2014. Lord have mercy.

    Beneficiaries of the Globalist 100-day Rwandan Attrocity
    The beneficiaries from the death and martyrdom of 1 million Rwandans were globalist technology companies who were securing their access to rare earth minerals needed in the manufacture of electronic devices. These minerals are plentiful in the mines of Central Africa. These natural resources should bring great wealth to the Central African economies, but do not because they are extracted under contracts with corrupt, globalist-backed New World Order dictators and strongmen. These companies are members of:

    (1) C.I.A.'s In-Q-Tel private venture capital company, (2) National Infrastructure Assurance/Advisory Council (NIAC), (3) the National Venture Capital Association (NCVA), (4) The IBM Eclipse Foundation, (5) Obama's Technology CEO's Council, and (6) Obama Silicon Valley outpost of the U.S. Digital Service funded with $1.5 billion in funds from Google's Eric E. Schmidt ... among others. Graphic: AFI.
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    President Bill Clinton did nothing to stop this 100-day so-called "Rwandan Genocide" that brought to power The Clinton Foundation protégé, Paul Kagame—a C.I.A.-trained member of the minority (8.4%) Tutsi tribe.

    The beneficiaries were global technology players in electronic capacitors essential to aerospace weaponry, mobile phones, computers, TVs, disk drives and chips manufactured by Sony, Compaq, Microsoft, Dell, Ericsson, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Nokia, Intel, Lucent, and Motorola.

    The official narrative is suspect and appears to have been a C.I.A. false flag pretext. NSA analyst Wayne Madsen concurs in his book abstract for Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa, 1993-1999 (Mellen Press, 1999): "The USA was not merely an innocent bystander to the events that led to the systematic mass killing of humans. It also introduces the world of international mining and the dubious nature of the network of investors and agents of influence that support the mining industry. It considers how the unlikely confluence of African, American, Southeast Asian and even Arkansas politics had tremendous consequences for many disparate players, including the Clinton administration, the Habyarimana regime in Rwanda, Marshal Mobutu of Zaire, and the peoples of Sierra Leone, Congo, and Angola."

    Hutus were 91.6% of the population. On Apr. 06, 1994, moderate Hutu President Juvénal Habyarimana's plane was shot down by two French-supplied Russian SAM-16 Gimlet missiles (captured in Iraq in Feb. 1991, Le Figaro) along with fellow Hutu passenger and Burundi President Cyprien Ntaryamira. Habyarimana's assassination is said to have ignited Hutu-Tutsi ethnic tensions in the region and a genocidal rampage against minority Tutsi. The facts support an opposite story.

    On Apr. 07, 1994, the next day, a well-funded and well-armed C.I.A. agent and Tutsi named Paul Kagame, who commanded the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) replete with Ugandan mercenaries, said he would resume the civil war if the alleged Tutsi killings did not stop. The next day, he pressed the attack. According to the official narrative, some one million Tutsis were allegedly killed by genocide-incited Hutus angered by Habyarimana's plane crash—in less than three months! This narrative breaks down when one does the math . . . and also realizes that two million Hutus simultaneously fled to Zaire.

    U.N. / U.S. / C.I.A. genocide narrative hides globalist rare earth mineral mining & depopulation agendas

    According to the officially-accepted U.S., U.N. and RPF (Kagame, Tutsi) narrative, 1,074,017 Tutsis were killed. However, the total population of Rwanda was 7,099,844. Tutsis comprised 8.4% or 596,387. Therefore, the RPF / U.N. / U.S. / Tutsi claim is twice the total number of Tutsis available to kill! A former RPF officer, Abdul Ruzibiza, testified that the RPF counted Hutu corpses as Tutsi corpses![657]

    Extensive testimony in the Beatrice Munyenyezi trial provides clear evidence that an elite 100-man U.S. force directed Kagame's RPF forces with the aim of depopulation and plunder of rare earth mining resources in neighboring Congo. Extensive satellite imagery proves that the U.S. Department of Defense, NRO (National Reconnaissance Office), DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) and C.I.A. were fully aware of the slaughter of Hutus and did nothing to stop it. Further, the evidence shows that Kagame killed as many of his fellow Tutsis as he did Hutus, then blamed all the Tutsi deaths on the Hutus.[658]

    Why would two million Hutus flee into Zaire if they were about to annihilate Kagame's Tutsi minority as claimed? In the process, Kagame used the RPF and the genocide pretext to kill some 25-45,000 Hutus in Rwanda. Then, he pursued the two million ***Hutu*** refugees into Zaire where he killed 200,000 more, and in the process overthrew the government of Zaire.

    George Soros
    George Soros
    By Jul. 04, 1994—in just three months—Kagami/Clinton completed the Tutsi takeover and the consolidation of globalist power over Central Africa's rare earth minerals and diamonds, sometimes referred to a "blood minerals" and "blood diamonds."

    Three globalist culprits appear to predominate: The Clinton Foundation, George Soros and his Open Society Foundations, and Maurice Tempelsman. In 1992, George Soros had almost destroyed the UK Pound and netted $1 billion overnight which he used to found the Open Society Foundations.

    Maurice Tempelsman
    Maurice Tempelsman
    Belgian-born Maurice Tempelsman has a long and bloody history in Africa. When Congo’s first Premier, Patrice Lumumba, pledged to return diamond wealth back to the newly independent Congo in the early 60’s, Tempelsman, who began with De Beers in the 1950’s, helped engineer the coup d’etat that consolidated the dictatorship of 29 year-old Colonel Mobutu (Zaire/Congo), and the coup against Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah; diamonds were at stake in each.

    Tempelsman has a long and dubious history with the C.I.A. In the 1960s Tempelsman hired as his business agent the CIA station chief in Kinshasa (Zaire/Congo), Larry Devlin, who helped put Mobutu in power and afterward served as his personal adviser. From March 3, 1977, Tempelsman briefly held the title of honorary consul general for the Congo/Mobutu in New York City. With such unfettered access to the Congo's rich mining resources in diamonds and rare earth minerals needed in high technology manufacturing, Tempelsman is clearly a go-to financier for the globalist New World Order plans.

    'Tony' (William Anthony Kirsopp) Lake
    Anthony "Tony" Lake, Clinton National Security Adviser
    George H.W. Bush
    George H.W. Bush
    Barrack H. Obama
    Barrack H. Obama
    Tempelsman is a Democratic party deep pocket, a regular supporter of the campaigns of John Kerry (D); Ed Royce (R); Tom Daschle (D); Barack Obama (D); Maxine Waters (D); John Rockefeller (D); Richard Gephardt (D); Howard Wolpe (D); Patrick (D) and Edward Kennedy (D); and the 1988 win of George H.W. Bush (R). Tempelsman also exploited ties with Anthony Lake, Clinton’s National Security adviser, who intervened at the U.S. Export-Import Bank on Tempelsman’s behalf.

    According to blood diamond expert Janine Roberts, "Declassified memos and cables between former U.S. presidents and State Department officials over the last four decades directly linked Tempelsman to the destabilization of Zaire/Congo, Sierra Leone, Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Rwanda and Ghana."

    Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.
    Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    George H.W. Bush
    George H.W. Bush
    President George H. W. Bush served as an advisor to Tempelsman's company, Barrick Gold Corporation. Barrick directors include: Brian Mulroney, former PM of Canada; Edward Neys, former U.S. ambassador to Canada and chairman of the private PR firm Burston-Marsteller; former U.S. Senator Howard Baker; J. Trevor Eyton, a member of the Canadian Senate; and Vernon Jordan, one of Bill Clinton’s lawyers. Barrick Gold’s mining partners have included Adastra Mining-formerly named America Mineral Fields (AMFI, AMX, other names), formerly based in, of all places, Hope, Arkansas, Bill Clinton’s hometown.

    Nicole Seligman
    Nicole Seligman, former Williams & Connolly LLP; Sony Corp, Exec. VP & General Cousel
    Paul Mogin, Partner, Williams & Connolly LLP
    Paul Mogin
    Williams & Connolly LLP
    Catherine S. Duval, Associate, Williams & Connolly LLP
    Catherine S. Duval
    Williams & Connolly LLP
    David E. Kendall, Partner, Williams & Connolly LLP
    David E. Kendall
    Williams & Connolly LLP
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III, C.I.A. consiglieri
    A major beneficiary of this Central African mining exploitation is Sony Corporation. Sony's executive vice president and general counsel, Nicole Seligman, worked for Williams & Connolly LLP.[662]

    Williams & Connolly LLP is the same law firm that has been representing Hillary Clinton's stonewalling of the IRS and Benghazi House Oversight Hearings. They incorporated The Clinton Foundation on Apr. 13, 1999. They were also chosen by rogue C.I.A. Deep State shadow government lawyer James P. Chandler to represent the government in the first prosecution of the Federal Trade Secrets Act in 1999. Williams & Connolly's evident collusion begs the question "When is a law firm engaging in sedition and crimes against humanity?"[657]

    Frank Giustra pay to play
    Congo Mining pay to play
    Rwanda Soyco pay to play
    There is so much evidence of this collusion around mining. Bill Clinton formally established The Clinton Foundation (Clinton-Hunter Development Initiative (DHDI) promising $100 million over 10 years in Rwanda in Sep. 2005—the same month that he traveled to Kazakhstan with Canadian mining executive Frank Giustra and acquired exclusive uranium mining rights for Giustra's UrAsia Energy Ltd.[659]
  159. Bookmark: #calvin-walraven

    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Jul. 28, 1994, Calvin Walraven, a police informant in Jocelyn Elders' son's cocaine distribution trial, allegedly committed suicide.[528]
  160. Bookmark: #clinton-chronicles
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    The Clinton Chronicles (1994). "The hijacking of America." The Clinton Corruption Machine expanded to Washington, D.C. from its Arkansas roots to take over the Internet while hiding behind national security as the excuse for secrecy, money laundering, crony enrichment and stonewalling.[528]
    https://youtu.be/_BD0fB24Efc | Raw *.mp4 video version.

    The Clinton Chronicles (1994): Contract murders believed to be associated with Bill & Hillary Clinton. "$100 million a month in cocaine was laundered by the Clintons through Mena, Arkansas . . . including giving cocaine to children for sexual favors."—Larry Nichols:

    1. Dan Casolaro (journalist investigating ADFA and Mena, suicide, 8/10/91);
    2. Victor Raiser & son (chair, Clinton Presidential Finance Committee, plane crash, 7/30/92);
    3. C. LeBleu/T. (Clinton bodyguard, Waco raid gunfire, SHOT IN THE HEAD, EXECUTION STYLE, 2/28/93)
    4. T. McKeaham, (Clinton bodyguard, Waco raid gunfire, SHOT IN THE HEAD, EXECUTION STYLE, 2/28/93)
    5. R. Williams, (Clinton bodyguard, Waco raid gunfire, SHOT IN THE HEAD, EXECUTION STYLE, 2/28/93)
    6. S. Willis (Clinton bodyguard, Waco raid gunfire, SHOT IN THE HEAD, EXECUTION STYLE, 2/28/93); See Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Special Agent In Charge (ret.) speech re. WACO, May 12, 2005;
    7. W. Barkley, B. Hassey, S. Reynolds, T. Sabel (Clinton bodyguards, helicopter crash, 5/19/93);
    8. John A. Wilson (Wash., D.C. councilman preparing to expose Clinton, 5/19/93);
    9. Phil Wilcher (Wash., D.C. attorney investigating Mena, suicide, 6/22/93);
    10. Vincent Foster, Jr. (Dep. White House counsel, Clinton childhood friend, suicide, 7/20/93);
    11. Jon Walker (Sr. RTC specialist investigating Whitewater, suicide, 8/15/93);
    12. S. Heard, S. Dickson (members of Clinton's healthcare advisory committee, plane crash, 9/10/93);
    13. Luther .Jerry' Parks (chief of security, Clinton campaign headquarters, murder, 9/26/93);
    14. Ed Willey (manager, Clinton Presidential campaign finance committee, suicide 11/30/93);
    15. Herschel Friday (members, Clinton Presidential campaign finance committee, plane crash, 3/1/94);
    16. Ronald Rogers (killed enroute to interview for The Clinton Chronicles, plane crash, 3/3/94);
    17. Kathy Ferguson (former wife of Clinton bodyguard Danny Ferguson, suicide, 5/11/94);
    18. Bill Shelton (Ark. State Police officer, fiance of Kathy Ferguson, suicide, 6/12/94);
    19. Calvin Walraven (police informant in Jocelyn Elders' son's cocaine distribution trial, suicide, 7/28/94); and
    20. Alan G. Whicher (Clinton chief of security, former Clinton bodyguard, OK City blast, 4/19/95).
  161. Geoffrey E. Pattie
    On Sep. 22, 1994 to 1999, Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie was appointed Chariman of the Board of Governors for the Intellectual Property Institute Co, formerly The Common Law Institute of Intellectual Property Limited in the United Kingdom, along with fellow board members Sir David Alan Walker, Sir Stephen Paul Stewart, Sir Robin Buchanan Nicholson and Sir Alfred Joseph Sheppard.[1330]
  162. Bookmark: #1995


    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
  163. In 1995, Larry Summers was promoted by Bill Clinton to U.S. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Robert Rubin.
  164. Bookmarks: #feb-1995-highlands-forum-sec-def-chandler-clinton-podesta-cia-ibm-nsa Bookmark: #highland-forum
    THE HIGHLANDS FORUM: "Shadow Elitist Pentagon Intelligence Cronyism"
    Andrew W. Marshall
    Andrew W. Marshall, Pentagon Director of Net Assessment
    Richard P. O'Neill
    Richard P. O'Neill, convenor of Highlands Forum / Group
    In ca. Feb. 1995 (inception date is vague and sometimes published as in 1994),The Highlands Forum hosted by Richard P. O'Neill, Beltway political and economic consulting sycophant, held its first private gathering sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and co-chaired by the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (PDASD(C31)) and the DARPA Director of Net Assessment. The meeting is said to have helped plant the idea of "network-centric warfare" in the minds of the nation's top military.
    Brian Friel
    Brian Friel

    "A thousand thinkers have participated over the past 12 years, attending the sessions to which they have the most to contribute."
    Brian Friel, GOVEXEC.com (undated)
    Esther Dyson
    Esther Dyson
    "I'm an active member of the (informal) Highlands community, and it is a wonderful thing. The Forums are an opportunity to meet with high-level military officials in a meaningful way. As a civilian and a pretty skeptical one, I'm impressed with the practicality of the operating military. They are not sitting around making policy; they work on the ground to make things happen. It's definitely worth helping them to be more effective and accountable, which is the goal of Highlands."
    Esther Dyson, Chairman, EDVenture Holdings
    Raymond Ozzie
    Rayomond Ozzie
    "Dick is an amazingly talented individual and tremendous 'connector' in terms of bridging between the public and private sector. Through the Highlands Forum I have had a chance to establish productive, long-term relationships with individuals in defense and intelligence communities, with influential individuals in NGOs, with fascinating authors and independent thinkers, and with other notable figures from the commercial world. Highlands' approach to catalyzing relevant conversation and high-level connection is, in my viewpoint, unique and uniquely valuable."
    Ray Ozzie, Chief Software Architect, Microsoft
    Stephen D. Crocker
    Stephen D. Crocker
    "The Highlands Forum is a unique operation. It examines key topics and brings together the people who really understand what's happening. Dick has a unique ability to frame the questions and bring the right people together. He does a lot of homework, he has a huge network of very smart people, and he's amazingly poised and comfortable with high egos. I have attended quite a few Highland Forums and always find they hold my attention and teach me things I didn't know. The Highlands Forum started as a unpublicized operation within the Defense Department many years ago, and blossomed into one of the most enduring and useful forums for assembling specialists on technology of every sort. It's a real treat to attend."
    Steve Crocker, CEO of Shinkuro; Obama's chair of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers); Crocker oversaw the ICANN transfer of management to a U.N. body, which is probable treason given Crocker's collusion with Clinton, Podesta and Chandler.
    See Timeline, Oct. 01, 2016 "Obama's Internet Fraud and Bretrayal.
    The Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) also called the Open Government law restricted how the government could solicit ideas from special interests. The Highlands Forum and later The Highlands Group evidently ignored those conflict of interest safeguards and reveled in its crony capitalism. Thus, the globalist Deep State shadow government's takeover of the Internet was shrouded in garden variety greed, powermongering and illegality from inception.[807] [808] [809] [810] [811]
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Lloyd Blankfein
    Lloyd Blankfein

    John M. Deutch
    John M. Deutch

    John D. Podesta
    John D. Podesta

    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Lawrence H. Summers
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    George Soros
    George Soros

    Janet W. Reno
    Janet W. Reno

    'Tony' (William Anthony Kirsopp) Lake
    Anthony 'Tony' Lake
    Teo Chee Hean
    Teo Chee Hea

    Tony Tan Keng Yam
    Tony Tan Keng Yam
    Irving Wladawsky-Berger
    Irv. Wladawsky - Berger
    Linton Wells II
    Linton Wells II

    Richard E. Smalley
    Richard E. Smalley
    James A. Rasulo
    James A. Rasulo

    Debora A. Plunkett
    Debora A. Plunkett
    Raymond Ozzie
    Raymond Ozzie
    Kris Gopalakrishnan
    Kris Gopalakrishnan
    K. Scott Derrick
    K. Scott Derrick
    Brian Friel
    Brian Friel

    Glen David Brin
    Glen David Brin
    Padmanabhan Anandan
    Padmanabhan Anandan
    Philip J. Venables
    Philip J. Venables
    Richard Bookstaber
    Richard Bookstaber
    William T. Coleman
    William T. Coleman
    David F. Ronfeldt
    David F. Ronfeldt
    John Hagel III
    John Hagel III
    John Seely Brown
    John Seely Brown
    Paul D. Kretkowski
    Paul D. Kretkowski
    Esther Dyson
    Esther Dyson
    Ben Gross
    Ben Gross
    M. Mitchell Waldrop
    M. Mitchell Waldrop
    Clay Shirky
    Clay Shirky
    Andrew W. Marshall
    Andrew W. Marshall
    Andrew W. Marshall, head of the Department of Defense's Office of Net Assessment and Highlands Forum co-chair, at a Forum session in 2008. Source: Medium INSURGE intelligence. Nicknamed “Yoda” by insiders, as “the DoD’s most elusive” but “one of its most influential officials. Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz are/were widely considered the hawks of the neoconservative movement in American politics and were among Marshall’s star protégés.
    Highlands Group / Forum Participants
    Sponsor: U.S. Secretary of Defense
    (Private meetings with military-industrial complex cronies in gross violation of FACA)
    Annenberg Center for Public Policy
    Aspen Institute
    Defense Advanced Research Project Agency DARPA) 
    Deloitte & Touche
    Goldman Sachs
    Government Accounting Office (GAO)
    Harvard Business
    Harvard Law
    Harvard University
    Havard Law
    Imperial College
    Independent Institute
    Information Assurance
    JC Penney
    Johns Hopkins University
    McKinsey & Co
    National Defense University
    National Security Agency (NSA)
    National Security Council (NSC)
    Procter & Gamble
    RAND Corp
    CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
    Rice University
    Santa Fe Institute
    Singapore Ministry of Defence (MINDEF)
    Sun Microsystems
    Towson University
    U.S. Department of Defense
    U.S. Department of Defense CIO
    U.S. Office of Secretary of Defense (sponsor)
    U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)
    University of Southern California (USC) 
    University of Chicago
    University of Maryland
    Wired Magazine
    World Economic Forum (Davos)
    Anandan, Padmanabhan
    Bookstaber, Richard
    U.S. SEC, Morgan Stanley, U.S. Treasury Dept, Bridgewater Associates
    Brin, Glen David
    DoD, CIA, Procter & Gamble, SAP, Google
    Brown, John Seely
    Xerox PARC
    Coleman, William T.
    BEA, Cassett, Alsop (Gilman) Louie, In-Q-Tel, C.I.A., Sun Microsystems, Warburg Pincus, Palm, Veritas Technologies, Carlyle Group, Symantec
    Derrick, K. Scott
    Government Accounting Office (GAO)
    Dyson, Esther
    EDventure, HICCup, Oppenheimer Holdings, O'Reilly Media, TrustID, Bloomberg
    Friel, Brian
    Gopalakrishnan, Kris
    Infosys, Axilor Ventures)
    Hagel III, John
    McKinsey & Co, World Economic Forum (Davos), Aspen Institute, Deloitte, Santa Fe Institute, Independent Institute, Harvard Law, Harvard Business
    Crocker, Stephen D.
    Shinkuro, ICANN
    Chandler III, James P.
    Clinton/Podesta national security advisor, IBM, Judiciary, Congress, Harvard Law, Leader Technologies patent attorney
    Gross, Ben
    Microsoft, Linde Group, UC Berkeley
    Hean, Teo Chee
    Singapore Defense
    Jacobson, Don
    Joy, William N.
    Sun Microsystems
    Kretkowski, Paul D.
    Dept. of Homeland Security's DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) Deployment Initiative, Shinkuro (w/ Stephen D. Crocker, ICANN)
    Lockhart, Clare
    Harvard, Aspen Institute
    O'Neill, Richard P.
    Highlands Group / Forum
    Ozzie, Raymond
    Lotus, IBM, Microsoft
    Plunkett, Debora A. 
    NSA, NSC, Johns Hopkins Univ., Univ. of Maryland, JC Penney, Towson University
    Rasulo, James A. 'Jay'
    Disney, Pixar, ABC, ESPN, Comcast, Muppets
    Ronfeldt, David F.
    RAND Corp
    Shirky, Clay
    Business 2.0, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Harvard Business Review and Wired
    Smalley, Richard E.
    Rice University
    Venables, Philip J.,
    Goldman Sachs (Cryptocurrency)
    M. Mitchell Waldrop
    Massive Open Online Courses, aka MOOCs, Transform Higher Education and Science, Fast Company, Nature
    Wells II, Linton
    DoD Deputy CIO, Harvard
    Wladawsky-Berger, Irving
    IBM, MIT
    Wooley, Kitty
    U.S. Department of Education
    Yam, Tony Tan Keng
    Singapore Defense
  165. Bookmark: #yahoo-incorporated
    On Mar. 02, 1995, Yahoo! was incorporated in Sunnyvale, CA and owned by Verizon.
  166. Bookmark: #eo-12958
    Donald Trump draining the Washington-New York-Silicon Valley swamp of corruptionThe New World Order Secret White House intelligence masters, created by Clinton / Chandler to enable a globalist takeover
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III, Clinton consiglieri
    'Tony' (William Anthony Kirsopp) Lake
    Tony Lake, Clinton National Security Advisor
    William J. Perry
    William J. Perry, Sec. of Defense
    Medeleine J. Albright
    Madeleine J.K. Albright, Sec. of State
    Marnie (Marnie) L. Levine
    Marne L. Levine (Deutch), worked for Larry Summers at Treasury, Harvard, National Econ. Council, then Facebook during Leader v. Facebook, and is now COO of Instagram
    John M. Deutch
    John M. Deutch, CIA Director, pardoned by Clinton for mishandling classified info in Jan. 2001; daughter-in-law, Marne L. (Levine) Deutch
    On Apr. 17, 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order No. 12958[271] Classified National Security (first published on Jan. 01, 1995[409]):

    "This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information . . . Sec. 5.4 (1) There is established an Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel" comprised of:

    1. Secretary of State
    2. Secretary of Defense
    3. Attorney General
    4. CIA Director
    5. US Archivist
    6. Assistant to the President for National Security
    7. Chaired by the President.
    In addition, in a subsequent executive order, Barack Obama made the U.S. subservient to foreign treaties on Dec. 29, 2009 in Executive Order No. 13526[272]—treaties that later included the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) (Sec. 2.3(b)(9)—documents would not be declassified if such action would "violate a statute, treaty, or international agreement.") This could allow unscrupulous characters to cause documents to be hidden forever based on variable terms in foreign treaties, e.g., Iranian nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—JCPO), TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement, i.e., European TPP). James P. Chandler very likely played a central role in these orders to de industrialize the United States and make it subservient to globalist control (Read: destroy the American Republican form of government). See Clinton-Bush-Obama Executive Order interlinks.

    Bookmark: #eisenhower-warning
    President Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about the rise of a corrupt military-industrial complex
    Click video to watch 2 min. 30 secs. of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address on Jan. 17, 1961
    https://youtu.be/orEurY6HdXU | Raw *.mp4 video
    On Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the world about the dangers for tyranny arising from a military-industrial complex. As the AFI investigation has uncovered, that day came on Sep. 29, 1999 when the C.I.A. began investing in hardware and software companies, thus essentially nationalizing, largely in secret, America's emerging digital infrastructure. This gave the C.I.A. an unprecedented and unaccountable ability to spy on everyone without a warrant. https://youtu.be/orEurY6HdXU | Raw *.mp4 video
    Note the slippery attorney double-speak that permeates these founding security documents of the New World Order. Bill and Hillary Clinton had found a new scam that overshadowed their previous successes at drug smuggling and money laundering in Mena, Arkansas—the military-industrial national security apparatus that former President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of.[531]
    Bookmark: #nss-robert-gates
    Robert M. Gates
    Robert M. Gates
    Former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser Robert M. Gates said in his book Duty that the White House national security staff ballooned from 50 people in 1993 to more than 350 under Obama by 2011.

    Bill Clinton's Executive Order 13526 (Apr. 17, 1995) set this escalation in motion. The resulting private, unauthorized White House spy/defense agency is clearly affirmed by Secretary Gates in his book.[530]

    Robert M. Gates: "The root of my unhappiness in the Obama administration was therefore not the NSS [National Security Staff] policy initiatives but rather its micromanagement—on Haitian relief, on the Libyan no-fly zone, above all on Afghanistan—and I routinely resisted it . . . NSC staff in the early 1990s, professional staff numbered about fifty. Today the NSS numbers more than 350."
  167. Bookmark: #oklahoma-city-bombing
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Apr. 19, 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, was bombed by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, just two days after Bill Clinton formed a secret White On Apr. 19, 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, was bombed by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, just two days after Bill Clinton formed a secret White House intelligence operation via Executive Order 12958House intelligence operation via Executive Order 12958.[528] Such events gave the insiders justification to consolidate intelligence powers around the President, outside Congressional oversight, through a string of executive orders.

    According to Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Special Agent In Charge (ret.), the alleged bomber, Timothy McVeigh, was a mind control soldier of the C.I.A.'s MKUltra program. He says the bomb maker was a C.I.A. Agent named Michael Riconosciuto. He said that a fertilizer bomb, as the official narrative alleges, did not have the power to create such devastation. Gunderson also discovered that the C.I.A.'s top MKUltra mind control expert, Dr. Jolly West, paid a secret visit to McVeigh before the trial.[639] See Ted L. Gunderson's timeline entry for May 12, 2005.

  168. Bookmark: #alan-whicher
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Apr. 19, 1995, Alan G. Whicher, Clinton's chief of security and former bodyguard, was killed in the Oklahoma City terror bombing.[528]
  169. Bookmark:#deutch-appointed-cia-director
    John M. Deutch, CIA Director (1995-1996) using his personal home computer to store classified documents
    John M. Deutch kept classified documents on his home PC as C.I.A. Director. Was pardoned by Clinton in Jan. 2001. Deutch's future daughter-in-law (2003), Marne L. Levine, figures prominently in Leader v. Facebook judicial Deep State corruption.
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Marnie (Marnie) L. Levine
    Marne L. Levine (Deutch)
    John M. Deutch
    John M. Deutch
    On May 8, 1995, Bill Clinton appointed John M. Deutch as C.I.A. Director. On Jan. 19, 2001, Deutch was pardoned by Bill Clinton for crimes associated with keeping classified documents on his personal home computer.[305] His future daughter-in-law (2003), Marne L. Levine, has been a serial employee of the Clintons and Larry Summers since she graduated from Harvard in 1993. Summers at Treasury (1993-2001. Summers at Harvard (2001-2003). Summers at National Economic Council (2009-2010). Summers at Instagram (2015). On Jun. 24, 2012, Levine (Deutch) went to work for Facebook, the day the Leader v. Facebook trial shuffled in newly nominated Judge Leonard P. Stark. In 2014, Levine (Deutch) became Instagram's chief operating officer.[303]
  170. Bookmark: #ibm-lotus-merged
    C.I.A. - IBM - Lotus Collusion
    Bill Clinton
    Bill Clinton
    David J. Kappos, IBM
    David J. Kappos, IBM
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Jul. 12, 1995, Lotus sold to IBM. Lotus was the go-to communications and collaboration platform of the C.I.A. By the late 1990's, the government bagan to discover that Lotus Notes could not handle the large scale collaboration requirements of the Internet. That is when IBM advisor James P. Chandler met Michael McKibben and Leader Technologies who had invented what is now called 'social networking' in 2000. Chandler and IBM stole the invention through a cut out that they created named the IBM Eclipse Foundation on Nov. 29, 2001, David J. Kappos was IBM's chief inside intellectual property counsel. James P. Chandler was IBM's chief outside intellectual property counsel to Kappos and IBM, as well as the Clinton White House, Justice Department, C.I.A., NSA, FBI, Justice Department, Congress and the Judiciary. Chandler and Kappos were coordinating their intelligence efforts with Robert S. Mueller, James B. Comey, Jay J. Rosenstein and Andrew McCabe.[832]
  171. William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Harry M. Reid
    Harry M. Reid
    Evan J. Wallach
    Evan J. Wallach
    On Aug. 14, 1995, Bill Clinton appointed Evan J. Wallach as Judge at the U.S. Court of International Trade. Wallach had been Senator Harry Reid's chief counsel (1986-1987). James P. Chandler was key consultant to this court and the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals on intellectual property, economic espionage and trade secrets law. Wallach was appointed by Barack Obama to the Federal Circuit on Nov. 18, 2011. Wallach was then assigned to the Leader v. Facebook panel having never heard a patent case previously.
  172. James W. Breyer
    James W. Breyer
    In 1995, James W. Breyer became a director of RealNetworks. Breyer was also managing partners at Accel Partners LLP. He is a 1987 graduate of Harvard Business School, one of Facebook's largest investors, and its first chairman.
  173. Bookmark: #1996


  174. Illegal Chinese donations to Clinton's Presidential re-election to buy influence
    Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Bill Clinton
    In 1996, Chinese-American fundraiser Johnny Chung disclosed that he illegally funneled money from Chinese officials to Bill Clinton's 1996 election bid. He secretly filmed a tell-all video as an 'insurance policy' - because he feared being murdered by the Clinton machine. He smuggled it to trusted friends and family with instructions to release it to the media in the event of his untimely death because he believed he was at risk of being assassinated. Chung is believed it still be alive and living in China. The video was obtained by author and historian Doug Wead for his new book Game of Thorns, which chronicles the Clintons' long-running operation to buy political influence in Washington, D.C.[611]

    Chinese-American fundraiser Johnny Chung disclosed that he illegally funneled money from Chinese officials to Bill Clinton's 1996 election bid
  175. Bookmark: #chandler-freeh-fbi-eea
    Setting up Congress for the Deep State shadow government takeover of the Internet in the name of counterterrorism
    Louis J. Freeh
    Louis J. Freeh
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Feb. 28, 1996, George Washington Law Professor James P. Chandler was acknowledged by FBI Director Louis J. Freeh as the key educator of Congressional committees on intellectual property matters related to terrorism. On Oct. 11, 1996, Chandler's drafts of the Economic Espionage Act and Federal Trade Secrets Act of 1996 were passed by Congress, unanimously.[021]
  176. Bookmark: #cry-of-the-innocents
    CRY OF THE INNOCENTS: 500,000 dead Iraqi children was "worth it." (So George Soros could hedge currencies)

    Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Bill Clinton
    Medeleine J.K. Albright
    Madeleine J.K. Albright
    On May 12, 1996, Madeleine J.K. Albright, Bill Clinton's Secretary of State, told interviewer Leslie Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq:[515]

    STAHL: "We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"

    George Soros
    George Soros
    ALBRIGHT: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it."

    The "we" includes Bill, Hillary Clinton and George Soros, harbingers of "The New World Order."
    The Massacre of the Holy Innocents icon
    The Massacre of the Holy Innocents icon
    "The Holy Innocents bore witness to you not by speaking but by dying."
  177. Bookmark: #economic-espionage-act
    On Oct. 11, 1996, Congress passed three seminal laws, the Economic Espionage Act (incl. The Federal Trade Secrets Act) and the False Statements Accountability Act.

    The Economic Espionage Act of 1996, 18 U.S. Code § 1831
    The Federal Trade Secrets Act of 1996, 18 U.S.C. § 1832
    The False Statements Accountability Act of 1996, 18 U.S.C § 1001

    William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    John M. Deutch
    John M. Deutch
    The Economic Espionage Act ("EEA") was drafted by James P. Chandler.[274] EEA was heavily promoted by Clinton's C.I.A. Director John M. Deutch. William ("Bill") A. Fenwick of Fenwick & West LLP assisted Chandler. Chandler would bring Fenwick in to perfect the theft of Leader Technologies invention on Aug. 20, 2001.[305]
  178. Bookmark: #false-statements-act
    On Oct. 11, 1996,
    Bookmark: #Fig-17
    H.R. 3166 House Vote, Oct. 11, 1996
    Fig. 17—On Oct. 11, 1996, Congress made it legal to lie to Congress and the courts without criminal liability. (Believe it. It is true.)
    William J. Martini
    William J. Martini
    The False Statements Accountability Act ("FSAA") was sponsored by a one-term freshman Senator William J. Martini (NJ) who later became a federal judge. It included a bizarre Subsection (b) that permits judges, attorneys and parties to lie to Congress, courts and agencies without liability.[273]
    Susan P. Graber
    Susan P. Graber
    This law has been affirmed several times by 9th Circuit Judge Susan P. Graber, a Clinton appointee. In U.S. v. McNeil she wrote: "Congress . . . chose to exempt from criminal liability certain kinds of lies to the federal government . . . Statements made in judicial proceedings are excluded from liability under the statute by subsection (b)." US v. McNeil, 362 F. 3d 570 (9th Cir. 2004) at 574.

    In U.S. v. Horvath she wrote: "criminal liability does not attach to materially false statements submitted by a party to a judge in a judicial proceeding, even if the party makes the statements knowingly and willfully." US v. Horvath, 492 F. 3d 1075 (9th Cir. 2007) at 1081.

    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler very likely played a central role in this unconscionable new 1996 FSAA provision—passed in the fog of the EEA—that permits lying to Congress, courts and administrative proceedings. Did Congress even read this law before approving it almost unanimously? Current presidential candidate John Kasich voted for it, as did John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi.
  179. Bookmark: #ses-plum-book-1996
    Senior Executive Service (SES) 1996
    Senior Executive Service (SES) flag and logo
    On Nov. 04, 1996 The "Plum Book" Policy and Supporting Positions was published by the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. It disclosed 7,303 employees of the Senior Executive Services (SES).

    The Senior Executive Service (SES) was created as Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978 under President Jimmy Carter.

    The Act reformed the civil service of the federal government, partly in response to the Watergate scandal. It abolished the U.S. Civil Service Commission and distributed its functions primarily among four new agencies: the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) and the Senior Executive Service (SES).

    On Sep. 19, 1979, President Carter called SES "the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act."[1018] Tellingly, Wikipedia describes it as an also-ran program. Also-ran or keystone? It cannot be both. President Carter's statement stands in stark contrast to the program's TOTAL lack of transparency and the public's total lack of awareness of its existence. Keystone for what? Hindsight provides the answer: racketeering, theft, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, fraud, treason and sedition.[1008] [1029]

    Senior Executive Service (SES) Scorecard
    Notable 1996 SES Members/Authorizers[1008]
    No. Lastname Firstname
    1 Albright Madeleine J.K.
    2 Babbitt Bruce
    3 Carter Ashton B.
    4 Christopher Warren
    5 Clapper, Jr. James R.
    6 Coleman III William T.
    7 Deutch John M.
    8 Donilon Thomas E.
    9 Emanuel Rahm I.
    10 Ferraro Geraldine A.
    11 Freeh  Louis J.
    12 Garland Merrick B.
    13 Geithner Timothy F.
    14 Hastert J. Dennis
    15 Kagan Elena
    16 Kennedy Patrick F.
    17 Koskinen John
    18 Lake Anthony
    19 Lindsey Bruce R.
    20 McCain John
    21 Mills Cheryl D.
    22 Mondale Walter F.
    23 Napolitano Janet
    24 Orszag Peter R.
    25 Panetta Leon E.
    26 Patrick Deval L.
    27 Perry William J.
    28 Reno Janet
    29 Rubin Robert E.
    30 Sanders Bernard
    31 Scarborough Joe
    32 Shalala Donna E.
    33 Sleet Gregory M.
    34 Stephanopoulos George R.
    35 Stern Donald K.
    36 Stiglitz Joseph E.
    37 Summers Lawrence H.
    38 Talbott Strobe
    39 Tenet George J.
    40 Tripp Linda R.
    41 Verveer Melanne
    42 Waxman Seth P.
    43 Wells II Linton
  180. Bookmark: #1997


  181. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    In 1997, Mark Malloch-Brown became chairman of the United Nations Secretary-General Task Force on Reform of UN Communications.[1287]
  182. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    From 1997 to Jan. 27, 2007, Mark Malloch-Brown became a tenant of George Soros on his upstate New York estate, paying over $10,000 per month.[1287]
  183. Bookmarks: #feb-12-1997-chandler-cisco-ibm-form-eurotech-to-embed-backdoor-keys-in-hardware #eurotech-founded-02-12-1997
    Randolph A. Graves, Jr.
    Randolph A. Graves, Jr.
    Don V. Hahnfeldt
    Don V. Hahnfeldt
    James D. Watkins
    James D. Watkins
    On Feb. 12, 1997, Randolph A. Graves, Jr. formed Eurotech, Ltd. to organize technology transfer with the former Soviet Union.[034] Graves was a NASA director and national security collaborator with Chandler and Freeze. Other Chandler-Freeze cronies who joined Eurotech were James D. Watkins, retired Secretary of the Navy, and Don V. Hahnfeldt, retired nuclear submarine commander. On Aug. 07, 2001, Chandler joined the Eurotech board with his CRYPTO.com company in tow that he had quickly formed earlier that year. On Dec. 30, 2001, Chandler received $1 million from a Venezuelan telecommunications and Internet company for prospective CRYPTO services that sounded identical to Leader Technologies' inventions. Chandler sold CRYPTO to Eurotech which was spun in and out of Cayman Island companies under various names including Markland Technologies, Woodward LLC, James LLC, Technest, AccelPath, EOIR Technologies, Eurotech SpA and currently The White Oak Group. Another iteration named Eurotech SpA was formed in Italy to promote Eclipse's "The Internet of Things" with IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, Intel and Wind River (embedded systems: routers, chips, operating systems).
  184. Bookmark: #timothy-berners-lee-obe
    Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Privy Council
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Privy Council
    Timothy John Berners-Lee
    Timothy Berners-Lee
    On Jun. 14, 1997, Timothy John Berners-Lee (b. 1955 - ) was awarded an Order of the British Empire (OBE) "for services to the global computer networking."

    Timothy is son of British mathematician and computer scientist Conway Berners-Lee (b. 1921 - ). Conway actually developed network architectures, unlike his son Timothy, who likely just appropriated his father's work into the C.I.A.-created CERN facility in Switzerland. For son Timothy John Berners-Lee to receive an OBE at 42-yrs. old, when the world wide web was still in its infancy, is telling of an inside job by the Queens' Privy Council, the IBM Internet of Things (Feb. 12, 1997) organized by the fascist Highlands Group (ca. Feb. 1995) and the dubious FBI-Carnegie Endowment backdoor encryption conference on Jun. 07, 1993.

    Hindsight reveals that Berners-Lee has been tightly associated with the globalist Deep State. For example, he was knighted on Dec. 31, 2003. He became a distinguished fellow of the British Computer Society (1996 - Lord Louis Mountbatten (Privy Counselor) was President of BCS from 1966-1967), an organization intimately connected to Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, the Intellectual Property Institute (UK) and SERCO. In 1997, Berners-Lee was awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE). This was when Lord Mark Malloch-Brown (Privy Counselor) was World Bank, External Affairs, United Nations Affairs. In 1998, Berners-Lee was awarded the Mountbatten Medal - a globalist activist. In 2010, he was awarded UNESCO's Niels Bohr award. Berners Lee received honorary degrees from numerous globalist universities, including Columbia (2001), Oxford (2001), Harvard (2011) and Yale (2014).[1409] [1410] [1411] [1412]
  185. Leader Logo
    On Jun. 23, 1997, Michael T. McKibben founded Leader Technologies LLC, later Leader Technologies, Inc. in Columbus, Ohio to pursue his vision for better collaboration software for the emerging Internet. The resulting inventions have become known as "social networking."
  186. Bookmark: #clinton-foundation-formed
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Oct. 23, 1997, Bill & Hillary Clinton incorporated the William J. Clinton Foundation in Arkansas, File No. 100152168. Since its inception, the foundation has operated and/or continues to operate under at least 30 "Fictitious Names" (Arkansas Secretary of State) including the names listed below.

    Note: Most news biographies state that Bill Clinton formed his foundation after he left the presidency in 2001. However, the Arkansas Secretary of State public records cited here show the news reports to be uniformly in error. [478]

    The Foundation does not provide a 1997 IRS Form 990 charity financial report. The first report disclosing $3,050,000 in donations is for 1998, EIN 31-1580204. It has blanked out the names of the Contributor Names on page 16.[480]

    The Foundation name was changed to Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation on Apr. 07, 2013.
    1. Acceso Fund LLC (Colombia),
    2. Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation (BHCCF),
    3. Ciudad Verde Amarilo Frailejon III (CVAF),
    4. Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI),
    5. Clinton Foundation (The) (TCF, CF),
    6. Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative (CFHAI),
    7. Clinton Foundation Hong Kong (CFHK),
    8. Clinton Foundation Insamlingstiftelse (Sweden) (CFI),
    9. Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP),
    10. Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI),
    11. Clinton Global Initiative (CGI),
    12. Clinton Global Initiative - Asia (CFIA),
    13. Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU),
    14. Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI),
    15. Clinton Health Matters Initiative (CHMI),
    16. Clinton Hunter Development Initiative (CHDI),
    17. Clinton Institute (CI),
    18. Clinton Small Business Initiative (CSBI),
    19. Forty Two (FT),
    20. No Ceiling (NC),
    21. The Full Participation Project (TFPP)
    22. The Clinton Foundation (TCF, CF),
    23. The Clinton Initiatives (TCI, CI),
    24. The Clinton Museum Store (TCMS, CMS),
    25. The William J. Clinton Foundation (TWJCF, WJCF),
    26. The William J. Clinton Presidential Center (TWJCPC, TWJCPL),
    27. Too Small To Fail (TSTF),
    28. West Wing (TCF, WW),
    29. William J. C. Foundation (Clinton Foundation) (WJCF),
    30. William J. Clinton Foundation (WJCF),
    31. William J. Clinton Foundation (India) (WJCFI),
    32. William J. Clinton Fndn (Kenya) Char Trust (WJCFKCT),
    33. William J. Clinton Foundation UK (WJCFUK),
    34. WJC Investments [William Jefferson Clinton, for profit] (WJCI), and
    35. WJC, LLC [William Jefferson Clinton, for profit] (WJCLLC).

    Williams & Connolly LLP was paid $88,200 in legal fees in 1998. Scandalously, the firm also represented the State Department in stonewalling discovery requests for Hillary Clinton emails related to The Clinton Foundation. See Aug. 23, 2015.

    Williams & Connolly represented the Clinton Foundation at inception on Oct. 23, 1997 as evidenced by this Apr. 13, 1999 entry on the IRS Form 990, p. 7
    IRS Form 990. (Apr. 13, 1999). William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation financial disclosure for FY 1998, p. 7.
  187. Bookmark: #chuang-mueller-clements-duval
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Theodore D. Chuang
    Theodore D. Chuang
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Ben T. Clements
    Ben T. Clements
    Deval L. Patrick
    Deval L. Patrick
    On Dec. 16, 1997, District Attorney Theodore D. Chuang, future Maryland District Court judge, worked with Ben T. Clements who formerly worked at Hill & Barlow LLP with Robert S. Mueller, III and Deval L. Patrick who later became FBI Director and two-term governor of Massachusetts, respectively. Chuang and Clements worked on US v. Simons et al, 97-CR-10334-GAO (D. Ma. Dec. 16, 1997). Chuang and Clements collaborated with Microsoft to get an almost $1 million conviction of defendants accused of counterfeiting Microsoft Office software. This was one of the first cases managed by law professor James P. Chandler, III who had coached the White House and Congress on passage of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996, Federal Trade Secrets Act and False Statements Accountability Act (legalizing lying to Congress and Courts) on Oct. 11, 1996. Chandler was tasked with advising all U.S. Attorneys, including Theodore C. Chuang, before bringing forward intellectual property criminal cases. Chandler had been national security advisor to Bill & Hillary Clinton, John D. Podesta, Robert S. Mueller, III, Rod J. Rosenstein, James B. Comey, Eric H. Holder, Jr., Valerie B. Jarrett, David J. Kappos for a decade. By earlier 2000, Chandler agreed to become Columbus, Ohio inventor Leader Technologies' patent and trademark attorney. Hindsight shows that his intention was to steal Leader's social networking inventions for exploit by the rogue C.I.A. Deep State shadow government. Chuang Senate Testimony,: p. 42.[937] [938]
  188. Bookmark: #1998


  189. During 1998, Russian Yuri Milner and Bank Menatep diverted $4.8 billion IMF funds and laundered $10 billion in Russian organized crime funds.

    Yuri Milner
    Yuri Milner
    Alisher Usmanov
    Alisher Usmanov
    Lawrence H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    Milner's partner during their Facebook "pump and dump" investing phase Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov, now dubbed "The Richest Man in Russia" and a close Putin ally.

    Harvard's Larry Summers and his disastrous Russian voucher system, promoted while he was chief economist at the World Bank, must take much of the blame for rise of the uber-corrupt Russian oligarch.

    Why? Because on paper the voucher system sounded reasonable: sell stock (vouchers) in the Soviet state companies to the private market. The problem was the average citizens only held Russian Rubles which were worthless. The only people in Russia holding Western currency to purchase Summers' vouchers were purchased by the only two groups in the collapsing Soviet Union with hard currency: corrupt Communist officials and Soviet organized crime.

    Lloyd Blankfein
    Lloyd Blankfein
    Yuri Milner and Alisher Usmanov are Larry Summers creations. Pundits believe Summers tapped this connection as the Deep State plans to pump Facebook's pre-IPO valuation to $100 billion took shape starting in about 2006-2007. By 2008, Milner, Goldman Sachs (Lloyd Blankfein) and Morgan Stanley were maneuvering personnel into place in London and Dubai to process the more than $33 billion that bailout director Larry Summers would manage for newly-elected President Barack Obama. See 1991-1993 above.
  190. Peter Charles Percival Hambro
    Allen Welsh Dulles, first Director, C.I.A.
    In Feb. 1998, part of Hambros bank sold to the French bank Société Générale. Various spin offs were given to Hambro family members, including Getty Images control of (propaganda) images Getty Images(Note: the British WWI Ministry of Information said images and photos were profitable in WWI propaganda). Hambro's grandfather, Sir (Charles) Eric Hambro, was a consultant to John Buchan's propaganda Ministry of Information within the Imperial War Cabinet, including helping it reorganize as a amalgam of public and private organiztions to carry on after the war to promote the Rhodes-Milner new world order 200-year plan. One of the largest companies formed by the family was Peter Hambro Mining and Gold—now renamed Petropavlovsk and listed on the stock exchange in London.

    In May 1998, Société Générale sold Hambros PLC, including its private equity and investment side, to Investec, a South African bank where George Soros collaborator Lord Mark Malloch-Brown became a director on Aug. 08, 2014.
  191. Bookmark: #kosovo-war-starts
    KOSOVO HOAX WAR: Bill Clinton, George Soros, neocons, globalists, UN, EU, rogue C.I.A., NATO supported Islamist KLA over Christian Serbs to establish jihadi foothold in Europe

    Mar. 5, 1998—Jul. 11, 1999, The Kosovo War was fought between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (largely Serbia Orthodox Christians) and the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The KLA was supported by Islamist foreign volunteers from Albania, Turkey, North Africa, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Egypt. The KLA was funded by Islamist organizations and drug smuggling.

    George Soros
    George Soros
    Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton
    Bill Clinton
    Bill Clinton
    There have been many reports of abuses and war crimes committed by the KLA during and after the conflict, such as massacres of civilians, prison camps, and destruction of medieval churches and monuments. However, the mainstream media focused its (now familiar) fake news blaming the Serbian Army for atrocities that were committed by the KLA.

    The Medieval St. Mark’s Monastery, near Korisa, Prizren, built in 1467, looted, set on fire and totally destroyed by Islamist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) explosives, July 1999, one month after the rogue C.I.A. UN, NATO (KFOR) took over Kosovo. There have been no arrests. Lord have mercy.

    Icon of Christ the Savior defaced by the Islamist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)
    Icon of Christ the Savior defaced by the Islamist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).
    Dana T. Rohrbacher
    Dana T. Rohrbacher
    In total, 155 Serbian Orthodox Christian churches and monasteries were destroyed. Despite the confirmed reports of KLA atrocities, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) was the first member of Congress to advocate arming the Islamist KLA. He compared US funding to France funding American Revolutionaries. Tellingly Rohrbacher was Chairman of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics from 1997 to January 2005 that funded the National Laboratories - the heart of the U.S. military-industrial complex.

    George J. Tenet
    George J. Tenet
    A report prepared under C.I.A. Director George J. Tenet and summarized by him in testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 2, 1999 referred to the Serb "massacre at Račak."[650] This alleged massacre became the pretext for NATO intervention against Serbia. However, an AIM REPORT (Accuracy in Media) has exposed the alleged Račak massacre as a HOAX. It never happened. The alleged photos of the massacre were staged.[649]

    C.I.A. Director George J. Tenent told the Senate: "Moreover, funds pouring into KLA cofferes from the Albanian Diaspora* have increased sharply following the massacre at Račak [later proven to be a hoax in the AIM REPORT, Apr. A, 2000]").[649] Hindsight is 20-20: The C.I.A. Director Tenet is clearly carrying the agenda of globalist forces intent on upsetting the Christian-Islamic balance of power in that tumultuous region in preparation for the immigration waves planned later by the destabilization of Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    *These funds are more likely coming from George Soros and his globalist (one world government) Open Society Foundations. Albania's population is under three million people—the size of Chicago. Albania is the size of Massachusetts. Albanians in "diaspora" are not wealthy on the whole. Therefore, Tenet's comments evidently rely on the ignorance of the Senators about Albania's demographics—making his assertions not credible with any thought or questioning at all.

    Remarkably, the US, C.I.A., UN and NATO all joined the fight in support of the Islamist KLA against the largely Orthodox Christian Serbs in rapid succession between Jun. 9 and Sep. 24, 1998. The orchestration of this globalist collusion is evident.[666] [667] [668]
  192. Bookmark: #richard-c-walker
    Irah H. Donner
    Irah H. Donner
    Richard C. Walker
    Richard C. Walker
    On Aug. 06, 1998, Hewlett-Packard engineer Richard C. Walker incorporated Kline & Walker, LLC in Delaware Co. No. #2930501 which appears to have had only one purpose: to be the assignee for his eventual patent: Richard C. Walker. (Nov. 15, 2005). U.S. Pat. No. 6,965,816, PFN/TRAC SYSTEM FAA UPGRADES FOR ACCOUNTABLE REMOTE AND ROBOTICS CONTROL TO STOP THE UNAUTHORIZED USE OF AIRCRAFT AND TO IMPROVE EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC SAFETY IN TRANSPORTATION. USPTO.[916] [935]

    Then on Aug. 26, 1998, Walker incorporated Kline & Walker, LLC as a foreign corporation in Maryland Co. No. Z05073713.[922]

    Walker has assigned this patent to Assignees and Agents Agilent Technologies, Inc., Avago Technologies, Ltd., Deutsche Bank AG New York Branch, Bank of America, N.A., Latham & Watkins LLP.[940] Latham & Watkins LLP is James W. Breyer's long time attorney. Breyer was chairman of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) in 2004 along with the C.I.A. In-Q-Tel and also chairman of Facebook at the same time.

    Wilmer Hale LLP attorney Irah H. Donner is Walker's patent attorney on this family of patents and patent applications.

    https://youtu.be/5kDliSTSOPA and raw video (*.mp4).
  193. Bookmark: #entrust-ipo
    On Aug. 18, 1998, Entrust Technologies, Inc. went public having been started as a spin-off of Nortel Networks (Canada) to manage and distribute Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate authorities—the encryption keys for the Internet.[1360]
  194. Bookmark: #us-v-hsu-chandler-williams-connolly
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Janet W. Reno

    Barack H. Obama
    Barack H. Obama
    Lois G. Lerner
    Lois G. Lerner

    Paul Mogin, Partner, Williams & Connolly LLP
    Paul Mogin
    Williams & Connolly LLP

    Catherine S. Duval, Associate, Williams & Connolly LLP
    Catherine S. Duval
    Williams & Connolly LLP
    David E. Kendall, Partner, Williams & Connolly LLP
    David E. Kendall
    Williams & Connolly LLP

    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Aug. 28, 1998, James P. Chandler, III and Paul Mogin, Williams & Connolly LLP, concluded the first prosecution of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 ("EEA") drafted by Chandler for President Bill Clinton—US v. Hsu (1998).[237] [238] [239] [240] [241]

    In Nov. 2000, James P. Chandler, Leader Technologies’ patent attorney turned patent thief, compiled a Department of Justice guideline titled "PROSECUTING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CLAIMS." This guideline appears to be the playbook these swamp rats are using to try and take down President Donald J. Trump. While Chandler's name doesn't appear on the document per se, his trade secrets, economic espionage and intellectual property handiwork is notoriously known to Beltway intelligence, legal and political insiders. Search "chandler" in this timeline for a multitude of verifications.

    This remarkable document places a number of Washington, D.C. lawyers together at the beginning of the Clinton Administration in the mid 1990's. These same people are currently prominent in the Trump-Russia witch hunt, along with their Deep State partners in the mainstream media, DNC and RNC with whom they collude.

    Chandler's collaborators in these 2000 guidelines included Robert S. Mueller, III and Eric H. Holder, Jr. who were then U.S. Attorney and Assistant Attorney General respectively. Their boss was Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno of Waco infamey. They hired Paul Mogin of Williams & Connolly LLP to prosecute their first case under Clinton's and Chandler's freshly minted Economic Espionage Act of 1996, U.S. v. Hsu (this links to the in-depth AFI Timeline for Aug. 28, 1998; please be patient while it downloads).

    Discussion of the Hsu case features prominently (27 references to it) in the Chandler-Mueller-Holder-Reno-Clinton document. Insiders say Chandler boasted inside the Beltway about Hsu since it was the first successful conviction under his new trade secrets laws.

    Tellingly, four of the Clinton's former Arkansas bodyguards (C. LeBleu, T. McKeaham, R. Williams, S. Willis) were shot in the head, execution style, at Janet Reno's Waco attack. And, Williams & Connolly LLP is the law firm hired by Barack Obama's State Department who stonewalled Congress during Hillary Clinton's private email server testimony as well as Lois Lerner's IRS stonewalling about the political targeting of the Tea Party.
  195. John A. Koskinen
    Lois G. Lerner
    John A. Koskinen
    John A. Koskinen
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Mogin, Duval, Kendall and Williams & Connolly LLP swirl at the center of epic discovery stonewalling in 2013-2016 by representing both Hillary Clinton as well as the State Department and the IRS in refusing to turn over emails and documents subpoenaed by Congress, and requested by Judicial Watch and Citizens United in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The IRS executive Lois Lerner who targeted conservative groups for harassment, lied to Congress numerous times, then pled the Fifth. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, a fellow Clinton Yale graduate, is in impeachment hearings in 2016 for his role in the IRS/Lerner lies and cover-up.

    A Clinton Foundation IRS Form 990 annual financial disclosure for 1998 provided the proof regarding Williams & Connolly’s duplicity on page 7.
    Williams & Connolly represented the Clinton Foundation at inception on Oct. 23, 1997 as evidenced by this Apr. 13, 1999 entry on the IRS Form 990, p. 7
    IRS Form 990. (Apr. 13, 1999). William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation financial disclosure for FY 1998, p. 7.
  196. Bookmark: #serco-precursor-formed
    On Oct. 14, 1998, SI International, L.L.C. (later SI International, Inc., then Serco Services, Inc.) was incorporated in the State of Delaware.[1053] According to their S-1/A public offering prospectus,[1050] they planned to use their "experienced team of five executive officers" to get business in software development, systems consulting, eSolutions, information security, learning solutions, systems engineering, network engineering, furnishing, installation and testing/turn-up, and mission-critical outsourcing." They identified their competition as ITT Industries, Inc., Northrop Grumman Corporation and RS Information Systems, Inc.

    Their sales grew meteorically prior to their 2002:

    1998 Oct. 14, 1998 incorporated[1053]
    1999 $33.9 million
    2000 $120.6 million
    2001 $146.6 million
    2002 Nov. 08, 2002 public offering[1050]

    Their "experienced team of five executive officers" who made these magical sales, mostly to the federal government, were:

    Lastname Firstname SI Int'l Title History
    Oleson Ray J. Chairman, CEO CACI, Inc. (1987-1996); Applied Sciences Corp. (1984-1987); Computer Sciences Corp. (1977-1984)
    Culver Walter J. Vice Chairman, Director of Major Programs Aydin Yazilim ve Elktronik Sanayi, A.S. (Turkey, 1997-1998); CACI, Inc. (1996-1997); Computer Sciences Corp (1968-1990)
    Antle S. Bradford President, COO Lockheed Corp. (1985-1999); U.S. Navy (?-1985)
    Dunn Thomas E. VP, CFO Capital One/America One Communications (1998-2000); Infosys Inc. (1993-1998);Computer Science Corp. (?)
    Lloyd Thomas E. VP Corp Dev CACI Int'l, Inc. (1994-1996);Atlantic Research Corp./Sequa Corp. (1987-1992); Applied Sciences Corp. (1984-1986); USAF (23 yrs.)
    Marsh Gen. R. Thomas (USAF, ret.) Director Senior Executive Service (SES)(1996);[1008] President's Commission On Critical Infra. Protection (1996-1997); Thiokol Corp. (1989-1991);USAF (?-1984);Commander, AF Sys Command; Converse Infosys Tech. Inc. (2002); Technology Corp. (2002); Georgia Tech Research Institute (2002); MITRE Corp. (Trustee)
    Crawford III James E. Director Frontenac Co. (1992-2000); William Blair Venture Mgmt. Co. (1984-1992); Allegience Telecom, Inc. Altrio Communications, Inc., Focal Communications Corp. (2002)
    Florence Walter C. Director Frontenac Co. (1992-2002); Bear Streans (?-1994); Altrio Communications (2002)
    Sproat Edward H. Director Bell Atlrantic (1993-2002); 
    Goldstein Rodney L. Underwriter Frontenac Co. Managing Partner; National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) Director
    Silverman Jeremy H. Underwriter Frontenac Co. Partner; Bain & Co (1981-1993); Robert Fleming (1975-1979); Crescent Healthcare (2004-2012); e+CancerCare (2008-2011); Trilolgy Health (2004-2007); WellPoint Health (1993-1995)

  197. Bookmark: #walker-wilmer-iot
    Irah H. Donner
    Irah H. Donner
    Robert S. Mueller
    Robert S. Mueller
    Richard C. Walker
    Richard C. Walker
    On Dec. 11, 1998, inventor Richard C. Walker filed an international patent applications WO 98/24664 titled 'Secure Communication and Control System for Monitoring, Recording, Reporting and/or Restricting Unauthorized Use of Vehicle.' This patent application began a string of patents that Walker filed on behalf the military-industrial complex [we think The Highlands Group] as the system to be used by the rogue C.I.A. to takeover global communications.[875] [916] [935]

    Wilmer& Hale LLP attorney Irah H. Donner represents Walker in this entire family of patents.
  198. Bookmark: #cbs-kroft-soros
    Geroge Soros
    George Soros
    On December 20, 1998, George Soros stated in a CBS 60 Minutes interview with Steve Kroft that when he was a 14-year-old boy in Nazi-occupied Hungary originally named György Schwartz, he had assisted in confiscating property from Jews, and that he said he had no guilt over it as a Jew.[296] Some fellow Jews today call his gains immoral "blood money." Soros' fellow WWII-era Hungarian Jewish immigrant actors in this story include John P. Breyer (original name unknown), founder of Computer World and now director of IDG-Accel Capital Partners (China), and Andy Grove, CEO of Intel (originally András Gróf). The involvement of these people is certainly not coincidental. Grove's Intel was an early member of IBM's Eclipse Foundation and participates substantial in the development of embedded technologies with spy-state backdoors.[520]

    Steve Kroft. (Dec. 20, 1998). 60 Minutes George Soros interview. CBS.
    https://youtu.be/5fqm7CYggLE (<<< This YouTube copy has just been censored by Google and CBS on or before 11/23/2019—even though this video is notoriosly known to be in the public interest.) | To prevent this important public information from disappearing in cyberspace, we suggest that you download a safety copy here: Raw *.mp4 video file.
    Breyer's son, James W. Breyer, is chairman of Accel Partners LLP, former chairman of Facebook, and Facebook's 2nd largest shareholder. Breyer became chairman of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) on May 13, 2004, just as the confiscation of Leader Technologies' invention by IBM's Eclipse Foundation was gaining steam.

    Of note is the consistency of Christian names like John, James, Andrew and George among this deceptive group of actors.
  199. Bookmark: #1999


  200. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    From 1999 to current, (Lord) Mark Malloch-Brown founded and became honorary president of the London International Model United Nations (LIMUN)
  201. Bookmark: #al-gore-invented-internet-cnn-quote
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Albert Arnold 'Al' Gore, Jr.
    Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr.
    On Mar. 09, 1999, Vice President Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. told CNN's Wolf Blitzer:
    GORE: "I took the initiative in creating the Internet."
    Hindsight shows that this may have been a Freudian slip since Gore was in on the planning of the Deep State shadow government's plan for a rogue element within the C.I.A. to take over the Internet. Since Clinton came to power in 1993, this global surveillance grid was not accountable to Congress and thus was outside U.S. Constitutional checks and balances.[669]
  202. Bookmark: #alibaba-founded
    Jack Ma Yun
    Jack Ma Yun
    On Apr. 04, 1999, Alibaba was founded by Jack Ma Yun in Hangzhou, China (with 'help' from Yahoo! in 2008 after starting in China on Sep. 24, 1999). As is common among the Silicon Valley cardboard cut out company foundings, Alibaba's narrative about its founding is replete with a cutsie little story of a San Francisco coffee shop and a supposed chance comment from a waitress about Sesame Street that gave him the idea for the name Alibaba. Alibaba filed an F-1/A public offering prospectus on Sep. 15, 2014 underwritten by all of America's major banks.

    Alibaba Group Holding Limited is a Cayman Islands holding company established on June 28, 1999.

    Alibaba is now the primary Chinese platform supporting a fascist social credit score where Chinese citzens are rated and either rewarded for acceptable conduct, or penalized for anti-social behavior, like criticising government policy.[1418] [1419]
  203. Bookmark: #special-counsel-statute-lapsed
    Independent Counsel law lapsed
    On Jun. 30, 1999, Congress allowed the 40-year Independent Counsel statutes to lapse.[997] [998] [999]
  204. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    From Jul. 1999 to Aug. 2005, Mark Malloch-Brown was appointed chairman and administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Development Group (UNDG).[1287]
  205. Bookmark: #office-of-special-counsel-procedure-reno-fiat
    Janet Reno ordered Office of Special Counsel procedure (not a law) by fiat
    Janet W. Reno
    Janet W. Reno
    On Jul. 01, 1999, Attorney General Janet W. Reno implemented a new Office of Special Counsel within the Justice Department as a new administrative procedure (not a law) without allowing any customary prior public notice, comment or conducing hearings.[997] [998] [999]

    The following administration insiders were involved in the drafting of this procedure (not a law): [To be added].
  206. Bookmark: #summers-appointed-treasury-secretary
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Lawrence H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    On Jul. 02, 1999, Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers was appointed by Bill Clinton as U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.
  207. Bookmark: #sandberg-chief-of-staff-for-summers
    Lawrence H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Jul. 03, 1999 - Jan. 20, 2001, Sheryl K. Sandberg served as Larry Summers' Chief of Staff as Treasury Secretary.
  208. Bookmark: #kosovo-war-stopped
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Jul. 11, 1999, the Kosovo War stopped. The peace plan was swamped with globalist bureaucrats who were gloating over their hoax war to destabilize the former Serbian Orthodox Christian majority in favor of radical Islamists KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) fighter minority, including many mercenaries from Yemen, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, funded by George Soros and proponents of the "new world order." See Kosovo War Mar. 05, 1998 timeline entry.
  209. Bookmark: #niac-version-1
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Jul. 14, 1999, Bill Clinton issued Executive Order 13130 that formed the National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC). The stated goal was to coordinate "effort by both government and private sector entities to address threats to our Nation's critical infrastructure." Hindsight shows that NIAC was the beginning of a private spy agency for the Executive Branch, NSA, and crony banks, judges, bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers and nerds. Massive amounts of bulk personal data were collected illegally and used privately among these players for bribery, coercion, blackmail, advertising, and voter manipulation, we believe. Case in point is the consistently exorbitant speaking fees ($117 million) and Clinton Foundation donations ($152+ million) that Bill and Hillary Clinton have been able to garner between 2001 and 2016.[232] The likely drafter of this order, James P. Chandler, III, was later appointed to serve as a member of the NIAC, on the last day of Bill Clinton's presidency, Jan. 18, 2001.[340]
  210. Bookmark: #encryption-scam-began
    Encryption key scam began this day organized by Clinton's rogue globalists at the C.I.A., NSA, FBI, DoD—A Day That Will Live In Infamy
    Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Bill Clinton
    Bill Clinton
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Sep. 16, 1999, President Bill Clinton announced an entirely new (underhanded, criminal, Deep State shadow government, Senior Executive Services (SES)) approach to export of encryption hardware, software and firmware. Tellingly, White House press secretary Joe P. Lockhart made the announcement. Lockhart was appointed Facebook vice president of communications on On Jun. 14, 2011. This press release and supporting White House briefing documents, including President Clinton's letter to Congress, were evidently written by chief Clinton outside intellectual property and national security legal advisor, James P. Chandler, III. Chandler had earlier written Clinton's Economic Espionage Act and Federal Secrets Act of 1996 which passed on Oct. 11, 1996. Within a four months of this press release, in early Jan. 2000, Chandler agreed to be social networking innventor Leader Technologies, Inc.'s patent attorney. Export was allowed after a "one-time technical review" [this is a joke as a serious technology vetting standard] that was totally devoid of teeth. America's technology borders were essentially opened to all commercial and state actors foreign and domestic.[1368]
  211. Bookmark: #yahoo-china-formed
    On Sep. 24, 1999, Yahoo! China was launched. In Oct. 2005, Yahoo! formed a strategic partnership with Alibaba Group.[1418] [1419]
  212. Bookmark: #cia-in-q-tel-formed
    Clinton C.I.A. institutionalized crony capitalism & the digital take over of America by a Shadow Government, on this day
    White House organizers of the Shadow Government
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III, Clinton intelligence adviser, EEA, Trade Secrets Act
    James W. Breyer
    James W. Breyer, Accel Partners, Facebook, National Venture Capital Assoc.
    Gilman Louie, In-Q-Tel, C.I.A.
    Gilman Louie, CEO, C.I.A.
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Sheryl K. Sandberg, Summers' Chief of Staff; later Gmail and Facebook
    Yuri Milner
    Yuri Milner, Bank Menatep $4.8B IMF diversion, $10B Russian mob laundering
    Marne L. Levine (Deutch)
    Marne L Levine (Deutch), Treasury, Harvard, Obama, Facebook, Instagram
    Gordon K. Davidson
    Gordon K. Davidson, Fenwick & West LLP
    Geroge Soros
    George Soros, New World Order financier
    Douglas J. Band
    Douglas J. Band, The Clinton Foundation
    John D. Podesta
    John D. Podesta, Chief of Staff
    On Sep. 29, 1999, the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) formed In-Q-Tel and hired it first CEO, Gilman Louie. See the book: In-Q-Tel: A New Partnership Between the CIA and the Private Sector:

    Joan O. Isham
    Joan O. Isham
    Ruth A. David
    Ruth A. David
    THE BIG LIE: "The origins of the concept that has become In-Q-Tel are traceable to Dr. Ruth David, a former CIA Deputy Director for Science and Technology [she was appointed by President Obama as a member of the National Science Board and National Science Foundation in 2012]. She and her Deputy, Joan Isham, were the first senior Agency officials to
    George J. Tenet
    George J. Tenet C.I.A. Director
    understand that the information revolution required the CIA to forge new partnerships with the private sector and design a proposal for radical change. The timing of the proposal was fortuitous. The Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), George Tenet, had just launched his Strategic Direction initiative that included technology as one of its areas for review. The study made a direct link between the Agency’s future technology investments and improving its information gathering and analysis capabilities."[536]

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about the rise of this military-industrial complex
    https://youtu.be/orEurY6HdXU | Raw *.mp4 video
    No one appears to have challenged the constitutionality of the C.I.A. owning a private American company on U.S. soil. Despite President Eisenhower's dire warning about the amassing of unchecked power, the entire military-industrial complex lined up behind C.I.A. In-Q-Tel and supported a fundamental breach of U.S. law that forbids the C.I.A. from operating inside the United States.

    In-Q-Tel / C.I.A.'s Founding Technocracy "Trustees"
    Stephen Friedman
    Stephen Friedman,
    Marsh & McLennan, Goldman Sachs
    Paul G. Kaminski
    Paul G. Kaminski
    Under Sec. of Defense, Technovation
    Jeong H. Kim
    Jeong H. Kim
    Lucent Technologies
    Lee A. Ault III
    Lee A. Ault III
    Norman R. Augustine
    Norman R. Augustine
    Lockheed Martin Corporation
    John Seely Brown
    John Seely Brown
    Xerox Corporation
    Michael M. Crow
    Michael M. Crow
    Columbia University
    John N. McMahon
    John N. McMahon
    Lockheed Missile, C.I.A. Deputy Director
    William J. Perry
    William J. Perry
    Sec. of Defense
    Alex J. Mandl
    Alex J. Mandl, AT&T, Teligent
    Bookmark: #cia-in-q-tel-founding-board
    C.I.A. In-Q-Tel founding military-industrial complex technocracy trustees:
    Individual: Organization:
    Ault III, Lee A. Telecredit, Inc.
    Augustine, Norman R. Lockheed Martin Corporation
    Brown, John Seely Xerox Corporation
    Crow, Michael M. Columbia University
    Friedman, Stephen Goldman Sachs; Marsh & McLennan Capital, Inc.
    Kaminski, Paul G. Technovation, Inc., Global Technology Partners, U.S. Under Sec. of Defense
    Kim, Jeong H. Lucent Technologies, Yurie Systems
    Mandl, Alex J. AT&T, Teligent,Inc.
    McMahon, John N. Lockheed Missile & Space Systems Company; C.I.A.
    Perry, William J. U.S. Department of Defense, Stanford University
  213. >Barack H. Obama
    Barack H. Obama
    Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton
    Thomas E. Donilon
    Thomas E. Donilon
    On Oct. 01, 1999, Blackrock went public as a spinoff of PNC bank. Blackrock is called the world's largest shadow bank with inseparable ties to the rogue C.I.A. through its chairman Thomas E. Donilon, and is the world's largest bank. The abolishment of Glass-Steagall just a month later enabled Blackrock to make its dubious markets in ill-fated mortgage-backed securities. In 2006, Merrill-Lynch was merged into Blackrock.

    Thomas E. Donilon, chair of Blackrock, was National Security Advisor under Barack Obama where he co-chaired the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity. Donilon chaired the Obama-Biden transition at the U.S. State Department in preparation for Hillary Clinton to become Secretary of State on Jan. 22, 2009. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and an advisor to the Central Intelligence Agency.[950]
  214. Bookmark: #glass-steagall
    . . . six weeks later:
    Lawrence H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    On Nov. 12, 1999, Larry Summers was instrumental in the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act— the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. Gramm-Leach removed the affiliation restrictions between banks and securities firms. Glass-Steagall was enacted on Sep. 4, 1929 in the aftermath of the stock market crash that resulted in the Great Depression. Stock brokers in the 1920's had been speculating wildly with the everyday banking activity of average Americans. After Gramm-Leach, Citibank became Citigroup, one of Facebook's later underwriters. Pundits believe the abolishment of the Glass-Steagall checks and balances to fraud and greed caused the 2008 banking meltdown and the "too big to fail" banks to actually fail.
  215. Bookmark: #agilent-public-offering
    Irah H. Donner
    Irah H. Donner
    Robert S. Mueller
    Robert S. Mueller
    Richard C. Walker
    Richard C. Walker
    On Nov. 17, 1999, Agilient Technologies, Inc. went public as an American research, development and manufacturing company as a spin-off from Hewlett-Packard. The resulting $2.1 billion IPO of Agilent stock was the largest in the history of Silicon Valley at the time. HP engineer was assigned to Agilient to pursue the development of the embedded systems needed in "The Internet of Things" patent for a global surveillance system that Walker was working on [we believe for the Highlands Group] that eventually became U.S. Pat. No. 6,965,816, Richard C. Walker, PFN/TRAC SYSTEM FAA UPGRADES FOR ACCOUNTABLE REMOTE AND ROBOTICS CONTROL TO STOP THE UNAUTHORIZED USE OF AIRCRAFT AND TO IMPROVE EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC SAFETY IN TRANSPORTATION, filed as Pat. App.10-260,525.[923] [935]

    Wilmer Hale LLP attorney Irah H. Bonner represented Walker in this family of patent applications.
  216. Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie
    On Nov. 30, 1999 General Electric Company (GEC) became BAE Systems Plc. Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie served as GEC Marketing Director (1997-1998) and GEC Communications Director (1989-1999).[1330]
  217. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler III
    James E. Freeze
    James E. Freeze
    On Dec. 16, 1999, Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) became the first outside director Leader Technologies LLC, founded by engineer, inventor Michael T. McKibben. Very soon thereafter, Freeze arranged for McKibben to meet law professor James P. Chandler, III.

    Chandler and Freeze then stole Leader's invention for use by their ULTRA secret Echelon NSA/CHQ handlers via the IBM Eclipse Foundation—the ASA's main supplier (see Corderman bio specifically identifying IBM). These activities are certainly clever, albeit grotesquely immoral, not to mention unConstitutional.[1746] [1774]

    Also notable is the fact that Freeze was inducted into the Military Intelligence Hall of Fame in 1987, before his mentor Corderman in 1988, no doubt due to ECHELON.

    The world's first knowledge of Freeze's Echelon program came on Jun. 06, 2013 from whistleblower Edward Snowden. Snowden revealed the unholy alliance of government and select private multinational corporations like Google/Alphabet, Facebook, Yahoo!, Pal Talk, Apple, Microsoft, YouTube, AOL, Skype, Cisco, AT&T, EDS, Qualcomm, Oracle, Intel, Verizon, Qwest, HP, Motorola . . . “Alliances with over 80 Major Global Corporations.” Whistleblower William Binney also confirmed this illegal activity.
  218. Bookmark: #2000


  219. Yuri Milner
    Yuri Milner
    Bookmark: #milner-mail-ru
    In about 2000, Yuri Milner founded and was CEO of NetBridge and Mail.ru (became a large private Facebook investor on May 26, 2009—just four months into Barack Obama's presidency).[106]
  220. Bookmark: #mckibben-met-chandler
    Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze (U.S. Army ret.)
    James E. Freeze
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    In early Jan. 2000, according to Leader Technologies' chairman, CEO and lead inventor, Michael T. McKibben, he met attorney James P. Chandler, III for the first time for an extended introductory meeting at the Taberna del Alabardero restaurant near The Chandler Law Firm Chartered's law offices on Pennsylvania Avenue hear the White House. Gen. James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.), the man who had introduced Leader to Chandler, also attended the lengthy meeting. Chandler's legal assistant Kelley Clements (Keller) also attended as did Leader's then inside legal counsel who Chandler loathed on the outside, but appears to have conspired with to destabilize the company once Chandler received a custody copy of its engineering innovations on Jun. 05, 2002. Out of that meeting where McKibben introduced Leader's innovations to Chandler under preengagement attorney-client confidentiality, Chandler agreed on the spot to become a Leader director.
  221. Bookmark: #leader-engages-chandler-freeze
    Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze (U.S. Army ret.)
    James E. Freeze
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Apr. 6, 2000 and May 5, 2000, Leader engaged the legal and director services of Professor James P. Chandler, The Chandler Law Firm Chartered (Washington, D.C.) ("Chandler"). The introduction to Chandler was made by Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze, former #3 at the NSA.

    Gordon K. Davidson
    Gordon K. Davidson, Fenwick & West LLP
    William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    On Aug. 28, 2001, Leader engaged the additional legal services of Fenwick & West, LLP (William A Fenwick, Gordon K. Davidson, Palo Alto, CA) ("Fenwick") at Chandler’s recommendation, introduction and facilitation. Chandler filed multiple patents, copyrights and trademarks for Leader. Fenwick advised on securities, corporate law, funding and intellectual property.[017] Fenwick even made formal tribunal appearances as Leader’s counsel.[018]
  222. Bookmarks: #chandler-leader-invention-disclosure
    On Jun. 08, 2000, Chandler participated in seminal Leader invention design sessions in Columbus, Ohio where he learned the essences of Leader’s social networking innovations, ostensibly to use this knowledge in Leader patent applications.[019]
  223. For most of the Leader innovation development period between about 1998 and 2004, Leader had retained the legal counsel of Chandler and Fenwick. Leader invested approximately $10 million and 145,000 man-hours in research and development during that time.[020] Chandler and Fenwick were charged with protecting Leader’s valuable innovations.
  224. Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie
    On Jun. 20, 2000, Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Queen's Privy Council for intelligence, received a Silver Star Award from The ISSA Awards, International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA) at the Strategy2000 banquet in Washington D.C., June 20, 2000. Such awards ceremonies and banquets are evident excuses to gather their Deep State shadow government rogue intelligence operatives without any of the government officials in the Queen's Privy Council, Five Eyes (US, UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia), Crown Agents, Lockheed Martin Limited, AWE Management Limited, SCL Management Limited and SERCO having to disclose their conflicts of interest in meeting together at these gatherings.[1190]
    Current and some past recipients of ISSA (International Strategic Studies Association) Awards gather at the Strategy2000 banquet in Washington D.C., June 20, 2000, L/R: VADM Ko Tun-hwa (Taiwan), Caspar W. Weinberger (US), HM King Kigeli V (Rwanda); Rt. Hon. Sir Geoffrey Pattie (UK), HIH Prince Ermias Sahle Haile-Selassie (Ethiopia).
    Fig. - Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Queen's Privy Counselor for intelligence, received a Silver Star Award from The ISSA Awards, International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA) at the Strategy2000 banquet in Washington D.C., June 20, 2000. L/R: VADM Ko Tun-hwa (Taiwan), Caspar W. Weinberger (US), HM King Kigeli V (Rwanda); Rt. Hon. Sir Geoffrey Pattie (UK), HIH Prince Ermias Sahle Haile-Selassie (Ethiopia).
  225. Bookmark: #OGE-mutual-fund-rules-changed
    F. Gary Davis
    F. Gary Davis
    On Aug. 25, 2000, F. Gary Davis, Acting Director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, issued a tortured 13-page "advisory" that dramatically muddied the waters on mutual fund investing disclosure (Doc. No. ooX8).[022] Davis left government service soon thereafter.
  226. Bookmark: #michael-hayden-trailblazer
    On or about Oct. 01, 2000, NSA director Michael Hayden initiated the Trailblazer Project. It was a National Security Agency (NSA) program intended to develop a capability to analyze data carried on communications networks like the Internet. It was intended to track entities using communication methods such as cell phones and e-mail. James P. Chandler, III was an advocate of Trailblazer for President Bill Clinton.
    Meet the people who fundamentally betrayed the Constitution and conspired to spy on Americans without warrants
    Michael V. Hayden
    Michael V. Hayden
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    George J. Tenet
    George J. Tenet
    Nancy D. Pelosi
    Nancy D. Pelosi
    Porter J. Goss
    Porter J. Goss
    Richard B. Cheney
    Richard B. Cheney
    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush
    Larry H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    Numerous NSA whistleblowers including J. Kirk Wiebe, William Binney, Tom Drake, Ed Loomis, and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staffer Diane Roark complained to the Department of Defense's Inspector General (IG) about waste, fraud, and abuse in the program, and the fact that a successful operating prototype existed (ThinThread), but was ignored when the Trailblazer program was launched.

    The ThinThread budget was $19.5 million, whereas Hayden's Trailblazer budget was $4 billion. Hayden went for $4 billion. Binney contends Americans are less safe with the $4 billion spend because more bulk data makes catching bad guys harder, not easier, as compared to his targeted ThinThread program. His ThinThread successor, Tom Drake, was subsequently indicted in April 2010 under the Espionage Act on trumped up charges to silence his criticism of the illegal NSA programs. Clearly, these conspirators only used "national security" as the smokescreen for their greed and power-mongering.

    William Binney
    William Binney, NSA whistleblower, Patriot
    According to William Binney, General Hayden, Vice President Dick Cheney, CIA Director George Tenet, and President Bush later used 9/11 as the excuse to start collecting all data from all American citizens through the Trailblazer program initiated under President Bill Clinton. So, Hillary Clinton presumably knew about Trailblazer as well. President George W. Bush approved the program in secret (illegally), without contract authorization, in cooperation with AT&T (Project Stellar Wind), and without approval from the FISA Court. Only two other people knew: the chair and ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee at the time Porter Goss (R-Fla.) and Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). However, even before Binney whistle blew on them, they had already signed off on the illegality.

    The NSA created three separate sections to accomplish the warrantless surveillance of Americans: (1) the Metadata Analysis Center (MAC), (2) the Email Analysis Center (EAC) and (3) the Content Analysis Center (CAC) groups, in their new, "rogue" (Binney) Advanced Analytics Division (AAD).[487]
    QUESTIONER—JIM GILMORE (PBS FRONTLINE INTERVIEW): "So you retire. Why do you retire?"
    [Binney retired/resigned on Oct. 31, 2001]

    ANSWER—BINNEY: "Well, I couldn't be an accessory to the violation of the constitutional rights of everybody in the country. I couldn't be an accessory to that, or an accessory to other crimes being committed, like exposing all this data to the FBI. It was acquired without a warrant, you know. And this is the kind of data that they would use to arrest people, which they did. So I couldn't be a party to that. That's just a total violation of our justice process."
    https://youtu.be/5kDliSTSOPA and raw video (*.mp4). See also Oct. 31, 2001.

  227. Bookmark: #bohemian-club-dark-secrets-2000
    On Oct. 01, 2000, investigative journalist Alex Jones released his documentary film Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove (Oct. 01, 2000). Since 1873, the world's rich and powerful have held secret meetings in the ancient redwood forest of Northern California. Members of this so-called "Bohemian Club" include current and former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan and Clinton. The Bush Family maintains a strong involvement. Each year at Bohemian Grove, members of formerly all male "club" don red, black and silver robes and enact an occult ritual in front of a giant stone owl.

    They sacrifice a human being in effigy to what they call the "Great Owl of Bohemia." For the first time in history, an outsider (Alex Jones) infiltrated Bohemian Grove and captured the ritual on video on Jul. 15, 2000, as printed on a member's program obtained by Jones titled "Cremation of Care."

    This Bohemian Grove "Cremation of Care" cultic rite borrows worship elements from ancient Druidic rites of human and animal sacrifice, the Tyre-Babylonian-Canaanite Cult of Molech or Baal (associated with child sacrifice; mentioned in numerous Biblical passages) and Scottish Masonic rites.

    Subsequent encounters with various Bohemian Grove attendees, including Newt Gingrich, Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon reveal power brokers who either found the proceedings "the most faggy god damn thing" (Nixon), admitted their membership and became angry at being exposed (Gergen), denied membership (lied) and mocked the questioner (Clinton), or were evasive (Gingrich; Bill Richardson, former NM governor, Clinton Energy Secretary and UN Ambassador, Obama Commerce Secretary). Nevertheless Bohemian Grove members hide many secrets from the American people.

    David R. Gergen
    David R. Gergen
    Bill Clinton's White House counselor and current CNN political commentator David Gergen resigned from Bohemian Club on Jun. 11, 1993 before coming to the White House. It is unknown when he joined the Bohemian Club. Gergen served in both Republican and Democrat Administrations:

    David R. Gergen, Bohemian Grove Acolyte to Presidents for the New World Order:

    Richard Nixon (1971-73), Director of Speechwriting
    Gerald Ford (1975), Director of Communications
    Ronald Reagan (1981-89), Director of Communications
    Bill Clinton (1993-2001), Counselor to the President
    CNN (2008-present), Political Commentator[609]

    https://youtu.be/Db0-avOF4KI | Raw *.mp4 video file
  228. Bookmark: #ses-2000-plum-book
    Senior Executive Service (SES) flag and logo
    On Nov. 08, 2000, the Senate published the fourth "Plum Book" describing over 7,323 Senior Executive Services (SES) employees titled Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Governmental Affairs, 102d Congress, 2d Session. Y 4.G 74/9: S. Prt. 102-509. ISBN 0-16-039526-7. GPO.[1009]

    On Oct. 13, 1978, The Senior Executive Service (SES) was created as Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978 under President Jimmy Carter.

    2000 Plum Book includes:[1009]
    No. Lastname Firstname
    1 Albright Madeleine J.K.
    2 Blumenthal Sidney
    3 Cohen William S.
    4 Cuomo Andrews M.
    5 Geithner Timothy F. 
    6 Greenspan Alan
    7 Holder, Jr. Eric H.
    8 Horowitz Michael E. 
    9 Kennedy Patrick
    10 Lew Jacob J.
    11 Lindsey Bruce
    12 Lockhart Joseph
    13 Marshall Andrew W.
    14 McNamara Robert M.
    15 Mueller, III Robert S.
    16 Pickering Thomas R.
    17 Podesta John D.
    18 Reno Janet
    19 Rice  Susan E.
    20 Sandberg Sheryl K.
    21 Summers  Lawrence H.
    22 Talbott Strobe
    23 Tenet George J.
    24 Verveer Melanne
    25 Waxman Seth P. 

  229. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    In Dec. 2000, Mark Malloch-Brown authored the UN Millennium Summit, Millennium Development Goals.[1287]
  230. Nicholas William Peter Clegg
    Nicholas William Peter Clegg
    In Dec. 2000, British politician Nicholas William Peter Clegg drafted new European Union telecommunications rules regarding local loop unbundling (unbundling Internet and telephone services). On Oct. 19, 2018, Clegg was appointed vice-president of global affairs and communication.[1434]
  231. Bookmark: #leader-llnl
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Dec. 27, 2000, Chandler initiated conversation between Leader and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ("LLNL") regarding defense, energy and homeland security applications of Leader’s inventions.[1287]
  232. Bookmark: #2001


  233. Bookmark: #chandler-niac
    Bill & Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William H. Gates
    William H. Gates
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Jan. 18, 2001, Bill Clinton appointed James P. Chandler and Bill Gates (Microsoft) to the National Infrastructure Assurance Council ("NIAC").[024] Hindsight reveals this council directed the creation via a string of self-serving executive orders of a secret White House intelligence agency for the exploitation of the privacy and property of the American public without any Congressional or normal judicial oversight. This agency appears to be the source of the blackmail and coercion dirt used to "convince" individuals and organizations around the planet to sponsor Bill and Hillary Clinton for pay-for-play speaking engagements. The perennial excuse for this activity has been "national security." But greed and lust for power and control evidently under gird the rationalizations and incessant stonewalling that has occurred subsequently.
  234. Bookmark: #deutch-cia-pardon
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    John M. Deutch
    John M. Deutch

    Marnie (Marnie) L. Levine
    Marne L. Levine (Deutch)
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    On Jan. 19, 2001, Bill Clinton pardoned John M. Deutch, former C.I.A. Director (May 09, 1995 to Dec. 15, 1996), for storing classified materials documents on his home computer. Deutch's future daughter-in-law, Marne a.k.a. Marnie L. Levine (married venture banker Philip J. Deutch Jun. 22, 2003), has worked for Lawrence "Larry" Summers four times: (1) 1993-2001 when he was Treasury Secretary, (2) 2002-2004 when he was Harvard President, (3) 2009-2010 when he directed the 2008 bank bailout at the National Economic Council, and (4) 2014-current as chief operating officer of Instagram where Summers is a director.
  235. Bookmark: #marc-rich-pardon
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Jan. 20, 2001, outgoing President Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich. A New York Times editorial called the pardon, "a shocking abuse of presidential power." Rich was on the FBI's most wanted list for illegal commodities trading with countries like North Korea, Iran, Cuba and the Soviet Union. He fled to Switzerland in 1983 to avoid conviction in America. Leading up to the pardon, Rich's wife Denise Rich donated $450,000 to the The Clinton Library Foundation (part of The Clinton Foundation empire of 30 aliases - See Oct. 23, 1997) and forked over $1 million to Democratic campaigns. Rich died in 2013, and critics say the Clinton's are still benefiting from the pardon.
  236. George W. Bush
    George W. Bush
    On Jan. 20, 2001, George W. Bush inaugurated 43rd President of the United States.
  237. Bookmark: #hayden-expands-nsa-ses
    Michael V. Hayden
    Michael V. Hayden
    In 2001, NSA Director Michael V. Hayden recommended expansion of the NSA's Senior Executive Service (SES) programs. For one, NSA created a 'pool' of GS-15 employees who were candidates for appointment to the DISES (Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service (managers)) and DISL corps Defense Intelligence Senior Level (technical leaders)). Why? As explained in DIRgram-350, Director Hayden became convinced in 2001 that NSA was understaffed with senior executives, given the increased hiring at the Agency and the demands of the GWOT (Global War on Terrorism). He therefore decided to appoint more seniors, up to the maximum number allowed by the DoD. When this level was reached in October, 2004—and the Agency was not authorized to appoint any more seniors—so Hayden announced his intention to work with DoD to raise that level to allow additional seniors to be named.[1019]
  238. Bookmark: #band-cgi-sandberg-google-levine
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    Marnie (Marnie) L. Levine
    Marne L. Levine (Deutch)
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    On Jan. 20, 2001, Sheryl K. Sandberg joined Google as VP of Global Online Sales and Operations while her Harvard shadow, Marne L. Levine became Summers' Harvard University chief of staff. Sandberg and Levine are clearly Summers' "girls." So much for Sandberg's advocacy of independent womanhood.[292]

    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Douglas J. Band
    Douglas J. Band
    Douglas J. Band created the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI, later renamed The Clinton Foundation) and became its chief executive officer.[463]
  239. Morgan Stanley pay to play
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Feb. 05, 2001, Bill Clinton was paid a $125,000 speaking fee by Morgan Stanley in New York, subsequently a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Facebook underwriter.[317]
  240. Bookmark: #chandler-crypto
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Feb. 15, 2001, Chandler filed for a CRYPTO.COM trademark in Class 38.[025]
  241. Bookmark: #marc-rich-pardon-clinton-public-corruption
    FBI Public Corruption Investigation of Bill Clinton, Marc Rich, anonymous Democrat donor was improperly handled by Eric H. Holder, Obama's Attorney General eight years later and a Chandler advisor—Too bad to jail?
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Feb. 15, 2001, the FBI requested a Public Corruption investigation into former President Bill Clinton's pardon of fugitive Marc Rich, his partner Pincus Green and a redacted donor to the Democratic Party. According to the request "none of the regular procedures were followed" as precursors to the pardons. ("DOJ rules and regulations governing the issuance of pardons requires that the pardon attorney at the DOJ receive a formal pardon application to commence a pardon investigation. That investigation would include contact with the respective U.S. Attorney's office and investigative agencies. Based upon the findings of that investigation, a recommendation is made by the pardon attorney to the White House for the President's review and consideration." Former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder testified that he was "the only person at DOJ notified of the pardon sought by Rich. Holder was contacted directly by Jack Quinn, Marc Rich's attorney, and former White House Counsel."[570]

    David J. Kappos
    David J. Kappos, IBM
    Barack H. Obama
    Barack Obama, Harvard Law
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    Eric H. Holder, Jr., DOJ, Harvard Law
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III, Harvard Law
    Tellingly, a month later Eric H. Holder, DOJ Deputy Attorney General, and David J. Kappos, IBM chief intellectual property counsel, both advised Professor James P. Chandler's Trade Secrets conference on Mar. 28, 2001.

    Eric H. Holder was confirmed by the Senate as Barack Obama's choice for Attorney General on Mar. 27, 2009.

    David J. Kappos was appointed Patent Office Director on Aug. 07, 2009.
  242. Oracle pay to play
    Larry J. Ellison, Oracle
    Larry J. Ellison,
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Feb. 19, 2001, Bill Clinton was paid a $125,000 speaking fee by Oracle in Redwood Shores, CA, subsequently a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation.[317]
  243. Credit Suisse pay to play
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Feb. 19, 2001, Bill Clinton was paid a $125,000 speaking fee by Credit Suisse in New York, subsequently a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Facebook underwriter. Credit Suisse has donated up to $250,000 to The Clinton Foundation[320] [317]
  244. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Mar. 01, 2001, Chandler filed trademark applications for Leader in the same class as CRYPTO.COM.[026] No conflicts of interest waiver was sought.
  245. Bookmark: #judicial-conference-mutual-fund-scam
    right animated arrowright animated arrowright animated arrowMar. 14, 2001, Judicial Conference: The "safe harbor" mutual fund Washington bribery scam for judges and politicians began; permits judges to hide stock in litigants without disclosing the holdings or the conflicts of interest.
    Sue L. Robinson
    Sue L. Robinson, Delaware District Court
    Jan Horbaly
    Jan Horbaly, Federal Circuit Executive, Clerk of Court
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Mar. 14, 2001, the Judicial Conference made sweeping changes to its ethics advisory,[027] opening the door for widespread abuse of mutual fund exemptions that gave judges and judicial employees an excuse to hide their investments in deep-pocketed litigants behind a so-called mutual fund "safe harbor" opinion. Chandler's influence in these changes is confirmed by Washington, D.C. sources.[028] Jan Horbaly, Clerk of Court and Executive, Federal Circuit, was a key participant in these mutual fund reporting exemption changes exploited by the Federal Circuit panels in Leader v. Facebook, where Horbaly was the Clerk, yet failed to disclose his conflicts of interest with Chandler. Horbaly resigned shortly after the Leader v. Facebook decision. Delaware district court judge Sue L. Robinson, then chief judge, also participated in this self-serving recast of the reporting rules.

    This hiding of personal investments by U.S. officials likely included a plethora of offshore tax havens exposed by the HSBC leaks in 2015. Sub.
  246. Bookmark: #leader-battelle
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Jeffrey Wadsworth
    Jeffrey Wadsworth
    On Mar. 21, 2001, Chandler and McKibben met with Battelle Memorial Institute[029] and presented a plan to implement Leader’s invention at Harvard University with IBM’s prospective involvement. Those ideas were discussed almost three years before Facebook launched on Feb. 4, 2004. Subsequent events show that Battelle, Chandler, Fenwick and IBM took the ideas to Harvard on their own. The Livermore Labs executive involved with Chandler was Jeffrey Wadsworth, who then moved to Battelle, magically. Michael McKibben, confidentially presented a "Leader University Initiative" proposal to Chandler and Battelle. The idea was to reach out to IBM and Harvard as a first implementation of Leader's invention. This initiative was stolen by IBM / The Eclipse Foundation / James W. Breyer (Accel Partners LLP) and renamed "Facebook" within two years.[205]
  247. Bookmark: #chandler-trade-secrets-conference
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    On Mar. 28, 2001 (one week later), Chandler sponsored a trade secrets conference advised by then Assistant Attorney General, Eric H. Holder, and then IBM chief intellectual property counsel, David J. Kappos.[030]
  248. Paul Kagame
    Paul Kagame, C.I.A. Agent
    Bookmark: #wayne-madsen-rwanda-false-flag
    On May 17, 2001, former NSA analyst and Africa specialist, Wayne Madsen, told a Congressional Hearing that the tragic slaughter of one million Rwandans in 1994 was not based on Hutu-Tutsi tribal hatred gone wild. That was the widely reported narrative that was reinforced by many globalists, including Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama, many in Congress, Wikipedia and the Hollywood film Hotel Rwanda. Hindsight shows that the "Rwandan genocide" was a pretext for globalists to secure gold and rare earth mineral mines in Central Africa that were vital to the U.S. defense industry and Silicon Valley manufacturing of computers, mobile phones, TVs, surveillance devices, satellites and microelectronics. It is also evident that the murder of one million Rwandans served their eugenic depopulation priorities as well.[662]

    See also timeline entries on Jul. 18, 1994 for the Rwanda Genocide PRETEXT, and on Oct. 01, 1990, Robert Kagame's C.I.A. training in Kansas.
  249. Bookmark: #susan-lindauer-911-pretext
    C.I.A. whistleblower proved "9/11 was an Inside Job" using "controlled demolition" as a pretext for war with Iraq despite peace breaking out
    Michael B. Mukasey
    Michael B. Mukasey, SDNY, Lindauer's persecuting judge, later Attorney General; SDNY protector of 9/11 PRETEXT
    John S. McCain
    John S. McCain Lindauer's Congressional rat who triggered Lindauer's illegal prosecution and incarceration; Senate protector of 9/11 PRETEXT
    Richard C. Fuisz
    Dr. Richard C. Fuisz, Lindauer's C.I.A. Handler, aided cover-up of WH war PRETEXT agenda and false flag "Pearl Harbor moment";
    Richard B. Cheney
    Richard B. Cheney
    Vice President of 9/11 PRETEXT
    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush
    President of 9/11 PRETEXT
    John D. Ashcroft
    John D. Ashcroft
    Attorney General of 9/11 PRETEXT
    ca. Apr. 15, 2001, C.I.A. whistleblower Susan Lindauer warned American senior leadership that "I first learned of the 9/11 Conspiracy from my CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, in mid-April, 2001." Lindauer Affidavit, Tr. 3:22-24.

    Lindauer testified: "Throughout the summer of 2001, we were convinced the Twin Towers would be demolished, using a combination of explosives with the airplanes." Tr. 6:8-10.

    "I made one fatal mistake. I requested to testify through proper channels ... I should have known better than to trust Congress. Thirty days after I phoned the Offices of John McCain and Senator Trent Lott, I woke to find the FBI pounding on my front door. At that point, I gained a new distinction as the second non-Arab American arrested on the Patriot Act, facing secret charges, secret evidence and secret grand jury testimonay. I was held under indictment for five years without a Trial--and thrown in prison on Carswell Air Foce Base in Texas for a year, without a hearing." Tr. 18:4-5; 17-25.
    C.I.A. Whisteblower Susan Lindauer: "To Washington's greatest shame, the Patriot Act, which Congress proclaimed a key judicial weapon to break up terrorism in the United States, was first used to stop a whistle blower from telling the truth about 9/11 and Iraqi Pre-War Intelligence." Tr. 18: 26-30.
    As a result of this testimony Lindauer was declared mentality unfit—a tactic thought to have passed into history after it was exposed as a commonly used way to muzzle dissent in the former Soviet Union, replete with corrupt judges willing to falsely imprison targets on fabricated KGB charges. In Lindauer's case, her C.I.A.-compliant Judge Mukasey became Bush Jr.'s Attorney General as a reward.

    To silence Lindauer's testimony to the 9/11 Commission, Lindaeur was only the second non-Arab to be prosecuted under The Patriot Act. She was arrested on Mar. 11, 2004 and assigned to the corrupt Southern District of New York and Judge Michael B. Mukasey. George Bush later appointed Mukasey as Attorney General on Nov. 09, 2007.

    Lindauer was held without a trial or even a hearing at Carswell Air Force Base (incarcerated in 2005) and ruled to be mentally unfit to stand trial. . The government tried to administer psychtropic drugs to further incapacate her frstimony on 9/11. She was released to Judge Loretta Preska in 2007. In 2008, a blogger began publicizing her illegal incarceration. The government dropped charges on Jan. 15, 2009. She published a book on her ordeal titled Extreme Prejudice and is now a government corruption critic.[718] [719] [720]

    https://youtu.be/Nh8ZFf6S484 | Raw *.mp4 video file | AFFIDAVIT & RESUME | VIDEO TRANSCRIPT & RESUME

    Dick Cheney Demon
    Raw *.mp4 video file|
  250. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Jun. 18, 2001 (six weeks later), Chandler participated in Leader discussions regarding technical collaboration with Wright-Patterson Air Force Base ("WPAFB) regarding defense, intelligence and homeland security applications of Lead"er’s inventions.[031]
  251. Bookmark: #summers-harvard-president
    Lawrence H. Summers
    Larry Summers
    On Jul. 01, 2001 (two weeks later), Lawrence H. Summers was appointed president of Harvard University.[032]
  252. Bookmark: #marne-levine-harvard
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    Marnie (Marnie) L. Levine
    Marne L. Levine (Deutch)
    On July 02, 2001, the new Harvard president, Larry Summers, hired Marne L. Levine (aka "Marnie") as his chief of staff as president of Harvard University (2001-2003). Levine had worked for Summers at the U.S. Treasury Department between 1993-2001.[303]
  253. Bookmark: #stellar-wind-setup
    Warrantless surveillance plans in search of a suitable crisis: "Stellar Wind"
    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush
    Richard B. Cheney
    Richard B. Cheney
    John C. Yoo
    John C. Yoo
    In July, 2001, John C. Yoo was hired into the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) at the Department of Justice. He immediately began drafting a prescient "memorandum evaluating the legality of a hypothetical electronic surveillance program within the United States to monitor communications of potential terrorists. His memorandum, dated 17 September 2001, was addressed to Deputy White House Counsel Timothy E. Flannigan and entitled Constitutional Standards on Random Electronic Surveillance for Counter-Terrorism Purposes." (PDF, p. 23)[633] It was the precursor to Project "Stellar Wind" order by President George W. Bush on Oct. 04, 2001 permitting warrantless surveillance of American citizens.

    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    James P. Chandler, III, NIAC member (see Jan. 18, 2001), was the chief outside counsel to the Department of Justice and the White House on intellectual property, trade secrets and economic espionage, and certainly was a chief architect of project "Stellar Wind," as would have been Chandler's protégé Deputy Attorney General Eric . Holder, Jr.

    Woo unilaterally argued that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) did not supercede the President's Article II authority, calling it a "merely providing a 'safe harbor for electronic surveillance.'" (PDF, p. 48).

    Remarkably, Woo was the ONLY Department of Justice representative who knew about (was "read into") the project "Stellar Wind" President's Surveillance Program (PSP) authorizing the bulk surveillance of American citizens without a warrant, initiated by President George W. Bush on Oct. 04, 2001.

    Tellingly, Yoo refused to be deposed by the Inspector General about this activity in 2009.(PDF, p. 18)[635]

    Office of Inspector General. (Jul. 10, 2009). Report on the President's Surveillance Program [Stellar Wind], VOL. 1, Rept. No. 2009-0013A. Dod, DOJ, CIA, NAS, DNI. (19.3 MB, searchable).

    Office of Inspector General. (Jul. 10, 2009). Report on the President's Surveillance Program [Stellar Wind], VOL. 2, Rept. No. 2009-0013A. Dod, DOJ, CIA, NAS, DNI. (38.5 MB, searchable).

    Office of Inspector General. (Jul. 10, 2009). Report on the President's Surveillance Program [Stellar Wind], VOL. 3, Rept. No. 2009-0013A. Dod, DOJ, CIA, NAS, DNI. (118 MB, searchable)

    Inspector General wrote: "From the inception of the Stellar Wind program in October 2001, vast amounts of information about telephone and e-mail communications were collected and stored in databases at the NSA ... We found that in the early years of the Stellar Wind program, the Department of Justice lacked the necessary legal resources to carry out an adequate review of the legality of the program ... Only a single Department attorney [John C. Woo] analyzed the legal basis for the program during the first year and a half of operation ... the Department determined [in mid-2003] that this attorney's initial legal analysis was legally and factually flawed." (PDF, p. 420).[635]
  254. Bookmark: #patrick-mueller-911
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Diane B. Patrick
    Diane B. Patrick
    Deval L. Patrick
    Deval L. Patrick
    On Jul. 30, 2001, Robert S. Mueller, III disclosed in his confirmation statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee that between Sep. 1988 and Apr. 1989 he was a law partner with Duval L. Patrick at the boutique Boston law firm of Hill & Barlow PC. However, both individuals have taken great pains in subsequent years to obscure their association. Both Deval and Diane Patrick are Harvard officianadoes.

    Also censored from the public record are all of Patricks' records for his directorship in United Airlines from 1997 to 2001. The only record at the Securities and Exchange Commission are Patrick's signature on the 10-K annual reports for UAL Corp. Six weeks after Mueller's confirmation hearing, two of the four planes that allegedly perished on 9/11 were Patrick's United Airlines planes (Flights 93 and 175). Neither of Patrick's 8-K reports of his appointment or resignation as a director are available.

    The Patrick-Mueller Hill & Barlow PC connection has come back into focus during Meuller's Special Counsel activity in the so-called Trump-Russia investigation. Mueller's many conflicts of interest raise questions of motive and lack of impartiality especially in light of statements by Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett that Patrick is their number one choice to run against President Donald J. Trump in 2020.[849] [850] [851] [852]
    Duval L. Patrick and Barack H. Obama
  255. Bookmark: #chandler-leader-copyrights
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Aug. 07, 2001, Chandler filed for Leader copyrights. This baffling move appears to have been designed to kill two birds with one stone: (a) obtain a full copy of Leader's innovations, and (b) introduce Leader's source code prematurely into the public domain, thus ruining patent claims. Leader did not introduce its secret sauce, resulting in a Plan B two days later[168]
  256. Bookmark: #eurotech-08-07-2001
    John M. Deutch
    John M. Deutch
    Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze (U.S. Army ret.)
    James E. Freeze
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Aug. 07, 2001, Eurotech, Ltd. ("Eurotech") announced appointment of Chandler to its board of directors for CRYPTO.com.[033] James LLC, a Cayman Islands company, was the controlling shareholder in QuestNet Corp, an Internet hosting and telecommunications provider that had been acquired by Eurotech.

    Eurotech’s executives were all close associates of Chandler, Major General James E. Freeze (U.S. Army, ret.), Leader’s other director, as well as John M. Deutch, former C.I.A. Director (1995-1996). Chandler had pushed the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 through Congress as its principal proponent on Oct. 11, 1996.

    James D. Watkins
    James D. Watkins
    Don V. Hahnfeldt
    Don V. Hahnfeldt
    Eurotech’s founding chairman on May 16, 1995 was Randolph A. Graves, Jr., former Director of Aerodynamics at NASA Langley. He was also a director in Markland Technologies. Sub.[034]

    Eurotech’s first CEO in 1998 was Don V. Hahnfeldt, former Commodore of a Trident Nuclear Submarine Squadron.[035]

    Eurotech’s second chairman was James D. Watkins, former Secretary of the Department of Energy (from Mar. 1989 to Jan. 1993). In Congressional testimony on Sep. 30, 1991, it was revealed that Watkins had commissioned "The Freeze Report" on Department of Energy security lapses authored by Leader director Freeze.[036]

    On Dec. 13, 2000, Eurotech’s beneficial owners included JNC Strategic Fund, Ltd., JNC-Opportunity Fund Ltd. and Diversified Strategies Fund, L.P., three multi-leveled offshore entities with offices in the Bahamas and Cayman Islands.[037]  Such entities are structured to: (a) conceal the identities of the actual investors, (b) escape liability from U.S. securities and tax law, and/or (c) profit from manipulated declines in stock value via a scheme called "death spiraling."

    On Dec. 13, 2000, Eurotech issued additional stock to JNC and Diversified, and had sold shares on Aug. 28, 2000 to Woodward LLC, another Cayman Island entity owned by Navigator Management LLC, David Sims, Director.[038] Sims is a South African living in Tortola, British Virgin Islands who controls numerous tax havens.[039] These entities include each of the Eurotech progeny through to The White Oak Group that enjoys over $1 billion in current U.S. government contracts.[160]

    Sims worked in concert with Stephen Hicks, a Canadian living in Ridgefield, Connecticut. Sims and Hicks have been sued a number of times for engaging in predatory financial schemes.[040]

    Neither Chandler nor Freeze sought conflict of interest waivers as a result of these associations which conflicted directly with their Leader duties as directors and legal counsel.

  257. Bookmark: #crada-smart-camera
    Jeffrey Wadsworth
    Jeffrey Wadsworth
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Aug. 09, 2001, Chandler, having failed to obtain a copy of Leader's source code through his copyright filing activity two days earlier, then recommended to Leader to partner with his client, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in a research project program called a CRADA (Cooperative Research and Development Agreement). This recommendation appears to have been a ruse to cajole Leader into placing its source code in Chandler's custody. Chandler actually wrote himself into the agreement as custodian of Leader's source code whose innovations appeared in The Eclipse Foundation source code in their Aug. 29, 2002 release of Version 2.0.1.[210]
  258. Bookmark: #leader-engages-fenwick
    James W. Breyer
    James W. Breyer
    Gordon K. Davidson, Fenwick & West LLP
    Gordon K. Davidson, Fenwick & West LLP
    William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    On Aug. 20, 2001, Fenwick & West LLP was engaged as legal counsel by Leader Technologies, Inc. at the request and recommendation of Professor James P. Chandler, also Leader's counsel.

    No conflicts of interest were disclosed to Leader, despite Fenwick's association with James W. Breyer, Accel Partners LLP. Bill Fenwick assisted Chandler in drafting of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996.[282]

    eBay pay to play
    Wal-Mart pay to play
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Fenwick & West LLP did not disclose conflicts with numerous clients with whom the Leader engagement was in conflict. Client Breyer was a Wal-Mart director. The Wal-Mart Foundation and The Walton Family Foundation have donated up to $10 million to The Clinton Foundation. Client eBay paid Hillary Clinton a $315,000 speaking fee on Mar. 11, 2015.[320]
  259. Bookmark: #mueller-sworn-in-fbi-director
    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    On Sep. 04, 2001, Robert S. Mueller was sworn in as FBI Director by President George W. Bush.[381] [381]

    Seven days later . . .

  260. Bookmark: #911
    On Sep. 11, 2001, the official narrative is that the September 11 attacks (also referred to as 9/11) were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks ostensibly by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 2,996 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage and $3 trillion in total costs. 911 Four passenger airliners operated by two major U.S. passenger air carriers (United Airlines and American Airlines)—all of which departed from airports on the northeastern United States bound for California—were ostensibly hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists. Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively, of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed, with debris and the resulting fires causing partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures. A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense) in Arlington County, Virginia, leading to a partial collapse of the building's western side. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, initially was steered toward Washington, D.C., but crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers tried to overcome the hijackers. It was the deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed respectively.

    Credible questions have been raised by FBI whisteblowers and forensic engineers that the official 9/11 narrative is a hoax designed to jolt the American people and Congress into passing the Patriot Act which further consolidated the control of the Deep State shadow government into C.I.A. hands. Forensic engineers believe the blast signatures on the buildings in New York and Washington, and the Pennsylvania field look more like Raytheon cruise missiles than commercial jets filled with fuel. The absence of normal debris fields (luggage, personal effects, etc.) and absence of even a single titanium jet engine from any of the sites are more indications of missiles over jets. Titanium will not melt in the much lower heat generated by these jet fuel fires, according to a retired Boeing senior manager with a former Top Secret clearance interviewed for this section who is/was familiar with jet aircraft engines from the 9/11 period.

    FBI whisleblowers like former Special Agent Coleen Rowley say they were tracking some of the alleged 9/11 terrorists, but where muzzled, as if there was an intent to frame them for the atrocities.

    Tellingly, a 132-page USA Patriot Act was drafted and ready to approve just six weeks later. The speed was explained as a rush to avoid further attacks. However, perhaps it was all planned by the Deep State, and the death of innocents was acceptable "collateral damage" by the shadow government."[558]

    From THE TOP 40 Reasons to Doubt the Official Story. 911Truth.Org:

    "(32) Attacking the Constitution:

    a. The USA PATRIOT Act was written before 9/11, Homeland Security and the "Shadow Government" were developed long before 9/11, and plans for rounding up dissidents as a means for suppressing civil disturbance have been in the works for decades.

    b. 9/11 was used as the pretext to create a new, extra-constitutional executive authority to declare anyone an "enemy combatant" (including American citizens), to detain persons indefinitely without habeas corpus, and to "render" such persons to secret prisons where torture is practiced."

    A review of this timeline supports the view that 9/11 was an inside job designed to consolidate control of the global digital infrastructure into the hands of a Deep State shadow government organized by rogue elements of the C.I.A. and its globalist military-industrial technocrats identified herein.

    One month later . . .
  261. Bookmark: #stellar-wind
    Project "Stellar Wind"—President Bush authorized warrentless bulk surveillance of American citizens
    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush, President
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Robert S. Mueller, III, new FBI Director
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    Eric H. Holder, Jr., Assistant Attorney General
    Richard B. Cheney
    Richard B. Cheney, Vice President
    John C. Yoo
    John C. Yoo, Deputy Assistant Attorney General
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III, NIAC chief; national security legal counsel; Leader Technologies' social networking invention thief for the IBM Eclipse Foundation
    On Oct. 04, 2001, George W. Bush signed a President's Surveillance Program (PSP) authorizing the bulk data collection of American citizens called "Stellar Wind." This document was drafted solely by attorney John C. Yoo who was clearly being directed by his handlers James P. Chandler, III and Eric H. Holder, Jr., along with Vice President Dick Cheney.

    Chandler was evidently coordinating these legalities in conjunction with his secret "public-private" technology companies [Deep State shadow government cartel] involved with the National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC) renamed the National Infrastructure Advisory Council still in operation in 2017 (due for renewal on Sep. 30, 2017).

    "OLC (Office of Legal Counsel, Department of Justice) Assistant Attorney General John Yoo was responsible for drafting the first series of legal memoranda supporting the [Stellar Wind] program . . . Yoo was the only OLC official "read into" the Stellar Wind program from the program's inception until he left the Department in May 2003." (PDF, p. 37).[635]

    "John Yoo . . . had sole responsibility within that office and with the Department of Justice for developing the legal analysis relating to the Stellar Wind program until May 2003" in contradiction to his boss Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel Jay Bybee's 'two Deputy rule' so that OLC opinions are reviewed by two OLC Deputy Assistant Attorneys General before going to the OLC Assistant Attorney General for approval." (PDF, p. 114).[635]

    According to the Inspector General's report on Jul. 10, 2009, "Before the President authorized the PSP on 4 October 2001, Yoo had prepared a memorandum evaluating the legality of a hypothetical electronic surveillance program within the United States to monitor communications of potential terrorists. His memorandum, dated 17 September 2001, was addressed to Deputy White House Counsel Timothy E. Flannigan and entitled Constitutional Standards on Random Electronic Surveillance for Counter-Terrorism Purposes." (PDF p. 23).[633]

    However, this account is contradicted by Michael V. Hayden, C.I.A. Director, who told the Inspector General that "[David S.] Addington [former Counsel to Vice President Richard B. Cheney] drafted the first Presidential Authorization of the PSP. Hayden characterized himself as the 'subject matter expert,' and he said that no other NSA personnel, including the General Counsel, participated in drafting the authorization. Hayden also said that DoJ personnel had not been involved in his discussions with Addington concerning the Presidential authorization of the PSP." (PDF, p. 17).[633]

    Nonetheless, "From the inception of the Stellar Wind program in October 2001, vast amounts of information about telephone and e-mail communications were collected and stored in databases at the NSA . . . We found that in the early years of the Stellar Wind program, the Department of Justice lacked the necessary legal resources to carry out an adequate review of the legality of the program . . . Only a single Department attorney [John C. Woo] analyzed the legal basis for the program during his first year and a half of operation . . . the Department determined [in mid-2003] that this attorney's initial legal analysis was legally and factually flawed." (PDF, p. 420).[635]

    NSA Project Stellar Wind - warrantless mass surveillance of American citizens

    Twelve days later . . .
  262. Bookmark: #eo13231-niac
    NIAC (Executive Order 13231): The "public-private" board that stole America's privacy and intellectual property . . . under the pretext of national security
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Bill. Clinton
    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush
    William H. Gates
    Bill. Gates
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Robert S. Mueller
    Robert S. Mueller
    On Oct. 16, 2001, President George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13231 titled "Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age" drafted by Clinton holdover law professor James P. Chandler, III.[586] The governing board formed from this order was named the National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC). Cleverly, the same NIAC acronym was used for the earlier NIAC (National Infrastructure Assurance Council) formed by President Bill Clinton by EO NAME on Jul. 14, 1999.[340]

    Bill Clinton then appointed Chandler and Microsoft Bill Gates to the NIAC, just two days before he left office on Jan. 18, 2001.[024]

    Chandler was also legal counsel to social networking inventor and Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies. Chandler very evidently used this executive order as the pretext to confiscate Leader's important Internet collaboration invention as the basis for developing a new, global spy network, which is what this NIAC did.

    Nine days later . . .
  263. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    ca. Oct. 25, 2001, Chandler encouraged Leader Technologies to file a homeland security Command and Control proposal to DARPA. By Dec. 30, 2001, substantial amounts of Leader's proprietary business ideas and trade secrets started appearing in Eurotech business plans and its progeny, including Eurotech, Ltd., Markland Technologies and The White Oak Group. White Oak has over $1 billion in US Department of Homeland Security contracts currently.[041]
    One day later . . .
  264. Bookmark: #patriot-act
    On Oct. 26, 2001, a 132-page, seemingly ready-made USA PATRIOT Act was approved by an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. With its ten-letter abbreviation (USA PATRIOT) expanded, the full title is "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001."[558] [571] [572] [573]
    Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. R-WI (1978-2017), sponsor of the USA Patriot Act, has a net worth of $24.4 million (2014), 29 times the average representative (InsideGov.com). The global C.I.A. technocratic military-industrial homeland security market is expected to reach $544.02 billion by 2018 (ASD Reports). The global C.I.A. social networking industry is valued at $1.6 trillion (Fidelity, Jan. 27, 2017).
    George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States of America, appended his signature to the Patriot Act, an anti-terrorism law, which was a swift response to the terror attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001 popularly known as 'September 9/11.'

    Five days later . . .
  265. Bookmark: #william-binney-resigned-nsa
    William Binney
    William Binney, NSA whistleblower, Patriot
    On Oct. 31, 2001, William Edward Binney resigned from the National Security Agency (NSA) after 30 years with the agency. He is a cryptanalyst-mathematician. In 1997, Binney became the technical director of the geopolitical — military geopolitical analysis and reporting group for the world with more than 6,000 employees. His job was to analyze the data collected by the technicians and computer people.

    He resigned after discovering that a secret group within the NSA was collecting metadata and content intelligence on American citizens in clear violation of the law that prohibits the NSA from spying on Americans.[487] See also Oct. 01, 2001.
    QUESTIONER—JIM GILMORE (PBS FRONTLINE INTERVIEW): "So you retire. Why do you retire?"
    [Binney retired/resigned on Oct. 31, 2001]

    ANSWER—BINNEY: Well, I couldn't be an accessory to the violation of the constitutional rights of everybody in the country. I couldn't be an accessory to that, or an accessory to other crimes being committed, like exposing all this data to the FBI. It was acquired without a warrant, you know. And this is the kind of data that they would use to arrest people, which they did. So I couldn't be a party to that. That's just a total violation of our justice process.

    https://youtu.be/5kDliSTSOPA and raw video (*.mp4).[487]

    One week later . . .
  266. On Nov. 07, 2001, Eclipse released Version 1.0.[053]

    Three weeks later . . .
  267. Bookmark: #eclipse #ibm-eclipse-formed

    IBM Eclipse Foundation formed to exploit Leader Technologies' social networking inventions

    David J. Kappos
    David J. Kappos
    On Nov. 29, 2001, IBM (David J. Kappos) "donated" over $40 million to form The Eclipse Consortium ("Eclipse") (renamed "The Eclipse Foundation" in early 2004) dedicated to providing "open source" platform software for building apps. App building on top of Leader’s common platform was Leader’s product development plan from the late 1990’s—a detailed plan to which both Chandler and Fenwick were privy.[042]

    International Cryptography Institute 2002 - James P. Chanlder III

    On the same day
    , coincidentially (???), James P. Chandler, III, Leader Technologies' patent attorney, David J. Kappos's co-founder and chief intellectual property advisor to the IBM Eclipse Foundation, simultaneously sponsored the "International Cryptography Institute 2001. National Intellectual Property Law Institute (NIPLI-Chandler's organization meeting at the Chandler Law Firm Chartered in Washington, D.C.), Informaon System Security & Education Center (ISSE)." Chandler had the audacity to invite his client Michael McKibben, CEO, Leader Technologies, Inc. to the conference, from whom he had just betrayed by secretly providing to IBM Eclipse Foundation a copy of Leader's social networking inventions.

    Note that on Feb. 15, 2001 (seven months earlier, see above) Chandler had filed for a CRYPTO.COM trademark in Class 38 [026]—yet more evidence that 9/11 was an inside job [1831] [1832] [1833]
  268. Bookmark: #whoops-ibm-eclipse-loses-leader-technologies
    Gordon K. Davidson, Fenwick & West LLP
    Gordon K. Davidson, Fenwick & West LLP
    William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Nov. 29, 2001, clients for both Chandler (i.e., IBM) and Fenwick (including Red Hat, Borland, Rational Software) were founding members of IBM’s Eclipse. Tellingly, by Dec. 4, 2002, "Eclipse 2.0 was based primarily on the contributions of a single [unnamed (Leader)] company,"[043] but by Dec. 8, 2004 the members were "unable to locate" the original contributor and thus had to "re-implement" the contributions. Mark Zuckerberg was 16-years old. This obfuscation of the theft of Leader Technologies' engineering source code is a joke.
  269. On Dec. 18, 2001, Leader submitted a BAA Command and Control proposal at Chandler’s recommendation and direction.[044]
  270. Bookmark: #eurotech-chandler-crypto-12-30-2001
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Dec. 30, 2001, Eurotech (Chandler/CRYPTO) entered $1 million contract with Etelix (USA), a Venezuelan Internet and telecommunications provider.[045] Chandler sought no conflict of interest waiver from Leader.
  271. Bookmark: #2002


  272. On Mar. 06, 2002, Eclipse minutes discuss previous release of Version 1.0.[046]
  273. Bookmark: #first-defence-pattie
    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    On Apr. 15, 2002 to Dec. 14, 2009 Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie founded First Defence in the UK that enabled him to gather together global war mongers on a regular basis to strategize. He never disclosed First Defence in his public biographies.[1330]
  274. Bookmark: #chandler-received-custody-copy-of-leader-source-code
    William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    Gordon K. Davidson
    Gordon K. Davidson, Fenwick & West LLP
    Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze (U.S. Army ret.)
    James E. Freeze

    Jeffrey Wadsworth
    Jeffrey Wadsworth
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Jun. 05, 2002, Chandler arranged Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ("LLNL") executive Jeffrey Wadsworth[047] to sign a CRADA research agreement with Leader, writing in a term that made Chandler a party to the agreement and having him take custody of Leader source code, ostensibly for safekeeping and contract compliance. Fenwick and Major General James E. Freeze (U.S. Army, ret.) (former NSA assistant deputy director)[048] were also copied on this agreement. Chandler was particularly enthusiastic about the Department of Defense cryptography rights that this agreement gave Leader, according to Leader officials.[049]
  275. Steven Chu
    Steven Chu
    Jeffrey Wadsworth
    Jeffrey Wadsworth
    On Jul. 01, 2002, Jeffrey Wadsworth joined Battelle Memorial Research Institute ("Battelle") in Columbus, Ohio as senior executive then president.[301] Battelle was the beneficiary of substantial Obama energy stimulus funds form Steven Chu, U.S. Energy Secretary, who is heavily invested in Facebook financial interests like all the judges in Leader v. Facebook.[050] Wadsworth figures prominently in 2014 in the smear of Ohio State Marching Band director, Jon Waters. The unwarranted "sexualized culture" accusations were used to distract media attention away from Ohio State in the aftermath of Waters' wildly successful Apple iPad national publicity. Apple is famously not participating in the Deep State's digital takeover. The Ohio State data center is being used by the Deep State for their international backdoor siphoning of university research data via M.O.O.C. (Massive Open Online Course), the higher education companion of Common Core, also a Deep State initiative.[302]
  276. #llnl-crada-validation
    On Aug. 05, 2002, LLNL validated Leader’s invention as a "Rapidly Deployable Security System," the validation provided Chandler via Leader with access to DoD encryption. See CRYPTO.com above.[051]
  277. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Aug. 09, 2002, Chandler made a demand for immediate payment of $30,000 and threatened to stop legal representation (after already receiving over $500,000 in legal fees, and after having taken custody of Leader’s source code on Jun. 05, 2002).[183]

    In this letter to Michael McKibben, CEO, Leader Technologies, Chandler cited all players in The Eclipse Foundation (IBM, Xerox, Hoffman La Roche, Bill Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP).

    Chandler's reference to "Xerox" was Freudian, according to Leader representatives, since Leader had never spoken to Xerox. Curiously, Xerox prior art figured prominently in Facebook’s trial arguments and re-exam claims which only prevailed after three previous failures and personal intervention by outgoing Patent Office director David J. Kappos, a 20+ year IBMer, then IBM chief inside intellectual property counsel, and colleague to Chandler, IBM’s chief outside intellectual property counsel. Also curiously, he described Bill Fenwick’s (Fenwick & West LLP) legal engagement to "map your progress." Fenwick is Facebook's chief outside counsel.

    Bookmark: #eclipse-theft
  278. PeopleSoft pay to play
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Aug. 29, 2002, Bill Clinton was paid a $125,000 speaking fee by PeopleSoft in New Orleans, LA, subsequently a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation.[317]
  279. Bookmark: #greatest-financial-heist-in-history
    right animated arrow On Aug. 29, 2002, Eclipse released Version 2.0.1. IBM claims copyrights. Source code contained substantial innovations from Leader Technologies supplied to IBM / Eclipse via James P. Chandler.[053]; See also IBM / Chandler / Eclipse theft timeline;[211] IBM / Eclipse copyright license Version 0.5 claiming IBM's ownership of Leader copyrights.[212]

  280. Bookmark: #chandler-throws-his-client-leader-technologies-under-the-bus
    On Aug. 30, 2002, Professor James P. Chandler
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    (also Leader's patent counsel at this time) met with Montgomery County, Maryland development officers to negotiate office space for his organization, NIPLI (National Intellectual Property Law Institute), the U.S. Patent Office and IBM. (Whistleblower notes of this 8/30/2002 meeting: "IBM - incorporating [Eclipse Foundation] members, Business Model, different from current business model - consider some approach to partnering with IBM".) See Fig. 5.[206]
  281. On Sep. 05, 2002, Hewlett-Packard (HP) became a member of IBM's The Eclipse Foundation.[243]
  282. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Sep. 06, 2002, Chandler met secretly with Dave Edgerley, Director of Economic Development, Montgomery County, Maryland about his self-described "coup" involving IBM and the Patent Office where he solicits the county to become involved with IBM’s new (Eclipse) business model as "an extraordinary marriage."[184]
  283. Bookmark: #island-forum-2002
    Richard P. O'Neill
    Richard P. O'Neill, convenor of The Highlands Forum and The Highlands Group
    On Sep. 12-14, 2002, The Highlands Group president Richard oversaw "The Inaugural Island Forum, 2002." The Forum was opened by the Singapore Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, Dr. Tony Tan. The theme was "Transformation - Experiences in the Military and Industry." The Forum was attended by 35 participants from France, Germany, Israel, Singapore, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.[811]
  284. Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze (U.S. Army ret.)
    James E. Freeze
    On Sep. 18, 2002, General James E. Freeze (U.S. Army, ret.) resigned from the board of directors of Leader Technologies, Inc. in a disingenuous rage, according to Leader officials. Hindsight says he took Leader's invention to the National Security Agency (NSA) where he was formerly the #3 executive.
  285. William J. Martini
    William J. Martini
    On Sep. 18, 2002, former N.J. Rep. William J. Martini nominated to be federal judge by Senator Jon S. Corzine, former Goldman Sachs CEO.
  286. Bookmark: #niac-noonan
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III, IBM chief outside IP counsel; Leader Technologies' counsel
    David J. Kappos
    David J. Kappos, IBM chief inside IP counsel
    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush
    Thomas E. Noonan, IBM Internet Security Systems
    Thomas E. Noonan, IBM Internet Security Systems
    right animated arrowOn Sep. 18, 2002, career IBMer Thomas E. Noonan was appointed to the National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC) by George W. Bush, likely recommended by James P. Chandler, IBM's chief outside intellectual property counsel. IBM's chief inside intellectual property counsel and Chandler adviser was David J. Kappos, who was later appointed director of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office by Barack Obama in a rare recess appointment on Aug. 07, 2009. Noonan has systematically failed to disclose his legion of illegal conflicting interests in his NIAC participation.[344]
  287. Lynn Mattice, Boston Scientific
    Lynn Mattice, Boston Scientific
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Sep. 20, 2002, Chandler facilitated meetings between Leader and Lynn Mattice, chief security officer at Boston Scientific, and a director of Chandler's National Intellectual Property Law Institute ("NIPLI").[052]

    Note: Facebook used doctored details about this meeting at the Leader v. Facebook trial that hindsight show were evidently coached by Chandler.
  288. Bookmark: #people-are-mere-wetware-to-deep-state-duopoly
    Deep State people are "wet-ware" patent for The Internet of Things
    Irah H. Donner
    Irah H. Donner, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLL
    Robert S. Mueller
    Robert S. Mueller
    Richard C. Walker
    Richard C. Walker
    On Oct. 01, 2002, Agilent Technologies, Inc. engineer Richard C. Walker filed a patent application 10/260,525 (later U.S. Pat. No. 6,965,816) titled PFN/TRAC SYSTEM FAA UPGRADES FOR ACCOUNTABLE REMOTE AND ROBOTICS CONTROL TO STOP THE UNAUTHORIZED USE OF AIRCRAFT AND TO IMPROVE EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC SAFETY IN TRANSPORTATION. USPTO. Walker's long-time patent attorney was Irah H. Donner, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, aka Wilmer Hale LLP or Hale & Dorr LLP

    People are labelled "wet-ware" in this patent.[916]
    Click image to enlargeU.S. Patent No. 6,965,816, Fig. 21.
    Fig.–Walker, U.S. Patent No. 6,965,816, Fig. 21.
    Click image to enlargeU.S. Patent No. 6,965,816, Fig. 21.
    Fig.–Walker, U.S. Patent No. 6,965,816, Fig. 2.
  289. Bookmark: #project-chandler
    On about Oct. 21, 2002, Mitch Kappor (former IBM / Lotus Notes principal) announced "Open Source Applications Foundation" ("OSAF") with web source code from an unidentified source. In more Freudian irony, Kappor named the project "Chandler.  "By late 2006," OSAF had integrated "Chandler" into "The Eclipse Foundation," which uncannily, was also unable to locate the author of its original code.[054] The real Chandler did not seek a conflicts waiver from Leader. "Foundations" were evidently his vehicle of choice for obscuring the funneling of Leader Technologies' invention to IBM et al.
  290. Bookmark: #serco-bought-si-international
    On Nov. 08, 2002, SI International, Inc. (incorporated on Oct. 14, 1998) filed an S-1/A registration for a $56.3 million public offering. On Dec. 29, 2008, SI International, Inc. merged into SERCO Services, Inc. for $32 per share of SI International, Inc.'s totaling $524 million in proceeds.
  291. William J. Martini
    William J. Martini
  292. On Nov. 14, 2002, former New Jersey one-term Representative, William J. Martini, was nominated for a NJ federal district court judgeship by former Goldman Sachs CEO, Jon S. Corzine.

    On Oct. 11, 1996, then Rep. Martini sponsored the False Statement Accountability Act of 1996, 18 U.S.C.§ 1001, that included a Subsection (b) provision exempting judges, lawyers and parties from the requirement to tell the truth in judicial proceedings—a real life ''Get Out of Jail FREE'' card.[208]

    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Also on Oct. 11, 1996, Congress passed the Economic Espionage Act and the Federal Trade Secrets Act, authored by Professor James P. Chandler,18 U.S.C. § 1831 and 18 U.S.C. § 1832, respectively.[209]
  293. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Nov. 26, 2002, Chandler and Eurotech, Ltd. filed a U.S. Air Force CRADA without seeking a conflicts waiver from Leader (since the subject matter was substantially similar to Leader homeland security efforts re. Battelle, WPAFB, LLNL and DARPA).[055]
  294. Bookmark: #sap-joined-ibm-eclipse
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Dec. 04, 2002, Eclipse released Version 1.0.1. The development effort set as its priority to change the Leader SWING design to SWT to conform to IBM preferences. They disclosed everything except Leader’s name in the statement: "Eclipse 2.0 was based primarily on contributions of a single company [Leader Technologies, Inc.]."[056]
    Eclipse Foundation Board Meeting Minutes, Dec. 04, 2002

    Eclipse Foundation Board Meeting Minutes, Dec. 04, 2002
  295. Bookmark: #eurotech-crypto-chandler-12-09-2002
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Dec. 09, 2002, Eurotech merged CRYPTO.com (Chandler) with Markland Technologies, Inc. focusing on homeland security technologies.[057] No conflicts waiver sought from Leader.
  296. IBM pay to play
    HP pay to play
    Microsoft pay to play
    Steven A. Balmer
    Steven A. Balmer
    William H. Gates
    William H. Gates
    On Dec. 09, 2002, Hewlett-Packard (HP) teamed with Microsoft to exploit Leader Technologies' social networking XML innovations because it solved "scalability" problems. Microsoft had problems supporting the massively larger user volumes of the Internet versus Microsoft's, HP's and IBM's legacy environments. Their legacy "client-server" architectures were good enough for single companies (Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange, Novell Groupwise), but were not nearly responsive enough for the scale of the Internet.[244]

    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Microsoft and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have donated up to $25.5 million to The Clinton Foundation. Hewlett-Packard (HP) has donated up to $500,000 to The Clinton Foundation.[320] Microsoft has paid Bill Clinton $400,000 in speaking fees. IBM has paid Bill Clinton $200,000 in speaking fees.[317]
  297. Bookmark: #leader-provisional
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Dec. 11, 2002, Chandler filed Leader’s provisional patents, including Appl. Nos. 10/732,744 (Dynamic Association of Electronically Stored Information with Iterative Workflow Changes) and 10/731,906 (Context Instantiated Application Protocol)—the essential building blocks of social networking.
  298. Bookmark: #2003


  299. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Jan. 30, 2003, Chandler resigned as a Leader director; agreed to continue to advise since the patent applications were in play, according to Leader officials.
  300. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush
    On Feb. 28, 2003, George W. Bush issued Executive Order 13286 titled "Amendment of Executive Orders, and Other Actions, in Connection With the Transfer of Certain Functions to the Secretary of Homeland Security." This order was likely drafted by James P. Chandler and extended Bill Clinton's private spy state agenda into the Bush Administration.[341]
  301. IBM pay to play
    Xerox pay to play
    On Mar. 18, 2003, Xerox announced AspectJ code contribution to Eclipse (Facebook lost a Xerox prior art argument at trial and in two reexaminations before the Patent Office reversed those decisions in a secret and unprecedented 3rd reexamination ordered by director David J. Kappos, former IBM intellectual property chief counsel).[058]

    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Ursula M. Burns, Xerox
    Ursula M. Burns, Xerox
    David J. Kappos
    David J. Kappos
    Xerox has paid Hillary Clinton $225,000 in speaking fees. IBM has paid Bill Clinton $200,000 in speaking fees.[317]
  302. Bookmark: #nsa-analyst-cockpit Bookmark: #Fig-23a
    right animated arrowright animated arrowright animated arrowOn Mar. 28, 2003 (Friday), Eclipse released Version 2.1.[059] By May 28, 2001, the process of switching Leader’s SWING design to IBM’s SWT preference was well under way; Eclipse board admitted no clear vision and "Eclipse is perceived as dominated by IBM."
    Leader2Leader Cockpit Screenshot
    Fig. 23a—Leader Technologies' Leader2Leader web collaboration platform interface. This interface was divided into section using SWING technology (objects in frames) that IBM Eclipse planned to change to SWT (objects independently). As of this date however, only Leader's developers, board members and legal counsel had ever seen these designs. Any leak at this stage came from one of them. Hindsight shows that the lead to IBM came from Leader two directors, Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and James P. Chandler, III, both also consultants to the NSA. Freeze was formerly #3 at the NSA. Sources: Leader Technologies; US Courts.
  303. Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze (U.S. Army ret.)
    James E. Freeze
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    "Welcome to SIDtoday"
    NSA SIDtoday Newsletter logo
    right animated arrowOn Mar. 31, 2003 (Monday). The internal NSA newsletter SIDtoday first published with the announcement of "The Analyst Cockpit."[398] [394] The "single webpage" portal description sounds uncannily similar to Leader Technologies' "Leader2Leader" invention (see figure above).

    "The Analyst Cockpit"
    NSA SIDtoday Newsletter logo
    The Intercept first published these SIDtoday back issues. They describe how SIDtoday used descriptors like: portal, one sign-on, profile, news, portlets), results all together, cockpit tools, roles, workspace, mission-driven cockpit, cleanly laid out, email and calendar.[397]

    Leader Technologies had already filed for trademarks including Leader Portal, Digital Leaderboard, Digital Projectboard, Leader One-Touch, Leader Tools, Leader Workspace, Leadership Scorecard, Leader Mail, Leader Calendar.

    Notice: Leader Technologies filed for trademark protection on these marks. The editors of this page have not researched their current status. These marks should not be used without consulting appropriate authorities.[399]

    "What is Journeyman?"
    NSA SIDtoday Newsletter logo
    NSA SIDtoday was merely parroting Leader Technologies' innovations which were ostensibly being protected by their intellectual property attorney, James P. Chandler, III, who was evidently feeding those ideas straight to his other client, the NSA.

    At this point in time the only people who had seen this ground-breaking collaborative web invention were Leader Technologies developers and directors, including Mar. General James E. Freeze (U.S. Army, ret.) and patent counsel James P. Chandler, III. Freeze was former assistant deputy director of the NSA. Chandler was intellectual property counsel to the agency.

    The platform appears to have been subsequently named "JOURNEYMAN" (with "CATAPULT" and "SLINGSHOT" application components) by May 07, 2003.[395]
  304. "SIGINT Development 2003 Conference"
    NSA SIDtoday Newsletter logo
    right animated arrowright animated arrowright animated arrowOn May 19, 2003, the NSA referred to "Social Network" in their internal SIDtoday newsletter. This supports the premise that the NSA created the social networking industry as a universal means of mass surveillance. By contrast, Mark Zuckerberg was a 19-year old Harvard sophomore who had just agreed to program for Paul Ceglia for "thefacebook."[396] In reality, the facts point to Zuckerberg as a ringer for the NSA intelligence cartel in search of a Harvard origins narrative. Zuckerberg appeared ready to lie for them.
  305. Bookmark: #marne-l-levine-marries-deutch
    Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    John M. Deutch
    John M. Deutch
    Marnie (Marnie) L. Levine
    Marne L. Levine (Deutch)
    On Jun. 22, 2003, Marne L. Levine, chief of staff to Larry Summers, President, Harvard University, married Philip J. Deutch, son of disgraced C.I.A. director John M. Deutch (1995-1996).
  306. Lynn Mattice, Boston Scientifiec
    Lynn Mattice, Boston Scientific
    On Sep. 27, 2003, Leader entered a clinical trials agreement with Boston Scientific which ended abruptly six weeks later without explanation or payment.[060]
  307. IBM EclipseCon 2004
    On Oct. 21, 2003, Eclipse announced plans for their first EclipseCON-2004.[061]
  308. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
  309. Bookmark: #chandler-state-dept-russia-oct-23-2003
    On Oct. 23, 2003, Chandler hosted Russian delegates lecturing on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.[289]
  310. Lawrence H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    On Oct. 23, 2003, The Harvard Crimson, under the direction of Harvard President Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers, carried its first article about 19-year old sophomore Mark S. Zuckerberg titled "Not-so-artificial Intelligence."[062]
  311. Bookmark: #leader-social-networking-code-debugged
    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    Oct. 28, 2003—the night of sophomore Mark Zuckerberg’s infamous hacking of the Harvard house sites. Zuckerberg wrote in his online diary that night: "let the hacking begin."[063] Zuckerberg lived in Kirkland House, just a stone’s throw from Winthrop. McKibben’s oldest son, now a surgeon, was a Harvard University student and member of the football team. He lived in Winthrop House as a junior on McKibben said "my son had a number of confidential emails from me discussing our invention in his Email Inbox."[064]
  312. Also on Oct. 28, 2003,  Leader’s software developers completed the debugging and testing of what has turned out to be a cornerstone software module in Leader’s patented invention—an innovation that Leader proved at trial that Facebook infringes and has exploited to this day.[065]
  313. Bookmark: #entrust-fbi-encryption
    Robert C. Mueller gave Hillary Clinton access to 50,000 FBI encryption keys
    On Oct. 29, 2003, ENTRUST, INC. announced that it was awarded the contract to provide Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificate authority (encryption keys) to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as well as Blackberry (Research in Motion - RIM) and the U.K. Bureau of Customs and Excise.

    Wesley K. Clark
    Wesley K. Clark
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Thomas E. Noonan
    Thomas E. Noonan
    ENTRUST also announced its partnership with with Thomas E. Noonan, Internet Security Services, Inc.—appointed by NAC founder James P. Chandler, III, and member of the White House NIAC spy agency run out of the White House. Former Clinton Allied Supreme Commander Wesley K. Clark had been a director since 2002. Clark resigned this directorship in Nov. 2003 in mid term, enabling the remaining directors to fill the chair with a replacement selected by the other directors and not by the shareholders.[1366]
  314. Nicholas William Peter Clegg
    Nicholas William Peter Clegg
    Nov. 15, 2003, British politician Nicholas William Peter Clegg was appointed director of The European Movement of the United Kingdom Ltd. Co. No. 00551817. On Oct. 19, 2018, Clegg was appointed vice-president of global affairs and communication.[1434]
  315. Bookmark: #entrust-appointed-jerry-c-jones-rose-law-firm
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Jerry C. Jones
    Jerry C. Jones
    Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton
    On Dec. 05, 2003, Jerry C. Jones was elected as director of ENTRUST INC to fill the vacancy created by Gen. Wesley C. Clark's mid-term resignation from the board of directors. Given ENTRUST's announced FBI contract, the addition of Jerry C. Jones, colleague of Bill & Hillary Clitnon at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas meant that then FBI Director Robert C. Mueller had an immediate duty to disclose his conflict of interest with Hillary and Bill Clinton since the Clinton's had in Jerry C. Jones, insider access to 50,000 FBI encruption keys via his "Class I" directorship in ENTRUST INC.[1365]
  316. Mark E. Zuckerberg
    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    On Dec. 12, 2003, The Harvard Crimson carried its fourth article about Zuckerberg in six weeks, titled "College Inches Toward a Facebook."[066] This article is prima facie proof that Zuckerberg’s claims in other litigation that he developed the name "Facebook" in Dec. 2003 are false.
  317. William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    William ("Bill") A. Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP
    Gordon K. Davidson
    Gordon K. Davidson, Fenwick & West LLP
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Chandler kept up the ruse of a confidential Leader legal relationship by accompanying McKibben’s family to the 2004 Harvard-Yale football game during McKibben’s son’s senior season when Harvard won the 2004 Ivy League Championship.
  318. At no time did either Chandler or Fenwick & West LLP seek a conflict of interest waiver from Leader for any of their relationships that conflicted with their legal representation of Leader. It was their sworn oath to do so pursuant to the Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.9 (Duties to Former Clients: "a) A lawyer who has formerly represented a client in a matter shall not thereafter represent a nother person in the same or a substantially related matter in which that person's interests are materially adverse to the interests of the former client unless the former client gives informed consent, confirmed in writing.")
  319. Bookmark: #timothy-berners-lee-knighted
    Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Privy Council
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Privy Council
    Timothy John Berners-Lee
    Sir Timothy Berners-Lee
    On Dec. 31, 2003, Timothy John Berners-Lee (b. 1955 - )was knighted by Queen Elizabeth "for services to the global development of the Internet."

    Timothy is the son of British mathematician and computer scientist Conway Berners-Lee (b. 1921 - ). Conway actually developed network architectures, unlike his son Timothy, who likely just appropriated his father's work into the C.I.A.-created CERN facility in Switzerland. For son Timothy John Berners-Lee to receive an OBE at only 42-yrs. old, when the world wide web was still in its infancy, is telling of an inside job by the Queens' Privy Council, the IBM "Internet of Things" (Feb. 12, 1997) organized by the fascist Highlands Group (ca. Feb. 1995) and the dubious FBI-Carnegie Endowment backdoor encryption conference on Jun. 07, 1993.

    Hindsight reveals that Berners-Lee has been tightly associated with the globalist Deep State. For example, he became a distinguished fellow of the British Computer Society (1996 - Lord Louis Mountbatten was President of BCS from 1966-1967 and was a Privy Counselor), an organization intimately connected to Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie (Privy Counselor), the Intellectual Property Institute (UK) and SERCO. On Jun. 14, 1997, Berners-Lee was awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE). This was when Lord Mark Malloch-Brown (Privy Counselor) had moved to upstate New York and rented housing from globalist George Soros while Malloch-Brown was director of the World Bank, External Affairs, United Nations Affairs. In 1998, Berners-Lee was awarded the Mountbatten Medal - a globalist activist. In 2010, he was awarded UNESCO's Niels Bohr award. Berners Lee received honorary degrees from numerous globalist universities, including Columbia (2001), Oxford (2001), Harvard (2011) and Yale (2014).[1409] [1410] [1411] [1412]

    More CIA Propaganda
    Raw *.mp4 video file
  320. Bookmark: #2004


  321. Bookmark: #terrorex-04
    On Jan 7-11, 2004, Leader provided critical integrated communications and software technologies to the Terrorex ’04 Government Emerging Technology Alliance consisting of the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security and Defense and the Boeing Industrial Consortium for Homeland Security. Notably, Leader marked its illustrations of Leader2Leader® screens "patent pending."[067] Clearly, Leader’s homeland security emphasis was in direct conflict with Eurotech and its progeny.
  322. Bookmark: #island-forum-2004
    Teo Chee Hean
    Teo Chee Hean
    Richard P. O'Neill
    Richard P. O'Neill, convenor of The Highlands Forum and The Highlands Group
    On Jan. 16-17, 2004, The Highlands Group president Richard oversaw the two-day "Island Forum 2004." The Forum was opened by Singpore Minister for Defence, RADMN(NS) Teo Chee Hean. The theme was "Information in Conflict." The Forum was attended by 40 "delegates" from Australia, India, Israel, Singapore, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.[811]
  323. Bookmark: #ibm-eclipsecon-2004
    right animated arrow
    IBM EclipseCon 2004
    On Feb. 02, 2004, Eclipse began EclipseCON, its first public conference. Who’s Who tech cast of characters attended; eagerly awaited Version 3.0 of Leader Technologies’ invention of social networking stolen by Eclipse and IBM’s lawyers.[188]
  324. Bookmark: #facebook-launch
    James R. Clapper, NSA
    James R. Clapper, NSA
    Reggie B. Walton
    FISA Judge Reggie B. Walton
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Facebook logo
    right animated arrowOn Feb. 04, 2004, Facebook launched.[068] According to NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden, Facebook began feeding user to the National Security Agency (NSA) on Jun. 6, 2009, soon after Eric H. Holder, Jr.'s appointment as U.S. Attorney General, approved by FISA Court Judge Reggie B. Walton who granted Eric Holder almost dictatorial powers to conduct illegal warrantless surveillance on American citizens.[187]
  325. On or before Mar. 01, 2004, mostly former PayPal principals Reid Hoffman, James W. Breyer, Ping Li, Jim Swartz, Accel Partners LLP, Matthew R. Cohler, Joseph Lonsdale (Palantir) and Peter A. Thiel (Palantir) all became big winners in the 2012 Facebook IPO.[189] These individuals coached and financed Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard.

    Bookmarks: #cartel-money #paypal-mafia #Fig-24
  326. The "PayPal (Klepto-tech) Mafia"
    James W. Breyer
    James W. Breyer
    Reid Hoffman
    Reid Hoffman
    Peter A. Thiel
    Peter A Thiel
    Matthew R. Choler
    Matthew R. Cohler
    James Swartz
    James Swartz
    Ping Li
    Ping Li
    Joseph Lonsdale
    Joseph Lonsdale
    The PayPal (Klepto-tech) Mafia associations:
    Person: Organizations associated with this person:
    James W. Breyer Accel Partners, National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), Facebook, IDG Capital (China), IDG-Accel (China), Wal-Mart, Disney, News Corp, Council on Foreign Relations (see Jul. 09, 2009, Hillary Clinton's Blumenthal speech), Square, Squarespace, Harvard, Larry Summers
    James Swartz Accel Partners, Facebook, Harvard, Larry Summers
    Ping Li Accel Partners, Facebook, Harvard, Larry Summers
    Reid Hoffman PayPal, Facebook, LinkedIn, Mozilla, Zynga, Edmundo, Airbnb, Greylock Partners, Workday, Dropbox, Pandora, Cloudera, Pure Storage, Coupons.com, Stanford
    Peter A. Thiel PayPal, Facebook, Palantir (In-Q-tel C.I.A.), Clarium Capital, Stanford
    Joseph Lonsdale PayPal, Palantir (In-Q-tel C.I.A.), Oscar, OpenGov, Stanford
    Matthew Cohler PayPal, Facebook, Instagram, Stanford, Larry Summers
    Fig. 24—Public records reveal that the principals in PayPal sold the company to eBay in July 2002. They began looking around for "the next big idea." Leader Technologies' social networking invention became their target with the cooperation of Larry H. Summers (then Harvard's president) and James P. Chandler, former Harvard Law School professor and Leader Technologies' patent attorney.
  327. Microsoft pay to play
    IBM pay to play
    HP pay to play
    SAP pay to play
    On Mar. 03, 2004, IBM Eclipse Foundation board appointed: IBM, Intel, SAP AG, Hewlett Packard, Ericcson, QNX, MontaVista, Serena and University of Washington (Microsoft in stealth).[190]

    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    IBM has paid Bill Clinton $200,000 in speaking fees. HP has donated up to $1 million to The Clinton Foundation. Microsoft and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have donated up to $25.5 million to The Clinton Foundation. SAP paid Bill Clinton $250,000 in speaking fees.[320] [317]
  328. C.I.A. 9/11 whistleblower Susan Lindauer arrested as mentally unfit to shut her up (held without trial for two years)

    Michael B. Mukasey
    Michael B. Mukasey
    On Mar. 11, 2004, C.I.A. 9/11 whistleblower Susan Lindauer was arrested and charged as a spy for Iraqi intelligence largely on psychiatrist Stuart Kleinman testimony of mental disorder and grandiose delusions; only second non-Arab American prosecuted by the Patriot Act by Southern District of New York Judge Michael B. Mukasey, later appointed Attorney General on Nov. 09, 2007. Lindauer had knowledge of plans to crash planes into the World Trade Center. See Susan Lindauer Apr. 15, 2001 9/11 Warning.
  329. Citigroup pay to play
    Lawrence H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Mar. 12, 2004, Bill Clinton was paid a $250,000 speaking fee by Citigroup in Paris, France, subsequently a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Facebook underwriter. Citi Foundation and Citigroup have donated up to $5.25 million to The Clinton Foundation.[320] Larry Summers was paid $99,000 in speaking fees by Citigroup in 2008.Summers Fee Table.[319]
  330. Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Mar. 24, 2004, Clinton Foundation HIV / AIDS Initiative, Inc. incorporated File No. 80030285 in Arkansas by registered agent Stephanie Street, now executive director of The Clinton Foundation.[475]
  331. Bookmark: #sandberg-planted-at-google
    A New World Order book cover, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton University Press Apr. 12, 2004
    Geroge Soros
    George Soros, New World Order financier
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary Clinton
    Anne-Marie Slaughter
    Anne-Marie Slaughter, New World Order advocate
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    On Apr. 1, 2004, Google launched its Gmail service, overseen by Sheryl K. Sandberg, Google VP of Operations.
  332. Bookmark: #anne-marie-slaughter-a-new-world-order
    Anne-Marie Slaughter
    Anne-Marie Slaughter, New World Order advocate
    A New World Order book cover, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton University Press Apr. 12, 2004
    On or about Apr. 12, 2004, Anne-Marie Slaughter published "A New World Order" (Princeton University Press, 2004). In 2009, Hillary Clinton appointed Slaughter as a chief political adviser to write Hillary's speeches and help define Barack Obama's foreign policy, most notably "public-private partnerships" that "harness[ing] private incentives to public policy." Critics call this a legitimization of institutional corruption.[285]

    "[In Anne-Marie Slaughter's fantasy world] the state is not disappearing, it's disaggregating, meaning it is simply operating through all its different branches, through regulatory agencies, through judges, through legislators, and they are all networking with one another." —Anne-Marie Slaughter Dept. of State speech, Apr. 12, 2004
  333. Bookmark: #nvca-breyer
    National Venture Capital Association (NVCA)

    Ground Zero for financing Silicon Valley, the New World Order, and the theft of Leader Technologies' social networking invention
    James W. Breyer
    James W. Breyer
    right animated arrowright animated arrowright animated arrowOn May 13, 2004, James W. Breyer, Accel Partners LLP, was appointed chairman of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA). Joining him as directors were Robert Ketterson (Fidelity Ventures), Gilman Louie (In-Q-Tel, C.I.A.) and Theodore "Ted" E. Schlein (Kleiner Perkins), joining other director advisers from Vanguard (Ann Rockhold), TIAA-CREF, BlackRock, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, RBC, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, UBS and T. Rowe Price. All of the above are Facebook underwriters and investors. All of the presiding judges in Leader v. Facebook hold stocks in these companies.[069]

    Breyer hijacked the NVCA for his New World Order Financing agenda that included the theft of Leader Technologies' social networking invention.

    Accel Partners LLP
    American Express
    Andreessen, Marc
    Bank of America
    Blankfein, Lloyd
    Bowles, Erskine B.
    Breyer, James W.
    Breyer, John P.
    Chambers, John T.
    Cohler, Matthew R.
    Corzine, Jon
    Credit Suisse
    Davidson, Gordon K.
    Deloitte & Touche
    Deutsche Bank
    Dimon, Jamie
    Fahr LLC
    Farallon Capital
    Fenwick & West LLP
    Fenwick, William A.
    Fidelity Ventures
    Gates Foundation
    Gates, Bill and Melinda
    George Washington University
    Giustra, Frank
    GMP Securities, Ltd.
    Goldman Sachs
    Harvard University
    Hellman & Friedman LLC
    Hoffman, Reid
    Holmes, Frank
    IDG Capital Partners (China)
    IDG-Accel (China)
    In-Q-Tel (C.I.A.)
    JPMorgan Chase & Co.
    Juniper Networks
    Ketterson, Robert C.
    Kleiner Perkins LLP
    Lamont, Ann Huntress
    Lehman Brothers
    Li, Ping
    Lindfors, John
    Lonsdale, Joseph
    Louie, Gilman
    Loughridge, Mark McNamee, Roger
    McKinsey & Co.
    Merrill Lynch
    Micron Technology
    Morenz, Shea B.
    Morgan Stanley
    Nat. Ven. Cap. Assoc. (NVCA)
    NextGen Climate Action
    Price Waterhouse
    Reynolds, Paul
    Schlein, Theodore "Ted" E.
    Silver Lake Partners
    Sindhu, Pradeep
    Stanford University
    State Street Corp
    Steyer, Thomas Fahr
    Summers, Lawrence "Larry" H.
    Swartz, James
    T. Rowe Price
    Tamas, Alexander
    Telfer, Ian
    Thiel, Peter A.
    Vectra Networks
    Verdian, Israeli
    Walton Family
    Wells Fargo
    Wininchina LLP (Breyer)
    Woodyer, Neil
    Yang, Bob
    Gilman Louie
    Theodore "Ted" E. Schlein, Kleiner Perkins
    Gilman Louie
    Gilman Louie, CEO, In-Q-Tel, C.I.A.
    James W. Breyer
    Robert C. Ketterson, Fidelity
    Lloyd Blankfein
    Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs
    On May 13, 2004, the National Venture Capital Assoc. (NVCA) appointed James W. Breyer ("PayPal Mafia"), Managing Partner, Accel Partners LLP, as chairman, along with other director appointments including Robert Ketterson (Fidelity Ventures), Gilman Louie (In-Q-Tel, C.I.A.) and Theodore "Ted" E. Schlein (Kleiner Perkins), joining other director advisers from Vanguard (Ann Rockhold), TIAA-CREF,
    Pay to Play Gallery
    BlackRock, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, RBC, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, UBS and T. Rowe Price. All of the above are Facebook underwriters and investors. All of the presiding judges in Leader v. Facebook hold stocks in these companies.[069]

    The Pay-to-Play relationships among Larry Summers and the Clintons with the NVCA are legion. The better question is: Who in technology and fiance has not paid to play?

    Lawrence H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    In 2008 alone, Larry Summers received speaking fees from these NVCA principals: JPMorgan ($87,500), Citigroup ($99,000), Goldman Sachs ($222,500), State Street Corp ($167,500), Barclays (Lehman Brothers) ($153,000), Price Waterhouse ($92,500), Merrill Lynch (Bank of America) ($45,000) and American Express ($67,500). Summers Fee Table.[319]

    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    Bill and Hillary Clinton have received speaking fees from these NVCA principals: JPMorgan ($200,000), Citigroup ($700,000), Goldman Sachs ($1,150,000), Barclays ($325,000), Price Waterhouse ($400,000), Bank of America/Merrill Lynch ($875,000), Deutsche Bank ($1,255,000), Credit Suisse ($1,245,000), IBM ($200,000), KPMG ($350,000), Deloitte & Touche ($175,000), Morgan Stanley ($125,000), UBS ($675,000), Vanguard ($400,000).[317]

    The Clinton Foundation has received donations from these NVCA principals: Microsoft and Bill and Melinda Gates (up to $25.5 million), Citi Foundation and Citigroup (up to $5.25 million), The Wal-Mart Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation (James W. Breyer, director) (up to $10 million), Bank of America Foundation and Merrill Lynch Foundation (up to $1.25 million), Jon Corzine (former Goldman Sachs CEO, up to $250,000), Credit Suisse (up to $250,000), Roger McNamee (Facebook, Silver Lake Partners, Dell, EMC, T. Rowe Price) (up to $250,000), McKinsey & Co (up to $250,000), Erskine B. Bowles (Facebook director) (up to $100,000), Deutsche Bank (up to $200,000).[320]
  334. Bookmark: #jpmorgan-ibm
    Goldman Sachs pay to play
    JPMorgan pay to play
    IBM pay to play
    Mark Loughridge
    Mark Loughridge, IBM
    Lloyd Blankfein
    Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs
    Bob Yang
    Bob Yang, Goldman Sachs
    Jamie Dimon
    Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan
    On May 27, 2004, JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon issued a $10 billion line of credit to IBM (Mark Loughridge) while Goldman Sachs arranged debt financing for Lenovo, Beijing, China. This meant that Facebook's underwriters engaged in double-dealing on both sides of the IBM sale of the PC group to Lenovo on Dec. 8, 2004.[193]
  335. Lawrence H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    By Jun. 01, 2004, The Harvard Crimson had mentioned the 19-year sophomore Zuckerberg and/or Facebook Fifty-one (51) times, more than any other subject, company or world leader.[070]
  336. On Jun. 06, 2004, Leader Technologies' patent application and claims published by the U.S. Patent Office for the first time. Groups functionality disclosed in the claimed innovations.[194]
  337. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    On Jun. 29, 2004, Markland Technologies (CRYPTO.com/Chandler) acquired EOIR Technologies. Chandler sought no waiver of conflicts from Leader even though EOIR was involved in homeland security technologies that could benefit from the results of Leader’s LLNL CRADA.[071]
  338. Barack H. Obama
    Barack H. Obama
    right animated arrowright animated arrowright animated arrowOn Jul. 27, 2004, Barack H. Obama introduced at the Democratic National Convention; unseated Hillary Clinton; subsequently announced his presidential candidacy, collected donations, disseminated propaganda and fundamentally relied on Leader Technologies' invention throughout his campaign, as appropriated by Facebook, without disclosing his misappropriation of Leader's property.[195]
  339. Peter A. Thiel
    Peter A. Thiel
    Bookmark: #thiel-facebook-investment
    In Aug. 2004, Peter A. Thiel (former PayPal) invested $500,000 in Facebook.[196]
  340. Bookmark: #google-ipo
    Google logo  
    JPMorgan pay to play
    Morgan Stanley pay to play
    Goldman Sachs pay to play
    Lehman Brothers pay to play
    Citigroup pay to play
    Credit Suisse pay to play
    Allen & Co pay to play
    UBS pay to play
    On Aug. 18, 2004, Google went public (an Eclipse member) using a family cast of underwriters to this scandal: JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Lehman Brothers, Allen & Co., Citigroup and UBS (all Facebook underwriters).[197]

    On Jan. 14, 2009, Google began feeding user data to the NSA, according to NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden.
  341. Steven A. Balmer
    Steven A. Balmer
    William H. Gates
    William H. Gates
    Mark Loughridge
    Mark Loughridge
    On Aug. 31, 2004, IBM (with Motorola and Nokia–Microsoft surrogate) proposed embedded systems Eclipse project (end result will be spying toasters and TVs).[198]
  342. In Sep. 2004, Facebook launched groups feature first described publicly in Leader Technologies' patent disclosure published by the U.S. Patent Office on Jun. 06, 2004.
  343. Bookmark: #hayden-nsa-ses
    Michael V. Hayden
    Michael V. Hayden
    In Oct. 2004, NSA Director Michael V. Hayden recommended further expansion of the NSA's Senior Executive Service (SES) programs that he had previously expanded in 2001. In 2001, NSA had created a 'pool' of GS-15 employees who were candidates for appointment to the DISES (Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service (managers)) and DISL corps Defense Intelligence Senior Level (technical leaders)). Why? As explained in DIRgram-350, Director Hayden became convinced in 2001 that NSA was understaffed with senior executives, given the increased hiring at the Agency and the demands of the GWOT (Global War on Terrorism). He therefore decided to appoint more seniors, up to the maximum number allowed by the DoD. When this level was reached in October, 2004—and the Agency was not authorized to appoint any more seniors—so Hayden announced his intention to work with DoD to raise that level to allow additional seniors to be named.[1019]
  344. Bookmark: #tsinghua-joined-eclipse
    Tsinghua University logo
    On Oct. 27, 2004, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China joined Eclipse.[199]
  345. George W. Bush
    George W. Bush
    On Nov. 02, 2004, George W. Bush was elected 43rd President of the United States.
  346. Bookmark: #scl-founded
    Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Nigel J. Oakes
    Nigel J. Oakes
    On Oct. 27, 2004 to 2013, Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie founded Strategic Communications Laboratories Limited (SCL), including its subsidiary Cambridge Analytica. Co-founder Nigel J. Oakes, said SCL was 'the first private company to provide psychological warfare services, or 'psyops', to the military' (The Guardian, Sep. 10, 2005). Other directors included John Michael Bottomley, Alexander James Ashburner Nix and Alexander W. Oakes.[1330]
  347. Bookmark: #ses-2004-plum-book
    Senior Executive Service (SES) flag and logo
    On Nov. 22, 2004, the Senate published the seventh "Plum Book" describing over 9,357 Senior Executive Services (SES) employees titled H. Prt. 108-955. (Nov. 22, 2004). Plum Book, Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. U.S. Senate, 106th Congress, 2d Session. Y 4.P 84/10:P 75/. GPO.[1010]

    On Oct. 13, 1978, The Senior Executive Service (SES) was created as Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978 under President Jimmy Carter.

    2004 Plum Book includes:[1010]
    No. Lastname Firstname
    1 Armitage Richard L.
    2 Ashcroft John
    3 Bolton John R.
    4 Chao Elaine L.
    5 Clement Paul D.
    6 Comey Jr. James B.
    7 Conway Paul T.
    8 Cummings Elijah E.
    9 Goss Poter J.
    10 Libby I. Lewis "Scooter"
    11 Marshall Andrew W. 
    12 Mueller Robert S.
    13 Negroponte John D.
    14 Powell Colin L.
    15 Renne James L.
    16 Rice Condoleeza
    17 Ridge Thomas J.
    18 Rove Karl C. 
    19 Rumsfeld Donald H.
    20 Sanders Benard "Bernie"
    21 Tiberi Patrick J.
    22 Waxman Henry A.
    23 Wolfowitz Paul D.
    24 Wray Chistopher A. 

  348. Goldman Sachs pay to play
    Bob Yang
    Bob Yang, Goldman Sachs
    Lloyd Blankfein
    Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Dec. 03, 2004, Bill Clinton was paid a $125,000 speaking fee by Goldman Sachs in New York, a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Facebook underwriter. Goldman Sachs has donated up to $100,000. Former Goldman Sachs CEO, Jon Corzine, has donated up to $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.[320] [317]
  349. Bookmark: #ibm-unable-to-locate-leader-technologies
    David J. Kappos
    David J. Kappos,
    Mark Loughridge
    Mark Loughridge,
    Gordon K. Davidson
    Gordon K. Davidson, Fenwick & West LLP, James W. Breyer's and Leader Technologies' counsel
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III, IBM's and Leader Technologies' counsel
    right animated arrowOn Dec. 08, 2004, Eclipse stated that they were "unable to locate" the original contributor; declared that they must "re-implement "its founding (Leader Technologies) source code. "Re-implementation" of a pre-existing idea in the software business is a euphemism for copying.[072] Remarkably, on Dec. 04, 2002 they wrote that the contributions were all coming from a "single company" (which they never identified). However, Eclipse's attorneys, notably James P. Chandler and Fenwick & West LLP knew without question that Leader Technologies' invention was the source of the intellectual property being exploited by IBM and Eclipse.
  350. Bookmark: #ibm-sold-out-to-chinese
    Jamie Dimon
    Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase
    Bob Yang
    Bob Yang, Goldman Sachs
    Lloyd Blankfein
    Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs
    Mark Loughridge
    Mark Loughridge, IBM
    David J. Kappos
    David J. Kappos, IBM (later Obama's Patent Office Director (2009-2014)
    On Dec. 08, 2004, IBM PC Group, Mark Loughridge,[203] Chief Financial Officer (CFO), sold to Lenovo (China).[200] Lenovo financed by Goldman Sachs' Bob Yang, now executive to international money launderer HSBC;[201] IBM sold 750 patents to Facebook (themselves) on Mar. 22, 2012;[139] JPMorgan gave IBM an $10 billion line of credit earlier on May 27, 2004.[193] IBM sold server division to Lenovo on Oct. 01, 2014, underwritten by Facebook's underwriters, Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse.[202] The law firm Cravath Swaine LLP, where former IBMer and Patent Office director, David J. Kappos, moved, was counsel to this transaction. All in the (crime) family.
    JPMorgan pay to play
    Credit Suisse pay to play
    Goldman Sachs pay to play
    IBM pay to play
    Lenovo logo
  351. Bookmark: #2005


  352. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    From Jan. 03, 2005 to Mar. 03, 2006, Mark Malloch-Brown became Chief of Staff to Secretary-General Kofi Annan: The Guardian, Jan. 12, 2005: "Meet Kofi Annan's right hand man."[1287]
  353. The illegal DNI/Clinton Protectorate
    James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    Patrick F. Kennedy
    Patrick F. Kennedy
    On Feb. 01, 2005, Patrick F. Kennedy headed the Transition Team that set up the newly created Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). This assignment lasted through Apr. 2005. He then became Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Management from April 2005 to May 2007.[484]

    Barack H. Obama
    Barack H. Obama
    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    James P. Chandler, III, Leader Technologies' patent attorney and outside counsel to IBM, played a pivotal role in the remaking of U.S. intelligence, starting with the Bill Clinton and Executive Order No. 12958 on Apr. 17, 1995. On Jan. 18, 2001, Chandler and Bill Gates were appointed by outgoing President Clinton to the National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC). Chandler then advised the updated National Infrastructure Advisory Council (also NAIC) under George W. Bush—when Kennedy was handling the DNI transition in early 2005. This timing means that Chandler and Kennedy most assuredly collaborated, then during the Bush Administration, and through the Obama Administration while Kennedy has stonewalled at the State Department for the Clintons and The Clinton Foundation.

    Kennedy has played a key role in the stonewalling of FOIA requests that are protecting Hillary Clinton in her various State Department scandals involving Benghazi, The Clinton Foundation Pay-to-Play, and her private email server.[485] [486]
  354. On Feb. 28, 2005, Eclipse released Version 3.2.[073]
  355. James W. Breyer
    James W. Breyer
    On Mar. 02, 2005, Accel Partners LLP, James W. Breyer, Facebook Chairman, incorporated IDG Technology Venture Investment III, L.P. that formed WininChina, Inc. on Dec. 12, 2006. The IDG and WininChina entities were identified as secret tax havens by HSBC whistleblower Hervé Falciani in 2015. The HSBC database actually identifies at least four Breyer associates as principals in both IDG and WininChina. They are John P. Breyer (father), Patrick J. McGovern, Hugo Shong and Xin Xu.[074]
  356. James P. Chandler, III
    James P. Chandler, III
    David J. Kappos
    David J. Kappos
    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Geoffrey E. Pattie
    On Mar. 31, 2005, Microsoft, Wilmer Hale Door LLP, Baker McKenzie LLP, Esther Dyson, Finnegan Henderson LLP all joined the British Intellectual Property Institute reorganized by Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie on Jan. 01, 1995. The former name was The Common Law Institute of Intellectual Capital.[1720] [1234] [1235]

    Geoffrey E. Pattie was also the founder of SERCO that now essentially runs the U.S. Patent Office since 2006.[1329]
  357. Goldman Sachs pay to play
    Bob Yang
    Bob Yang, Goldman Sachs
    Lloyd Blankfein
    Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Apr. 20, 2005, Bill Clinton was paid a $125,000 speaking fee by Goldman Sachs in Kiawah Island, Georgia, a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Facebook underwriter. Goldman Sachs has donated up to $100,000 to The Clinton Foundation. Former Goldman Sachs CEO, Jon Corzine, has donated up to $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.[320] [317]
  358. Deutsche Bank pay to play
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On May 04, 2005, Bill Clinton was paid a $125,000 speaking fee by Deutsche Bank in Baltimore, Maryland, a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Facebook underwriter. Deutsche Bank has donated up to $200,000 to The Clinton Foundation.[320] [317]
  359. Bookmark: #clegg-to-parliament
    Nicholas William Peter Clegg
    Nicholas William Peter Clegg
    On May 05, 2005 to Jun. 08, 2017, British politician Nicholas William Peter Clegg was elected Member of Parliament (MP) for Sheffield, Hailam. On Oct. 19, 2018, Clegg was appointed vice-president of global affairs and communication at Facebook.[1434]

    UK Parliament Positions & Responsibilities:

    Shadow Spokesperson for the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (2005 May - 2006 Mar.)

    Tax Law Rewrite Bills, Joint Committee (2005 Nov. - 2008 May)

    Consolidation etc. Bills, Joint Committee (2006 Nov - 2008 May)

    Shadow Secretary of State, Home Office (2006 May - 2007 Dec)

    Leader, Liberal Democratic Party (2007 Dec - 2015 May)

    Deputy Prime Minister, David Cameron Cabinet (2010 May - 2015 May)

    Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission (2010 May - 2015 Mar)

    Spokesperson, International Trade, Exiting the European Union (2016 Oct - 2017 May)

    Liberal Demoncrat Party Leader, resigned (2017 May 08)

    Member of Parliament (MP) for Sheffield, Hallam, lost election (2017 Jun. 08)
  360. Bookmark: #ted-gunderson-fbi-rogue-cia
    Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Special Agent In Charge (ret): Congress was compromised "through sex and drugs" into passing the Patriot Act (and other bills) by a "rogue criminal enterprise operating within the government"
    On May 12, 2005, Theodore "Ted" L. Gunderson, FBI Special Agent In Charge (ret.) (1928-2011) was an FBI Superstar during his 27-year career. He said in a speech on May 12, 2005:[640]
    Theodore 'Ted' L. Gunderson Work History, FBI Special Agent In Charge (ret.); 1928, Nov 7, Born in Colorado Springs CO; 1950, Graduated from University of Nebraska; 1951, Dec, Joined the FBI under Director J. Edgar Hoover; 1951-1973, Special Agent: Mobile AL, Knoxville TN, New York City NY, Albuquerque NM; Assistant Special Agent In Charge: New Haven CT, Philadelphia PA; 1973, Special Agent In Charge: Memphis FBI; 1975, Special Agent In Charge: Dallas TX; 1977, Special Agent In Charge: Los Angeles CA, commanded 700 personnel, $22.5 million budget, 1979, FBI Director candidate short list (ultimately went to William H. Webster); 1977, Awarded Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer in America by the AFL-CIO Metal Trades Council; 1979, Mar 30, Retired from the FBI; 1979, Founded Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, licensed private investigation firm, Santa Monica CA; 1979, Jul 01, Security Coordinator for 1979 Pan American Games, San Juan, Puerto Rico at the request of US Attorney General Griffin Bell; 1980, Defense Investigator for Green Beret Dr. Jeffrey R. MacDonald; 1984, Jul 21, Consultant to 1984 Olympic Games, Los Angeles CA; 1985, Consultant to Governor Jerry Brown, California Narcotics Authority; 1985-2011, Public Speaker to expose graft, corruption, illegal, criminal activity involving public officials, counterintelligence, child kidnapping, child trafficking, child auctions, espionage, drugs, cults, human sacrifices, Deep State shadow government, and related matters affecting the health, safety and well-being of America and the world; 2011, Jul 31, Died of cancer; Godspeed Good Patriot
    TED GUNDERSON: Let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen, there are "people in our government ... a rogue outfit" who orchestrate terrorist acts in order to get Congress to pass Bills like the Patriot Act, and that many of those votes are procured through blackmail through sex and drugs. He says it is "a rogue outfit" . . . "who orchestrate terrorists acts [like 9/11]" ... "so they can pass bills like the Patriot Act" ... "which takes away man of our constitutional rights and civil liberties"

    There is a "covert military criminal enterprise, government enterprise, primarily by US military intelligence, that is operating full throttle and everybody refuses to investigate it."
    https://youtu.be/Bk4TrZv0MJ4 | Raw *.mp4 video file
    TRANSCRIPT OF THIS VIDEO SEGMENT at 39min 29secs of Ted Gunderson's hour-long speech:

    "Let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen, there are people in our government, a rogue outfit, whatever I’m not sure, who are actually behind these terrorist acts. The reason they're behind terrorist acts is so they can pass bills like the Patriot Act. The reason the Congressmen and Senators vote for these stupid bills, stupid by our terms, in our definition, is because many of them have been set up and framed through sex and drugs."
    Click here for a FULL (1 hr. 3 min.) VIDEO of Ted Gunderson's May 12, 2005 presentation.[639]

    Click here for a FULL TRANSCRIPT of Ted Gunderson's May 12, 2005 video-taped presentation.[640] [641]

    Click here for CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE (May 03, 1994) video about Washington, D.C. child sex trafficking by the rich and powerful, including the White House, mentioned by Ted Gunderson in his speech and obtained by him in 1994 after Discovery Channel was pressured by unknown Congressmen into not airing and destroying it.[642] See also this timeline's May 03, 1994 entry.

    Ted Gunderson's credentials are above reproach. In 1979, Gunderson was a candidate for Director of the FBI (William H. Webster was chosen). Gunderson had been Special Agent In Charge of the Los Angeles Office, commanding 700 personnel and a $22.5 million budget. During Ted Gunderson's remarkable 28-year career with the FBI he served in these capacities:

    • Special Agent In Charge: Los Angeles, Dallas, Memphis
    • Assistant Special Agent In Charge: New Haven, Philadelphia
    • Special Agent: Mobile, Knoxville, New York, Albuquerque
    • Awarded 1977 Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer in America by the AFL-CIO Metal Trades Council
    Click here for Ted Gunderson's Biography PDF.[644]
    Ted Gunderson identified two vocal naysayers who made disparaging remarks about of his efforts to expose the Deep State shadow government—Stew Webb and Barbara Hartwell. He says they are victims of a well known C.I.A. mind control program called MKUltra. In 1987, Congress investigated MKUltra and ordered stopped, but it continues. When will Congress stop being moral pin heads?

    May the Lord have mercy on and save these defenseless children.
    Godspeed to our patriots who are working to bring these criminals to justice.
    Shame on the rogue C.I.A. Deep State shadow government for this depravity.
    https://youtu.be/MkisFB1LoZk | Raw *.mp4 video file.
  361. Lloyd Blankfein
    Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs
    James W. Breyer
    James W. Breyer
    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    On May 26, 2005, Accel Partners LLP, James W. Breyer, announced a $13 million Facebook investment. Goldman Sachs began underwriting private transactions of Facebook insider shares. This "dark pools" practice has been declared illegal in numerous Congressional hearings, but the practice continues.[075]
  362. Bookmark: #milner-digital-sky
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Sheryl K. Sandberg
    Lawrence H. Summers
    Larry H. Summers
    Yuri Milner
    Yuri Milner
    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    Mark E. Zuckerberg
    On Jun. 1, 2005 (est.), Russian Yuri Milner, colleague of Sheryl K. Sandberg, and protégé of Lawrence "Larry" Summers at Harvard and the World Bank, started DST a.k.a. Digital Sky Technologies in Moscow. Goldman Sachs (Moscow) became a partner, along with Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov.
  363. Goldman Sachs pay to play
    Bob Yang
    Bob Yang, Goldman Sachs
    Lloyd Blankfein
    Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Jun. 06, 2005, Bill Clinton was paid a $250,000 speaking fee by Goldman Sachs in Paris, France, a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Facebook underwriter. Goldman Sachs has donated up to $100,000 to The Clinton Foundation. Former Goldman Sachs CEO, Jon Corzine, has donated up to $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.[320] [317]
  364. Goldman Sachs pay to play
    Bob Yang
    Bob Yang, Goldman Sachs
    Lloyd Blankfein
    Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Jun. 13, 2005, Bill Clinton was paid a $150,000 speaking fee by Goldman Sachs in Greensboro, Georgia, a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Facebook underwriter. Goldman Sachs has donated up to $100,000 to The Clinton Foundation. Former Goldman Sachs CEO, Jon Corzine, has donated up to $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.[320] [317]
  365. #scl-founded
    On Jun. 29, 2005, Eclipse released Version 3.1.[076]
  366. Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie
    Nigel J. Oakes
    Nigel J. Oakes
    On Jul. 20, 2005 to 2018, Nigel J. Oakes, co-founder CEO of Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL Group) founded by Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, admitted regarding the mission of the SCL Group:

    "We used to be in the business of mindbending for political purposes, but now we are in the business of saving lives." (The Guardian, Sep. 10, 2005).

    Other directors included John Michael Bottomley, Alexander Jaems Ashburner Nix, Alexander W. Oakes, Nigel John Oakes, Julian David Wheatland, Roger Michael Gabb, David Ferguson Christie and Nigel John Oakes.[1330]
  367. Deutsche Bank pay to play
    Hillary R. Clinton
    Hillary R. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    William J. Clinton
    On Aug. 11, 2005, Bill Clinton was paid a $150,000 speaking fee by Deutsche Bank in New York, a member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Facebook underwriter. Deutsche Bank has donated up to $200,000 to The Clinton Foundation.[320] [317]
  368. Leader Technologies provided the primary life saving and disaster recovery communications after Hurricane Katrina
    Leader Technologies provided the primary life saving and disaster recovery communications to the State of Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina while Breyer, Zuckerberg and Facebook were ripping them off.
    On Aug. 30, 2005, Leader Technologies was called upon by Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco to provide what turned out to be the only working life saving and disaster recovery large-scale collaboration system for the state’s emergency services, military and its federal partners in response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.[077]
  369. Leader Technologies used their social networking invention to bail out federal and state agencies whose communications systems had failed after Hurricane Katrina landfall
    On Sep. 05, 2017 (Day 7, Labor Day), Andy Kopplin, Chief of Staff, Governor Kathleen Blanco, State of Lousiana, moderated the Day 7 Hurricane Katrina life saving and disaster recovery response at the Louisiana Emergency Operations Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. As this recording of the conference call confirms, Mr. Kopplin used Leader Technologies' social networking inventions to communicate with all their federal, state and local first responders and elected officials. Leader Technologies. This recording started at 10:00pm CST whereas the meeting with President Bush and Sec. Chertoff at the same location occurred earlier in the day.[777] [778]

    AFI. (Aug. 10, 2017). Newly-released Katrina Day 7 recording: More proof federal agencies knowingly stole Leader Technologies' social networking invention. Americans for Innovation.

    Bush, Chertoff, Army, FEMA, DHS relied on Leader’s invention for post-Katrina life saving after government systems had failed

    In secret, FBI Mueller and DHS Chertoff were illegally spying on Americans using Leader’s invention via Project Stellar Wind

    Figure—https://youtu.be/-GIAPjJsNuA |